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Categories box information disappearing


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I have just loaded up my website and it seems as though the dynamic header menu is causing the categories information to get removed from the categories infobox.


I tested it using mozilla and it was working fine until I revisted the page the next day. Then I tested it in IE and categories information was there, hoever as soon as I clicked a link from the dynamic header menu the information then disappeared.


All that is shown is The total number of products in the first category and also hidden next to this is a link to get to that category.


you can test it for yourself here My site



Has this problem been experienced by anyone else?

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I viewed your source code and compared it to my site.


Right where the categories should be displayed your style class says class="Textbox" and mine says class="boxText"


Then yours makes a table with a style class of "categ" mine doesn't make a table and I don't have a new style class.


You may want to reload your backup copy of includes/classes/boxes.php and reload your backup copy of includes/boxes/categories.php


After the reload of these two files you can mess around with the styles again.


That's what I would do on my site.



If I'm giving advice, it is based on what path I would take to fix your problem. My path may be wrong.

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I have previously loaded a contrib that displays the categorys in a better way, perhaps I should remove it.


Thanks for taking a look Danny

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