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product update random text anomaly


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I have been developing an osCommerce implementation for the company I work for and I am now having a strange problem when inserting or updating products in the catalog. Things had been working fine on my local test server (G4 Powerbook, Php 4.3.11, mySQL 4, Apache) but now when I moved everything to our web host I am having certain text characters inserted into the fields of the products.


Examples include:

(for a product description)

<p class="main"><strong>A to Z</strong> is also part of the <em><a href="product_info.php?products_id=101&osCAdminID=26ea0a866c9069c27988486d3036c75a&osCAdminID=26ea0a866c9069c27988486d3036c75a&osCAdminID=26ea0a866c9069c27988486d3036c75a&osCAdminID=26ea0a866c9069c27988486d3036c75a&osCAdminID=26ea0a866c9069c27988486d3036c75a">Get Started Package</a></em>.</p>


where it should just be:

<p class="main"><strong>A to Z</strong> is also part of the <em><a href="product_info.php?products_id=101">Get Started Package</a></em>.</p>


another example:

(from a different field I added to the product through a contrib)

<a href=\"author_detail.php?id=14\"&osCAdminID=26ea0a866c9069c27988486d3036c75a>Kay Martin</a>


where it should be:

<a href="author_detail.php?id=14">Kay Martin</a>


I have no idea why this would be happening. Notice that the extra text does not show when viewing the form, it is only after I click "save" and then view it again or go to the web page that the links are not correct and the extra text has been added. If I save and then view and then save and view over and over the text adds up. This would imply that is an error in the insert into the database.


Obviously I need to have my inserts for my products working correctly to use osCommerce. I have spent many hours getting a custom version ready for my Boss and now I really need to figure this out. Any help would be absolutely wonderful,




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