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The e-commerce.

Probably an easy question


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Hello all


First off I want to say what an amazing engine this is, and clearly this is a thriving community. I have a question that may betray my n00bness when it comes to setting up an e-commerece website...


OK, I setup apache 2.0.54, ActivePerl 5.8.7, PHP 5, MySQL (the latest one) and OsCommerce all on my computer using localhost as the server name and as everything


Now you may be guessing my problem already: From my computer everything works like a charm, everything shows up, menus are great, products are there etc. BUT, when I try to access the site from another computer (I input the IP address of the comp that is hoting the files), I get the first page, with no images, no stylesheet, nothing, just the text and that's it, everylink is dead and like I said, no images, nothing...

How do I set it up so that everything is hosted on my computer, but people can access the site remotely


Many thank in advance


Best Regards


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I'll try disabling my firewall - and my freehost has problems (i.e. too many connections to database) but now it's reset so the pages are viewable again, still I don't want that to happen. I'll let you know how it goes

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heh real host = money and since I'm making this site for someone else, I'm not gonna pay, free site is good enough ;) but do you have anymore suggesstions as to what could be wrong? i.e. should it be working?

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yes it should be working. if you are making it for someone, have them pay. not worth the headache trying to get something working

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