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Hi meisterbartsch !


Thanks again for your work !


I have just a little problem. In admin (Global tab) when i choose a template (Default or Blue Version) the program complains: "Templates does not exist". And the result in catalog is bad ...


Any advice ?


Thanks a lot



Am I the only one with that problem ? Or maybe i have made a BIG mistake during installation ?


Please help




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Hi, guillaume14



The same message "Templates does not exist" is display me too but in catalog the template work.


Try to delete the old instalations of ppc and install a fresh copy, maybe work.

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Hi, guillaume14

The same message "Templates does not exist" is display me too but in catalog the template work.


Try to delete the old instalations of ppc and install a fresh copy, maybe work.


Hi !


I have deleted my old installation and i made a fresh install but the problem remains: error in admin (Template Does Not Exist Message) and in catalog i have an (almost) blank plage with "Loading Please Wait" and only the Part Type, Part Name and Price Qty displayed.


Any advice ?


Thanks a lot


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I install v2.3.2 but again, my price is 1.500,38 and now display 150038, and to http://www.individual-systems.de is the same problem.


Shaytaan, it works for you?

Anyway, thanks alot meisterbartsch, DCP and all who work for this contribution.

you are right... thousandsseparation does not work yet because JS is not able to deal with... JS only takes american style seperations... but i would work on this on weekend... ;)

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I have this error message:


var text_please_wait="Loading Please wait...."; var note1=" Please select CPU first"; var note2=" Please select Mother Board first"; var note3=" Please select Mother Board first"; var text_no_items="No items available"; var text_deselect_items="Deselect Item"; document.getElementById("loadstr").innerHTML=""; print_field('CPU','0','0','noimg.gif',3); print_field('MotherBoard','1','1','noimg.gif',3); print_field('DDR Ram','2','2','noimg.gif',3);









i have found the bug in the combuild.php. I think you must add assembly fee or correct the compubuild.php:


Find: <? echo '    '.$pc_system_assembly ; } ?>


delete: </script>

and it here:


<? } ?>


Edited by trubka
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i have found the bug in the combuild.php. I think you must add assembly fee or correct the compubuild.php:


Find: <? echo ' '.$pc_system_assembly ; } ?>


delete: </script>

and it here:


<? } ?>



Hello trubka !


I don't understand what u mean. Can u plz tell exactly what to substitute to the following block of code:



$c_java = 0;

$output = $pcount;

for ($ib = 0; $ib < $output; $ib++) {

$cat = $pccat[$ib];

$picname = $pcimg[$ib];


print_field('<? echo $cat;?>','<? echo $c_java;?>','<? echo $ib;?>','<? echo $picname;?>',<? echo $assemb_id;?>);

<? $c_java++; } ?>


<!-- add assembly if its not free -->

<? if ($pc_system_assembly != "0.00") { ?>

print_field('<? echo ASSEMBLY; ?>','<? echo $c_java;?>','<? echo $ib;?>','assembly.gif',<? echo $assemb_id;?>);

<? if ($ADD_ASSEMBLY==1) { ?>

<? echo ' '.$pc_system_assembly ; } ?>





<? } ?>



Thanks a lot !


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Hi, guillaume14

Try to put any assembly fee (not zero ) in admin panel/global.


Go to page 12 in this forum and look there for this problem.


Hi hec and thanks a lot !


U were right. The only problem is that i don't want to use the assembly fee :(


If u have a solution ...


Thanks a lot


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Hello trubka !


I don't understand what u mean. Can u plz tell exactly what to substitute to the following block of code:



$c_java = 0;

$output = $pcount;

for ($ib = 0; $ib < $output; $ib++) {

$cat = $pccat[$ib];

$picname = $pcimg[$ib];


print_field('<? echo $cat;?>','<? echo $c_java;?>','<? echo $ib;?>','<? echo $picname;?>',<? echo $assemb_id;?>);

<? $c_java++; } ?>


<!-- add assembly if its not free -->

<? if ($pc_system_assembly != "0.00") { ?>

print_field('<? echo ASSEMBLY; ?>','<? echo $c_java;?>','<? echo $ib;?>','assembly.gif',<? echo $assemb_id;?>);

<? if ($ADD_ASSEMBLY==1) { ?>

<? echo ' '.$pc_system_assembly ; } ?>





<? } ?>

Thanks a lot !



Hi guillaume14,


here are the corrected code:



$c_java = 0;

$output = $pcount;

for ($ib = 0; $ib < $output; $ib++) {

$cat = $pccat[$ib];

$picname = $pcimg[$ib];


print_field('<? echo $cat;?>','<? echo $c_java;?>','<? echo $ib;?>','<? echo $picname;?>',<? echo $assemb_id;?>);

<? $c_java++; } ?>


<!-- add assembly if its not free -->

<? if ($pc_system_assembly != "0.00") { ?>

print_field('<? echo ASSEMBLY; ?>','<? echo $c_java;?>','<? echo $ib;?>','assembly.gif',<? echo $assemb_id;?>);

<? if ($ADD_ASSEMBLY==1) { ?>

<? echo ' '.$pc_system_assembly ; } ?>




<? } ?>


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Hi guillaume14,


here are the corrected code:



$c_java = 0;

$output = $pcount;

for ($ib = 0; $ib < $output; $ib++) {

$cat = $pccat[$ib];

$picname = $pcimg[$ib];


print_field('<? echo $cat;?>','<? echo $c_java;?>','<? echo $ib;?>','<? echo $picname;?>',<? echo $assemb_id;?>);

<? $c_java++; } ?>


<!-- add assembly if its not free -->

<? if ($pc_system_assembly != "0.00") { ?>

print_field('<? echo ASSEMBLY; ?>','<? echo $c_java;?>','<? echo $ib;?>','assembly.gif',<? echo $assemb_id;?>);

<? if ($ADD_ASSEMBLY==1) { ?>

<? echo ' '.$pc_system_assembly ; } ?>




<? } ?>




Hi trubka and thanks for your help !


When i put that code the problem remains (Loading Please Wait in catalog and nothing is displayed) EVEN if the assembly fee is not set to 0.

Can u verify plz ? (what i want is to be able to remove the assembly stuff)


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a few bugs i think i found:

In php5 is not working properly, because of the "<?" instead it should be used "<?php".

In order.php line 185 a "?>" is missing.

In catalog/compbuild.php line 234 "<?php } ?>" should be in line 229, up of "</script>".


Anyway fixing this, i couldnt make it work... the print preview and make order, i dont know why yet.


Thanks for this excellent tool.

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Das ist auf jeden Fall eine gute Idee, aber momentan sind noch so viele Baustellen, dass ich vorerst nicht dazu kommen werde ein solches feature zu implementieren... ertsmal muss die voll Funktionalit?t bei den Abh?ngigkeiten wieder hergestellt werden...


Gru? Patrick



Thats a good idea anyway but theres a lot of work to be done in the next time, so i would not be able to implement such a feature in the near future... first of all we I have to bring back the full functionality according to dependencies..


greetz Patrick


Hi there Patrick!


thanks for your work and your reply..


Does the Dependencies work again?


thanks a lot!



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PN to me... hope "shaytaan" agrres with this posting :D




Finaly I'm finished with my shop and I installed PPC on my webserver but now I have a BIG problem in my PPC.


Some of categories wont display at all

Can the problem be becouse I have too many products/categories? Becouse I didn't have problem with few products/categories.



These categories wont display RAM, Mus Optisk Tr?dl?s, Mus Optisk, Netv?rk, Tr?dl?s netv?rk, Fladsk?rm and Printere.


Please test it http://butik.dk/compbuild.php



Please advice

Thanks for you time :thumbsup:



worked it out....


you have linebreaks in your product descriptions!!!!!! please remove them!!! i will work then!


check out: http://pastebin.ca/135113


copy the source code and paste it to any .html it would work!!! ;)


I hope I could help you...

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I would merge your code into mine by using winmerge afterwards...


Thank you...


Sorry I am not able to follow this thread completly but I am very busy at the moment... you guys are doing very good work!!!


greetz Patrick

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Hi trubka and thanks for your help !


When i put that code the problem remains (Loading Please Wait in catalog and nothing is displayed) EVEN if the assembly fee is not set to 0.

Can u verify plz ? (what i want is to be able to remove the assembly stuff)




to have a quick and dirty workaround please take


$c_java = 0;
$output = $pcount;
for ($ib = 0; $ib < $output; $ib++) {
$cat = $pccat[$ib];
$picname = $pcimg[$ib];
print_field('<? echo $cat;?>','<? echo $c_java;?>','<? echo $ib;?>','<? echo $picname;?>',<? echo $assemb_id;?>);
<? $c_java++; } ?>

<!-- add assembly if its not free -->
<? if ($pc_system_assembly != "0.00") { ?>
print_field('<? echo ASSEMBLY; ?>','<? echo $c_java;?>','<? echo $ib;?>','assembly.gif',<? echo $assemb_id;?>);
<? if ($ADD_ASSEMBLY==1) { ?>
<? echo ' '.$pc_system_assembly; } ?>
<? } ?>



$c_java = 0;
$output = $pcount;
for ($ib = 0; $ib < $output; $ib++) {
$cat = $pccat[$ib];
$picname = $pcimg[$ib];
print_field('<? echo $cat;?>','<? echo $c_java;?>','<? echo $ib;?>','<? echo $picname;?>',<? echo $assemb_id;?>);
<? $c_java++; } ?>

<!-- add assembly if its not free -->
<? if (1=1) { ?>
print_field('<? echo ASSEMBLY; ?>','<? echo $c_java;?>','<? echo $ib;?>','assembly.gif',<? echo $assemb_id;?>);
<? if ($ADD_ASSEMBLY==1) { ?>
<? echo ' '.$pc_system_assembly; } ?>
<? } ?>


should work but you well not be able to disable assemblyfees ;D


greetz Patrick

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to have a quick and dirty workaround please take


$c_java = 0;
$output = $pcount;
for ($ib = 0; $ib < $output; $ib++) {
$cat = $pccat[$ib];
$picname = $pcimg[$ib];
print_field('<? echo $cat;?>','<? echo $c_java;?>','<? echo $ib;?>','<? echo $picname;?>',<? echo $assemb_id;?>);
<? $c_java++; } ?>

<!-- add assembly if its not free -->
<? if ($pc_system_assembly != "0.00") { ?>
print_field('<? echo ASSEMBLY; ?>','<? echo $c_java;?>','<? echo $ib;?>','assembly.gif',<? echo $assemb_id;?>);
<? if ($ADD_ASSEMBLY==1) { ?>
<? echo ' '.$pc_system_assembly; } ?>
<? } ?>



$c_java = 0;
$output = $pcount;
for ($ib = 0; $ib < $output; $ib++) {
$cat = $pccat[$ib];
$picname = $pcimg[$ib];
print_field('<? echo $cat;?>','<? echo $c_java;?>','<? echo $ib;?>','<? echo $picname;?>',<? echo $assemb_id;?>);
<? $c_java++; } ?>

<!-- add assembly if its not free -->
<? if (1=1) { ?>
print_field('<? echo ASSEMBLY; ?>','<? echo $c_java;?>','<? echo $ib;?>','assembly.gif',<? echo $assemb_id;?>);
<? if ($ADD_ASSEMBLY==1) { ?>
<? echo ' '.$pc_system_assembly; } ?>
<? } ?>


should work but you well not be able to disable assemblyfees ;D


greetz Patrick


Hi ! and thanks for your help ....


... but it doesn't work: "unexpected '=' on line 225 ...


Any clue ?


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Anyway, i couldn't make it work, i click on preview or send order and a get this javascript

--Error: form.elements["qty[" + i + "]"] has no properties

Source File: http://localhost/oscommerce2/catalog/compb...d7ace0cd4eb2e41

Line: 492


Any clue whay could it be?

And maybe someone ask this before, but i couldnt find it, does the dependences work?

Thanks in advance.

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I have a few questions


First, is it possible to hide the assembly fee and have it automatically added to the cost of the computer?

Second, where can I change the look of the form? I've been through compbuild.php, and all the stylesheets in the Build directory and I can't seem to find it.


Thanks much!


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I am a fool too ;) PLEASE ADD a = where is written 1=1


<? if (1=1) { ?>


<? if (1==1) { ?>



Thanks meisterbartsch: now it works. The problem is that like bakerjca i would like to be able to disable the assembly fee in compuild. Do you know how i can do that ?


Another question: if that's not possible to remove the assembly fee where to put the descriptions and prices of the multiple assembly fee ? Cause when i click on the "Montage" line i can't select a thing. The http://www.individual-systems.de/ demo works like i want (there are 3 different montage fee with description and price).


Thanks a lot for your help !


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