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The e-commerce.

Free Shipping


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At work we run oscommerce for our web site.

We have a way to make shipping cost free. This is located in the Order Total module.

It allows for free shipping within the country and over a certain amount of money, but it needs to be narrowed down to weight also.

I have no idea how to go about doing this without messing something up.

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At work we run oscommerce for our web site.

We have a way to make shipping cost free. This is located in the Order Total module.

It allows for free shipping within the country and over a certain amount of money, but it needs to be narrowed down to weight also.

I have no idea how to go about doing this without messing something up.


i'm looking for the same thing


i want to give free shipping on orders above $50, but i sell some stuff above $50 that just weighs too much to ship for free.

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I downloaded the freeamount.vs 3.3, but I don't know what to do with it.

I figured it is to be uploaded to oscommerce but I don't know where.

I read the first part of this contribution page (http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,146/category,all/search,freeamount) to see what I can do .

I don't know what to do with this:

cd /usr/htmldir/catalog/..

tar -xvzf freeamount.tar.gz

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I downloaded the freeamount.vs 3.3, but I don't know what to do with it.

I figured it is to be uploaded to oscommerce but I don't know where.

I read the first part of this contribution page (http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,146/category,all/search,freeamount) to see what I can do .

I don't know what to do with this:

cd /usr/htmldir/catalog/..

tar -xvzf freeamount.tar.gz


You better pick the latest version from the contribution thread. That one is normally zipped also and should give you no problem unpacking. There is not realy an instruction with it but if you follow the paths inside the zip and copy the files to the same places in your osC installation you should be fine. If you have copied everything to the correct place you can go to your admin and will find this new shipping module to install.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just downloaded V3.3 and copied the files to the destination accordingly. File ownership and permission changed properly then [install] in Admin mode.


The shipping information is NOT shown up whenever check-out.


What else missed for the above?


Any idea is appreciated!


Best regard,



At work we run oscommerce for our web site.

We have a way to make shipping cost free. This is located in the Order Total module.

It allows for free shipping within the country and over a certain amount of money, but it needs to be narrowed down to weight also.

I have no idea how to go about doing this without messing something up.

YaNotCook !!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have this mod installed and working properly. After you copy the files to your server, you need to go to the admin shipping modules area and hit the install button for the free shipping module. Then you can set it up for you tatses, ie free shipping amount and such.

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