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Here are a few things i need help with:


How can i change the text that appears in the white box when you hover the mouse over a picture? when i do this on a few pictures on the website, the small white box pops up with no text in, doesnt look very good at all. Will i need to edit a file from boxes?or english.php? to change this?


Also, i would like to know how to go about hyperlinking a picture, so when a customer clicks on a picture it sends them to that specific product within the site.


And finaly when i test the contact us form, there is a problem. At the end when i finish the message and submit it, it says TEXT_SUCCESS, i would like to edit this text. Also there is a basic oscommerce picture to the left of this text.Which file do i modify to change this picture?


I anyone knows how do any 1 of the above, please reply.Your information is much appreciated.


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