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missing form fields for authorize.net


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Hi everyone


When i go to admin > payment modules page, i installed latest contrib for authorize.net (consolidated with curl fix), i want to enter admin info for that module, login username etc..BUT!

there are a bunch of text fields in there that have no name, no label.

For example,

under login username i have 4 text fields, then transaction mode (test or prod) , transaction method (cc or echeck), then ANOthER blank text field, no label, then sort order of display, customer notification, and then ANOTHER blank field, no label here again...

what is this? where am i supposed to enter the transaction key?

what is this kind of cr...?


Sorry but i'm sort of losing patience...


Thx for any help provided


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Ok i found what the blank fields were for , i had to look at the source code for the admin page..

transaction method, path to curl, curl compiled or not...



HOWEVER, i filled in the info it needed, clicked update, and nothing is ever saved...

can someone please help?




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