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Newbie just installed OSC-Affiliate


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I just took the plunge and installed the OSC-Affiliate contribution to see if I could.


When I log onto the administration tool to 'configure my affiliate files, all those previous icons and categories are gone.


It says that the MySQL Affiliate Sales Table doesn't exist.


I think I don't understand the directions in the contribution that says:


MySQL Alterations


"Insert the new tables found in the affiliate.sql file into your osCommerce catalog database"


Anyway my version of OsCommerce doesn't have a folder called "catalogue", but I think I waded through uploading the files to the correct folders.


My Question is:


How does one edit MySQL? Where is it?

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I just took the plunge and installed the OSC-Affiliate contribution to see if I could.


When I log onto the administration tool to 'configure my affiliate files, all those previous icons and categories are gone.


It says that the MySQL Affiliate Sales Table doesn't exist.


I think I don't understand the directions in the contribution that says:


MySQL Alterations


"Insert the new tables found in the affiliate.sql file into your osCommerce catalog database"


Anyway my version of OsCommerce doesn't have a folder called "catalogue", but I think I waded through uploading the files to the correct folders.


My Question is:


How does one edit MySQL? Where is it?


I'm a newbie myself I edit mine by connecting to my hosts provider control panel and using their interface, however a common method used is php my admin, which allows you to fully control your database via a web interface.


php myadmin needs to be installed onto your website, another alternative if your hosting company allows access via a remote application is to use an application such as Navicat or DBmanager professional. Navicat is only free for a trial period where as DB manager professional is completly free to use.

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:blink: HI,


Okay my webhosting company uses PLESK and in PLESK there is available Phpmyadmin that I can use. So I have the means, but I am still unsure about how to go about it.


OSAffiliate Contribution says: "Insert new table(s) found in affiliate.sql file into your Oscommerce Catalog Database.


So I know I can access the Database with Phpmyadmin.


There are 12 Tables in that affiliate.sql file. Do I ever at anytime UPLOAD this entire file anywhere or do I just use it to <u>paste and copy</u> the tables to the database?



I see that I can create and name a new table in Phpmyadmin. Then should I go to each empty table and "EXPORT" table data?? Would I be exporting SQL or CSV data?

What is CSV? How do I get the tables into the catalogue database?

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Is anyone using OSaffiliate? How is it working for you? how do you use

PhPmyadmin to insert the new affiliate tables into the database? There must be some kind of Batch process. ?

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Is anyone using OSaffiliate? How is it working for you? how do you use

PhPmyadmin to insert the new affiliate tables into the database? There must be some kind of Batch process. ?



First choose/click on the db name, then choose sql in the top tab, then just browse up the .txt file from the oscaffiliate folder containing the new tables.


Att. Always make a backup of your db before you make any new changes.

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:) wOW! Your instructions on how to add the tables to my database were helpful.

Now when I log into my oscommerce Admin Tool the tools have reappeared again and the error is gone. And my Affiliate Admin Tool is nicely there waiting to be configured. Thank You! :rolleyes:


I'd like to repeat your directions here in my own words just in case another reader is in the same boat.


1. I logged into myadmin panel at my webserver and clicked on

DB (database) Web Admin.


2. The I clicked on the "Databases" button.


3.The I selected the database name with all of the familar files showing in the left column of my screen (also it is the only database I had installed so that was easy)


4.The Next screen showed all of the tables names on the page and above them I selected the "SQL" Tab on the top navigation bar.


5.The next screen says "Run SQL Query.....OR....Location of the text file"


6. Under "Location of the text file" there was a "browse" button so I browsed for the affiliate.sql file on my computer; I selected the "autodetect compression button" and then clicked on the "GO" button.


7. After a couple of minutes the series of Affiliate Tables that were in the affiliate.sql file were added to the rest of the familar files in the left column.


8. I logged out and logged into my domain.admin page and YES the Affiliate Admin

Tool was there ready to be configured.


Again. Thank you for your help today.


I do have one last question. While I was in the database admin area I ran the "query" on the affiliate.sql file. It came up with this:




Sql Query


Insert into configuration-group values (900,'affiliate program', 'options for the affiliate program', 50,1)




MySQL said:

#1062 -- Duplicate entry '900' for key 1.


Do I need to do something about this? I don't want to have any problems after I start getting affiliates. Thanks in advance!

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Does anyone have any insight into this?.


I do have one last question. While I was in the database admin area I ran the "query" on the affiliate.sql file. It came up with this:




Sql Query


Insert into configuration-group values (900,'affiliate program', 'options for the affiliate program', 50,1)




MySQL said:

#1062 -- Duplicate entry '900' for key 1.


Do I need to do something about this? I don't want to have any problems after I start getting affiliates. Thanks in advance!

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