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PC Pro Creator


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awesome contrib, 100x easier to install than the ccc n it works like piss! i jus wonder how do i remove the ?> at the top left of the comp build page


That was covered in v2.4.0 - here's the fix:


##### STEP 9. Edit /catalog/compbuild.php





<body marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" topmargin="0" bottommargin="0" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0">


<!-- header //-->


## REPLACE WITH: (if you haven't already)



<body marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" topmargin="0" bottommargin="0" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0">

<!-- header //-->


;) - sorry for the late reply - been bashing version 2.5 into shape - yo'l gonna like it.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people, especially in groups.

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anyway to convert this to load abit quicker when you click on stuff. or possible a different layout? maybe even radio buttons and a list. thanks!


I reckon it'll take a bit of optimising on the db-queries, but that's a little way off - there's a lot of 'bad' code. Right now I'm totally focussed on getting this beast to behave.


I really like the idea of radio buttons - development will progress that way (if possible).



Never underestimate the power of stupid people, especially in groups.

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Thanks for your GREAT Jobs.


after install fresh oscommerce and fix some code for sure work properly on XAMPP. i have problem after right install PPC 2.3.5 -> 2.4.0 then the last 2.4.1 it works perfect ... displaying some items and no problem


but after i update category and add some products then i set currency to IDR as default ... twinks

PPC category only show 2 category from 4 category ( each category dependence was set rights )

twice i'm reinstall oscommerce totally still have these bugs


and the last PPC wont calculate totally amount

ex: CPU X2 blabla Rp. 1.200.000 ( showing price on PPC is Rp. 1200.000 )

Mainboard blablabla Rp. 1.800.000 ( showing price on PPC is Rp. 1800.000 )

Memmory ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ( empty category on PPC, meanwhile on category have lot of items )

total price Rp. 0.00 ( not calculating )


Print Button , add cart button and info button when i clicked do nothing ( no pop up like early fresh install PPC )


Mike, I need your Help

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Thanks for your GREAT Jobs.


after install fresh oscommerce and fix some code for sure work properly on XAMPP. i have problem after right install PPC 2.3.5 -> 2.4.0 then the last 2.4.1 it works perfect ... displaying some items and no problem


but after i update category and add some products then i set currency to IDR as default ... twinks

PPC category only show 2 category from 4 category ( each category dependence was set rights )

twice i'm reinstall oscommerce totally still have these bugs


and the last PPC wont calculate totally amount

ex: CPU X2 blabla Rp. 1.200.000 ( showing price on PPC is Rp. 1200.000 )

Mainboard blablabla Rp. 1.800.000 ( showing price on PPC is Rp. 1800.000 )

Memmory ----------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ( empty category on PPC, meanwhile on category have lot of items )

total price Rp. 0.00 ( not calculating )


Print Button , add cart button and info button when i clicked do nothing ( no pop up like early fresh install PPC )


Mike, I need your Help


Hi, and thanks - this thing is going somewhere now.


I have not looked into the currencies much but will do so asap - this is not the first time a currency problem has come up.


About the problems you seem to be having with your categories - the compbuild_dependences table can get quite cluttered because poor maintenance scripts were in place to remove them if builder categories were deleted, renumbered, etc.. If you say you've reinstalled, does that mean you have cleared the tables too on each attempt... if not then I would suggest clearing the compbuild_dependences table and then redefine your product dependences. Otherwise, I'm not too sure really, I'll try to duplicate the problem and go from there.


Oh, are you running your catalog in english ?


In the meantime - and I'm not sure if it'll fix any of the problems you're having, but it will make things easier for you. Version 2.5.0 is out - see next post.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people, especially in groups.

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Version 2.5.0 is available in the downloads.


The matrix editor has been dollied up a bit and is a bit easier to use. Now you can change builder categories without having to leave the page, and you can select 'all builder' categories for the 'big picture'.


The assembly fee category is no longer hard-coded, this can be set in the configuration.


The builder settings have consolidated on one page - no more tabbing between category and dependency maintenance.


The most significant change that you might not see is that the builder categories do not have to be in strict sequential order any more, i.e. 1,2,3,4,5... for the dependencies to work properly (oops, did I never mention this, ever..), now they can be in a loose sequential order, i.e. 3,5,9,13,24... which is quite handy really if you decide to insert a new category between say, 1 and 2, which would cause a bit of upheaval in your dependency settings, not to mention renumbering the remainder of the builder cats.


Plenty more to say but it's all said in the 2.5.0 download. The demo site has also been updated - see my previous posts for the catalog and admin-side details.

Edited by TENCENTS

Never underestimate the power of stupid people, especially in groups.

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**** ATTENTION: h3rB and JIPANG ****


There is definately an issue with currencies, and until it gets sorted out properly, these minor patches should fix them...



My development site uses hard currency symbols, not the &currency; notation - so for pounds I have the pound symbol, and so on. The easiest way to obtain the symbol is to put your catalog into that currency, pull up one of the products and then do the famous cut 'n paste trick.



I have just discovered that leaving out the 'thousands separator' in the currency definition stops the builder from totalling up (at all). Not having dug any further I'm sure there are more issues like this. Anyway, to fix this in the meantime simply insert a comma or something into your currency definition's thousands separator. If it still gives trouble then I would suggest looking at my demo site's admin panel and compare it to what you have. The demo site works after I made these changes.



This popup used to work. I think it may have been up until I fixed the .00 problem a while back. Anyway, to get the popup (warning you that your total is zero) to work again, edit the following file:






if (form.sum.value=="0"){

alert ("You must have products in order");




if (form.sum.value<"0.01"){

alert ("You must have products in order");



That's it - things should start looking better now.


Never underestimate the power of stupid people, especially in groups.

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Setting individual builder categories to have no dependence will give an error if the builder category points to a catalog category that only has products in its subcategories (ugh! - I dunno how to say that in english - read it fast you might understand what I'm trying to say). Anyway.. this will fix the problem:


Edit /catalog/prduct_list.php




if ($pc_use_dependence==1 && ($pcid[$_GET['row']] != $pcdcat[$_GET['row']])) {




if ($pc_use_dependence==1 && ($pcid[$_GET['row']] != $pcdcat[$_GET['row']]) && ($pcdcat[$_GET['row']] != 0)) {


That's all... (for now).

Never underestimate the power of stupid people, especially in groups.

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Last minute patches - picked up (and corrected!) during the compilation of the 2.5.1 full installation package - and is now available in the downloads.


These last minute changes fix problems with new installations and the recreation of the tables (if you ever delete them). Apply these changes for the sake of being fully up to date, other than that your existing builder installation will not benefit from it.




#### STEP 1: Edit /catalog/includes/column_left.php


## FIND:


if (substr(basename($PHP_SELF), 0, 9) != 'compbuild') {

$builder_query_raw="select pc_use_software FROM " . TABLE_BUILDER_OPTIONS;

$builder_query = tep_db_query($builder_query_raw);

$builder = tep_db_fetch_array($builder_query);

if (tep_db_num_rows($builder_query) > 0 && $builder['pc_use_software'] > 0) {

include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'compbuild.php');






if (substr(basename($PHP_SELF), 0, 9) != 'compbuild') {

include(DIR_WS_BOXES . 'compbuild.php');



#### STEP 2. Edit /catalog/includes/boxes/compbuild.php


## FIND:



<!-- manufacturers //-->




if (mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'compbuild_options'"))==1) {

$builder_query_raw="select pc_use_software FROM " . TABLE_BUILDER_OPTIONS;

$builder_query = tep_db_query($builder_query_raw);

$builder = tep_db_fetch_array($builder_query);

if (tep_db_num_rows($builder_query) > 0 && $builder['pc_use_software'] > 0) {



## FIND:


<!-- manufacturers_eof //-->


// }










#### STEP 3: Edit /catalog/admin/compbuild.php


## FIND:


$messageStack->add_session("Database Tables not found!! - Click Update to Create the DB Tables", 'error');




echo "<table bgcolor=\"red\"><tr><td><font color=\"yellow\"><b>" . TEXT_NO_TABLES . "</b></font></td></tr></table>";


#### STEP 4: Edit /catalog/admin/includes/languages/english/compbuild.php


## FIND:






define('TEXT_NO_TABLES',"Database Tables not found!! - Click Update to Create the DB Tables");





That's it, you're fully up to date now.



Never underestimate the power of stupid people, especially in groups.

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Hi, and thanks - this thing is going somewhere now.


I have not looked into the currencies much but will do so asap - this is not the first time a currency problem has come up.


About the problems you seem to be having with your categories - the compbuild_dependences table can get quite cluttered because poor maintenance scripts were in place to remove them if builder categories were deleted, renumbered, etc.. If you say you've reinstalled, does that mean you have cleared the tables too on each attempt... if not then I would suggest clearing the compbuild_dependences table and then redefine your product dependences. Otherwise, I'm not too sure really, I'll try to duplicate the problem and go from there.


Oh, are you running your catalog in english ?


In the meantime - and I'm not sure if it'll fix any of the problems you're having, but it will make things easier for you. Version 2.5.0 is out - see next post.





i'm running cataloq in English as default even on admin page, i'm using your constribution ( Pc Pro Creator 2.4.1 ) on my templates. i'm not using any constribution mod for best focus and looking best setting


each instalation from PPC 2.3.5 i'm always backup all files and sql too ... then do the same for upgrade 2.4.0 ; and 2.4.1 all files and sql backup in different rar files. so if any bad conditions i'm just deleted and extract 'PURE' files.


yes, i think same like you.. poor maintenance script if were categories have any deleted, rename, renumbered..


nowadays i have your latest files, i will post soon.


Thanks before TENCENTS

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KNOWN ISSUES AFTER V2.5.1 - Things that still need to be sorted out.


If assembly fees is switched off then the builder wont ‘add to cart’ – this seems to be an old problem as I have gone back to previous versions and found the same problem.


How to speed up the products list popup – this is a separate file (prduct_list.php) and is called each time a component is selected. It seems that reducing the number of lines from 27 to 10, in compbuild and builder2, speeds up the popup list. But this setting should not be hardcoded, but rather set at the maximum number of builder categories. It is also not the root cause of the sluggishness.


Dropping session id when adding to cart. (old problem) This is a good thing actually as two builds in a cart would be most confusing. This will be fixed in a major rewrite to make builds appear as products with attributes.


Adding a lot more to settings in admin for all sorts of control over the builder frontend.


Line prices in printout seem to differ from the currency used, eg. Set currency to euro, build an order and then print-preview it – you’ll see the total in euros but the line prices are in dollars.


Builder total is not showing the currency symbol correctly, specifically, it does not convert € (for example) to the euro symbol, instead it just shows €, even though the rest of the builder shows the proper currency. I think this has something to do with the java side – the currency symbol needs to be determined before diving into java. Right now the quick fix is to insert the actual currency symbol into the currencies definitions – this can also be done by opening one of the currencies for editing and then just saving it straight away – the actual symbol will then be written to the file. We could alter the way osc admin saves the symbol but I’d rather not touch core files to fix a builder problem.


Builder total does not seem to work if the line price goes into a second thousands separator – eg. 3446,455.88 will not be accepted – whereas 223,565.99 will. This was tested using the IDR (Indonesian) currency.



Never underestimate the power of stupid people, especially in groups.

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Assembly fee problem fixed and is now also show on the print-preview.


These patches have been released as version 2.5.2 and is available in the downloads.


The demo site is completely up to date.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people, especially in groups.

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Thank you for this great contribution, i did install it.


I have a little problem every thing looks ok on mozilla, but on internet explorer it is impossible to choose the products. When you want to choose a product there is a stange link only available.


I live the link of the page you will understand much better.


The page


If someone has an idea


Thank you



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congratulions, this contribuition is fantastic !


I have two problems to put its work fine and i tink if you help me .....



1- When the pop-up windows is show the produt's, when i click to select the produt it don't past to the configurator page.I click in the produts and nothing hapeness.

2- I use a template and the dimension of the site is 1000 px.I remove the colunn right and the colunn left to the file compbuid.php because it show in the tempate but the dimenson of the configurator page don´t folow the rest of the site, it's minor.



Can't you help me to fix this problems.



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Hi all

thanks for your great jobs.

i have problem with package 2.5.1 mabye i made some mestake

Adding product dependence in admin panel user can not select any item, products doesnt show in the select list and

using package ppc 2006-08-24 user can select item and can add it in builder , total price has changed it looks work fine

how to change currency in ppc 2006-08-24 ? sum total price works only in USD and EUR not in my defined PLN Polish zloty


i dont know whats wrong , any idea?

My test link 2.5.1

please help

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Hi mike

you have make a GREAT Jobs.


i have one small problem ,when i put 2 lines of the same product and i press the add to cart button it takes only the 1 product

you can see


ram2 or



all the others work perfect


and some suggest for the future

if it can the products be sorted by price in the boxes for the clients

and in the admin panel some buttons for check all for the square boxes

you can see the test site http://aidata.no-ip.biz/datalan2/


Thank you!!!

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congratulions, this contribuition is fantastic !


I have two problems to put its work fine and i tink if you help me .....



1- When the pop-up windows is show the produt's, when i click to select the produt it don't past to the configurator page.I click in the produts and nothing hapeness.

2- I use a template and the dimension of the site is 1000 px.I remove the colunn right and the colunn left to the file compbuid.php because it show in the tempate but the dimenson of the configurator page don´t folow the rest of the site, it's minor.



Can't you help me to fix this problems.




Thanks Ema.


I'm not sure why you cannot select a product from the popup-list, and I don't think it's a java problem because you are seeing the products in the list. Have you done any of your own modifications to the builder, like adding an extra field, or removing any? And if possible, do you have a URL so I can see? PM me if you need to keep it private.


Secondly, the dimension and position of the builder/configurator (and popup list). You will need to experiment with the widths and heights in compbuild.php, also play with builder2.php. For the popup you would need to check prduct_list.php and also builder2.php...this code affects the popup:


if (document.getElementById("oFrame").style.display=="none") {

var categoryid=-1;

var aTag;

tab=e.parentNode; //TR

var aTag=tab;

var leftpos=0;

// var offsetHeight=10;

var leftpos=0;

var toppos=0;

do {

aTag = aTag.offsetParent;

leftpos += aTag.offsetLeft;

toppos += aTag.offsetTop;

} while(aTag.tagName!="BODY");


var PopupHeight=254;

var TotTop=tab.offsetTop+tab.offsetHeight+toppos;


I haven't played much with this. Most of the code in the builder is very.... untidy!!.. and disorganised... You really will need to experiment a bit to get it looking perfect for your site.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people, especially in groups.

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Hi all

thanks for your great jobs.

i have problem with package 2.5.1 mabye i made some mestake

Adding product dependence in admin panel user can not select any item, products doesnt show in the select list and

using package ppc 2006-08-24 user can select item and can add it in builder , total price has changed it looks work fine

how to change currency in ppc 2006-08-24 ? sum total price works only in USD and EUR not in my defined PLN Polish zloty


i dont know whats wrong , any idea?

My test link 2.5.1

please help


This is a problem I know about and I haven't quite figured out how to get around it. There are some html tags in one of your products descriptions. You can either edit them out, or you could try changing these values in /catalog/prduct_list.php.... there are three of them (only one is used for assembly fees)


##### FIND: left(products_description,50) ...................




The reason why this happens is that java is displaying the shortened descriptions, when it gets to a tag or something in the text that it can't display it bombs the list - so all you'll see is a thin blue line at the top. If you look at the code you'll see I went a bit wild with the stripping and slashing - mainly because I don't know what the heck I'm doing, haha... :lol: - anyways... it works more than it doesn't.


It's on my to-do list..... unless someone beats me to it.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people, especially in groups.

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Hi mike

you have make a GREAT Jobs.


i have one small problem ,when i put 2 lines of the same product and i press the add to cart button it takes only the 1 product

you can see


ram2 or



all the others work perfect


and some suggest for the future

if it can the products be sorted by price in the boxes for the clients

and in the admin panel some buttons for check all for the square boxes

you can see the test site http://aidata.no-ip.biz/datalan2/


Thank you!!!




Yes I am aware of this, and I agree that it should work the way you have done it. I will look now to fix the problem. I will also look to removing the QTY box.


Sorting.. yes that makes sense - I'll make that controllable in admin.


Checking all boxes - definitely - I remember running into some complication, but definitely will make that available.

Never underestimate the power of stupid people, especially in groups.

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Hi mike

you have make a GREAT Jobs.


i have one small problem ,when i put 2 lines of the same product and i press the add to cart button it takes only the 1 product

you can see


ram2 or



all the others work perfect


and some suggest for the future

if it can the products be sorted by price in the boxes for the clients

and in the admin panel some buttons for check all for the square boxes

you can see the test site http://aidata.no-ip.biz/datalan2/


Thank you!!!




One problem is fixed....


Fix builder add-to-cart function. This makes it possible to use duplicated builder categories.


##### In /catalog/compbuild.php


## FIND:


$cart->add_cart($products_count[$i], $products_qty[$i], $_POST['id']);




$cart->add_cart($products_count[$i], $cart->get_quantity(tep_get_uprid($products_count[$i], $_POST['id']))+$products_qty[$i], $_POST['id']);


##### DONE!



Never underestimate the power of stupid people, especially in groups.

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I am interested in using this contribution, but for a different type of application and was wondering if there was anyone else out there who has done this, or who can atleast let me know that it COULD be done..


I have a photography website and i sell prints of the images that are shot. I want the customers to be able to "build" a calander out of 13 images, so essentially they would just add the 13 images to the one product and just pay for that product.. Do you think that this contribution could do that?? I could easily put all the images on one page and just have them click checkboxes under the image.. THat would actually be idea..


Any thoughts/suggestions?


also, does anyone feel like sharing a link to their site that has this contribution installed so i can take a look??

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DO NOT PM ME FOR HELP. My time is valuable, unless i ask you to PM me, please dont. You will get better help if you post publicly. I am not as good at this as you think anyways!


HOWEVER, you can visit my blog (go to my profile to see it) and post a question there, i will find time to get back and answer you


Proud Memeber of the CODE BREAKERS CLUB!!

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Yes, it works perfect now. ^_^


Thank you for the quick reply.

and 1 more suggest , if in the admin panel we can choose and from categories not only from the manufacturers.


we are waiting for your news....


Thank you!!!


It's a pleasure...


Do you mean the matrix editor - like I've done filtering by manufacturers, you want the same thing for (oscommerce) categories?

Never underestimate the power of stupid people, especially in groups.

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