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The e-commerce.

"osCommerce" in Browser


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Where do I change "osCommerce" to the name of my site so that, for example,on a windows machine, when one is using alt/shift to switch windows, the store name shows up, rather that "osCommerce". OR when one is adding the site a a favorite. I know it shows up other times, but these are the easiest to explain.

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Where do I change "osCommerce" to the name of my site so that, for example,on a windows machine, when one is using alt/shift to switch windows, the store name shows up, rather that "osCommerce".  OR when one is adding the site a a favorite.  I know it shows up other times, but these are the easiest to explain.


you mean the title? go to includes -> languages -> english.php and change the definition for 'TITLE'. It'll look like this:


define('TITLE', 'OScommerce');


so you'd change it to something like:


define('TITLE', 'My Store');

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