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I have moved the specials box to the index page.

How do I configure to show more than one product in the box?

I would like to display 3 specials in this box. Can anyone help me?




"Woohoo, Just Havin Funnn!"

I have moved the specials box to the index page.

How do I configure to show more than one product in the box?

I would like to display 3 specials in this box. Can anyone help me?






its in your admin panel under configuration... has nothing to do with PHP


Adding a box to any main page is fairly simple.


You just take the code from the column_left or right, throw a <?PHP in front of it and a ?> behind it and place it where you want it to show up on the page.


I am not sure how to change it to 3 in the box. Looking at my featured product code, I would think a new field needs to be added to the database to set how many to show in the box, then have that information grabbed from the page.


What you could do, that may be real simple for you, is to download the featured product contribution, and add that to you site. Change the box heading to say specials, then pick the three items you want to show up on your front page via the admin side. This way you could have a bunch on sale but show the ones you want to "push". That is what I do. The only issue I have come across doing it this way, is that if you use the Sale Maker contribution the sale price does not show up. I am sure that is just some code to change but I just go and put the products I want in the box on sale using the sale thing that comes with osc.


Hope this might help you. =)

Wendy James


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

its in your admin panel under configuration... has nothing to do with PHP


Sorry buddy, but it has everything to do with PHP. I didn't ask for help with specials.php. I am well aware of how to configure amount of products shown on the specials page. What I ask is how to increase the amount of products shown in the specials box. Again, I have moved the specials box to my index page and placed it under my featured products box. It only shows one product, I want it to show three products. This cannot be done in the admin panel. Somehow the code needs to be tweaked. If you can show insight on how to do this I would greatly appreciate it.



"Woohoo, Just Havin Funnn!"


In the code for your specials box, there is some embedded SQL. It'll look something like...


$specials_sql_raw=('select product_id, product_name, ..... limit 1 );




Change limit 1 to limit <however many you want to show>


NOTE: As of Oct 2006, I'm not as active in this forum as I used to be, but I still work with osC quite a bit.

If you have a question about any of my posts here, your best bet is to contact me though either Email or PM in my profile, and I'll be happy to help.


Just what I was asking for! Thanks, I appreciate your expert advise.

Always greatful,


"Woohoo, Just Havin Funnn!"


Actually, thinking about this some more, this will give you an array full of products, but the specials box that's on the side is still only set up to display one product. You'll need to add an additional outer loop to loop through all products in the array.


A better thing to do would be to copy the 'new_products' module instead, and add the new copy to your main page. Then you'd only have to change the SQL to be the same as the sql in the specials box, except with the higher limit set.


This should e pretty straightfoward. PM me if you need any help, I'll set this up for you, no charge.


NOTE: As of Oct 2006, I'm not as active in this forum as I used to be, but I still work with osC quite a bit.

If you have a question about any of my posts here, your best bet is to contact me though either Email or PM in my profile, and I'll be happy to help.

A better thing to do would be to copy the 'new_products' module instead, and add the new copy to your main page. Then you'd only have to change the SQL to be the same as the sql in the specials box, except with the higher limit set.


This should e pretty straightfoward. PM me if you need any help, I'll set this up for you, no charge.


I just stumble on this page.. and also want to do this... but whic part of the code do I need to use of "new_products" amd what do I've change of the SQL!? I'm still a newbie... :blush:

I just stumble on this page.. and also want to do this... but whic part of the code do I need to use of "new_products" amd what do I've change of the SQL!? I'm still a newbie...  :blush:



Wizardsandwars actually fixed this for me. I had placed the specials box on my index page. He took my box/specials.php and modified it with the featured products contribution. See in action here. Now it works great!

Thanks again wizardsandwars!


"Woohoo, Just Havin Funnn!"


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