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Pay without account example site?


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I'm using it on my site:




This is a live site. I don't mind if you create a test order through to the order review step, but please don't confirm the order unless you really want to purchase something.





Terry Kluytmans


Contribs Installed: Purchase Without Account (PWA); Big Images, Product Availability, Description in Product Listing, Graphical Infobox, Header Tags Controller, Login Box, Option Type Feature, plus many layout changes & other mods of my own, like:


Add order total to checkout_shipment

Add order total to checkout_payment

Add radio buttons at checkout_shipping (for backorder options, etc.)

Duplicate Table Rate Shipping Module

Better Product Review Flow


* If at first you don't succeed, find out if there's a prize for the loser. *

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If your site only needs to collect a name, e-mail address and password to be able to process someoen through the checkout process then you could install my Custom Create Account contribution. I don't recommend it though for people who keep switching from one Create Account page formula to another. It's also for new installs.


Please be aware also that if you don't collect customer details during the checkout process that they will still have to provide all of those self-same details when they get to your payment processor's website.



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although we have only been online for a couple of weeks, i have noticed that no one is using the PWA, they all prefer to create an account. of course, we have organized the site with messages encouraging them to create a permanent account, but we give the option of PWA for those who dont care to see order information or get info in the mail.

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All the sites listed are great! Exactly what contribution did you all use? Could you post a link to the download page. And also exactly which download you used on the page? It seems when I finally find the contribution I'm looking for I can never figure out which one in the list of updates I'm supposed to use. Thanks! :D

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