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Editing Store Layout


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The store data is in *.php files you can only edit these files with a text editor.


You cannot edit them with a visual editor like frontpage unless you go to html view but it requires you know how to program php

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Actually, you can edit them with any editer, I use dreamweaver but I have heard frontpage is really not the way to go. There are free editers online that may be better.

You will not be able to preview the php correctly though. That usually shows up as a little icon in the editers if they have a design mode, so you will really only see the tables.


If you want to edit on your computer and be able to preview your work before you upload I would suggest downloading either easyPHP or xamp (or xampp? xxamp? I am not sure which it is)


That will install everything you need to view the pages from your computer.



Not sure what you mean by not being able to find the files though.

Wendy James


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

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