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Alternative Checkout System


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this payment system can fully change regular payment process

but there some problems with outbilling system like paypal and 2checkout.

for local payment system it`s work(like payment by delivery and credit card)

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Alternative Purchase System v2.0


Final Stable version of Alternative Purchase System

#support all payment system

#please dont remove copyrights


Download at : "My Contributions" below my avatar

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This contr. is GR8!!

But it one samll problem, this mod cant be used by costumers who are alredy online - they will checkout on the "normal" checkout-system.


Osc standard checkout is too long, too many pages.

My dream is just like this contr, but even for logged in costumers.


I suggestion is something like this


shoppingcart --> loggin.php


On the loggin pages should look as it is doing today, the costumer can choose if he is a new costrumer or an returning costrumer.


If costumer = new then --> checkout_alternativ.php


If costumer = returning then --> chekout_shipping.php


The dream would be if the checkout_shipping page looked something like this:




I cant enough PHP to complete the file.

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Cannot instantiate non-existent class: httpclient


It says I dont have any class! Im quite classy, and handsome in a tux IMHO.


Seriously, what?! Ive used Fast-Buy Beta8 before without error...didnt see anything about classes needed to be added...

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Cannot instantiate non-existent class: httpclient


It says I dont have any class! Im quite classy, and handsome in a tux IMHO.


Seriously, what?! Ive used Fast-Buy Beta8 before without error...didnt see anything about classes needed to be added...

Strange bug

this class not used in this contribution probably you have some conflict with other installed contributions

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It seems to me that it is a better way with the logging in first. Otherwise the method of delivery does not well work when you deliver in differents countries.



Another way to fix that would be on the shopping_cat.php page have a list of the countries you ship to in a drop down. so once they select the country there it brings that info over to the checkout_alternative.php page and the shipping modules work properly.


I am going to attempt to work on this over the next day or so but not sure I can do it.

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this is very nice

i was trying to combine the ccgv with it , it can easily do the mailing of the initial gift voucher but i can not grt it to work with a coupon.

if you put a coupon code it will not credit it. i will look at it later but if anyone have an idea it would be nice.

i will post the changes for sending the signup gift voucher a little later

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Cannot instantiate non-existent class: httpclient


It says I dont have any class! Im quite classy, and handsome in a tux IMHO.


Seriously, what?! Ive used Fast-Buy Beta8 before without error...didnt see anything about classes needed to be added...



You need to add:






this is very near the top of the page. This duplicates what is at the top of the checkout_shipping.php page (or, at least, my checkout_shipping.php page). I hope this helps!

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I'd like to have a go at installing this very useful contribution but I have a couple of questions:


How does a customer know if the order has gone through? Is the message 'Your shopping cart is empty' equivalent to 'Your order is being processed.'?

I placed a test order and was left rather confused.


I noticed also that the shipping telephone number and country are shown as required fields even though the rest of the shipping address isn't. Should the billing address get copied over or should one just ignore the required fields in the shipping address if it is the same as the billing address.


Many thanks


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I'd like to have a go at installing this very useful contribution but I have a couple of questions:


How does a customer know if the order has gone through? Is the message 'Your shopping cart is empty' equivalent to 'Your order is being processed.'?

I placed a test order and was left rather confused.


I noticed also that the shipping telephone number and country are shown as required fields even though the rest of the shipping address isn't. Should the billing address get copied over or should one just ignore the required fields in the shipping address if it is the same as the billing address.


Many thanks


I have the same experience.

Also, does this contribution require that shipping costs are the same for all destinations? And if so, why is a separate confirmation page needed?

Treasurer MFC

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Okay, the page works now with the UPS module showing up, but I get this error:


-2147219080 - Missing value for Country.


in place of the shipping choices for UPS. I remeber reading somewhere about a way to force-set the country code to something permenant so that OSC always thinks it is shipping to that country - even before someone is logged in. Anyone know how to do this, or remember what contribution had this idea? Thanks

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to all-> please go to http://www.procreator.info/shop/ and http://www.procreator.info/shop/admin/ and answers for your questions you will figure out by your self.


about shipping address no it`s not requer till you press button (fixed thanks Sergio Inacio)


about conformation page this page needed for external payment system


about shippments and price this module automaticaly calculate shipment cost depend on module that you use.

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