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PHP 5 new install blank admin


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Trying oscommerce on PHP 5 and mysql 5 on apache II on a windox XP.


turned register_globals = on and register_long_arrays = on

got it to install.


Catalog opens, but admin screen does not.


Where should I look next?

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php5 is not compatible with osCommerce MS2.2, you will need to downgrade to php 4.3.11 if you want to use php5 you will have to do a manual installatoin and manually edit some files to just get it to the basics.

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Ok, so where can you install the site manually and how. I haven't found a resource for it yet. Also, this seems to be a very unresolved topic on all of the message boards out there. This problem obviously comes up frequently, so it would be great if someone who knows the scripts can really devote some time to help us newbies on this. It's not just adding a = on line 31 in the upload file, and it's not change the encoding in IE, its more than that and we need help!


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No need to downgrade your version of php - especially as this is a local install. Just edit admin/includes/classes/upload.php, and on line 31 where it says:


$this = null;


change it to:


unset ($this);


Your admin screen will now open.



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