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i just need a module that can configure differents shop with the same account :

ie :

a client of :




has the same account but when you are in www.book.myshop.com , you can not see www.dvd.myshop.com categories.


is there a module like that ?


thx a lot



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The two subdomains can use the same database - in which case a customer of one subdomain is also a customer of the other.





yes but when you are in www.book.myshop.com

you can see categories of www.dvd.myshop.com


and i don't want that .



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Make sure that in your configure.php files (on both stores) that on the last line it reads 'mysql' where indicated. This will store sessions in the database and not in file folders.


Also if you have Use Cache set to true in either/both control panels then set it to 'false', and this should prevent any cross-over of categories.



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the contribution description


These modifications allow you to assign specific products and categories to multiple stores that you define in the administration panel. The products and categories

will not be able to be manipulated via the web-browsers address bar (like in most

other multi-shop implementations). Also, there is no "one store to rule them all".

You decide which categories you want displayed on which store-front. You decide

which products in that category you want displayed on which store-front. Shopping

carts are NOT shared between the sites.



Might do what you need. =)

Wendy James


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

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