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The e-commerce.

Paypal doesn't get Shipping cost from my store


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I just switched my shopping cart over from Zencart, and its been a lot better using osCommerce. The only problem that Paypal doesn't recieve the shipping amount, it gets the total from the cart before shipping and taxes and sends that. like a $299 launcher gets $56 shipping ups ground to California making the total around 356. then i click on the confirm button and paypal comes up with $299... can't figure it out and can't get paid til it works any help would be great.


my store is here

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Can someone please help its getting really frustrating



You have to set up adding shipping costs in your paypal account. Login to your account, click on profile, and in the right column there is something about shipping. Open that page and tick a box somewhere. I hope this is right as i am doing it from memory. I am too lazy to login and check.


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