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Error in Product Attributes


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My product attributes are not displaying. Any idea why they wouldn't be displaying?


I have two product attributes, for example, for a product; color and inside message are their names. Color has two options and inside message has three. The product shows these attributes on the catalog and shows the available amount of space for each option in the drop down list. But I can't see each option in the list. I don't know what happened to them.


Is there an option maybe in the css file that I could have changed that I don't realize I changed that could have changed the text to white?


I did change some of my header text to white.


Any help would be appreciated.

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Look at the generated HTML for the drop-downs (in your browser - view>>source) - most likely you have a lot of <option value=""> type tags.


I looked at the source and there are values there. For example <option value="5">

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I tried removing all of my attributes today and redoing just a couple of them and still I can't see the attributes in the catalog itself for any product. The source code (under view source) shows that an option is selectable. You can actually select an option and see it when you check out but you can't see it when you select it. I would appreciate any help in trying to solve this.



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