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Add a comment to the database


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New problem, fairly easy. I have an upload script that appends the order status to 'Pending'. I also want to add a comment to the order, preferably including the date and time the new file was uploaded into the comments section of the order. Here is the code I thought would work for adding info to the comment for the order.


        tep_db_query("insert into orders_status_history comments value 'New Files have been uploaded'");


Yea... not so much with the working. I'm not good at db queries. Help if you can. Thanks.

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Instead if your line above try this:


$comment_input = 'New Files have been uploaded: ' . now();

$sql_data_array = array('comments' => $comment_input);

tep_db_perform('orders_status_history', $sql_data_array);


You will need to format the value of now() to what you want - but you get the jist.

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