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Thinking of letting go some stuff


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We are now thinking of letting go the dropshiper on our site and getting rid of all the stuff we put on of hers/his. but i can only find two wholesalers for my jewellery . sorry three

I need one more so that i have a mixed lot. I have all the cosmetics wholesalers i need. but i cannot find another one for fashion jewellery.

anyone help? email me please. don't put links on here it upsets people.


i can only find two wholesalers for my jewellery 

A Google search for "fashion jewelry wholesale dropship" shows over 400,000 suppliers! I suspect that you maybe misspelled "jewelry".

I suspect that you maybe misspelled "jewelry".


No, I suspect you have. Jewellery is the original English language spelling of the word, and the poster is UK based. Jewelry is the simplified American spelling of the word.



No, I suspect you have.  Jewellery is the original English language spelling of the word, and the poster is UK based.  Jewelry is the simplified American spelling of the word.





oh, snap


Why not go to your local newsagents and purchase the magazine called trader. If they dont have it, get them to get you a copy. Its packed with wholesaler and dropshippers selling all kinds of stuff.



That's an idea I haven't heard before Steve. I may get a copy myself.

By the way, I notice your 'card' links to your old shop directory. Maybe a 301 is called for :-)

That's an idea I haven't heard before Steve. I may get a copy myself.

By the way, I notice your 'card' links to your old shop directory. Maybe a 301  is called for :-)


Thanks steve I have now done that . not a lot in the uk but some near me that i have already will have to do for now. I am currently learning how to make my own so I could go dwnw that road soon hopefully.:)


and yes I have spelt Jewellery the right way.

and I am English :P


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