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error messages when testing paypal ipn


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i recieved these error messages when testing the paypal ipn:


Warning: main(/home/silverpi/public_html/includes/modules/payment/paypal/classes/IPN/IPN.class.php): failed to open stream: Success in /home/silverpi/public_html/admin/paypal.php on line 41


Warning: main(): Failed opening '/home/silverpi/public_html/includes/modules/payment/paypal/classes/IPN/IPN.class.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/silverpi/public_html/admin/paypal.php on line 41

IPN Test Panel

Fatal error: Undefined class name 'paypal_ipn' in /home/silverpi/public_html/includes/modules/payment/paypal/admin/TestPanel/TestPanel.inc.php on line 22


Any knowledge on the correction to this problem would be greatly appreciated thank you!


This file pathway:


makes no sense at all, no matter which version of the PayPal IPN you've installed.




Those paths are related to files that are in the PayPal IPN V 3.15 Make sure you uploaded the Directory found in that version called Paypal


It is in catalog/includes/modules/payment/paypal


Upload it to your site and then try again.



Those paths are related to files that are in the PayPal IPN V 3.15  Make sure you uploaded the Directory found in that version called Paypal


It is in catalog/includes/modules/payment/paypal


Upload it to your site and then try again.



thank you for the answer, i am pretty sure i did upload and include the provided paypal directory to my server. But i will make sure.

On another note, I was wondering if the paypal_ipn_3.15 is actually a completely seperate pay pal contribution from the oscommerce paypal ipn module. Or is 3.15 a more updated version with the oscommerce paypal ipn module at its core? This might be a dummy question but, oh well. if seperate, which has less issues? Thanks any input would be happily recieved.

thank you for the answer, i am pretty sure i did upload and include the provided paypal directory to my server. But i will make sure.

On another note, I was wondering if the paypal_ipn_3.15 is actually a completely seperate pay pal contribution from the oscommerce paypal ipn module. Or is 3.15 a more updated version with the oscommerce paypal ipn module at its core? This might be a dummy question but, oh well.  if seperate, which has less issues?  Thanks any input would be happily recieved.


They are separate.. I couldnt get the v1.1 running.. I have just installed the 3.15 and working on some minor issues with it, but like it better.



They are separate.. I couldnt get the v1.1 running.. I have just installed the 3.15 and working on some minor issues with it, but like it better.




i tried to install 3.15 using the MS2-2.2OverWriteAndRun files, assuming you are installing on a fresh copy of os2.2, i presume u just upload these files and you can run the contribution without having to edit the code. i made sure the paypal directory was uploaded to the right spot ie.: catalog/includes/modules/payment. I am still getting the same error messages. Is this what the MS2-2.2OverWriteAndRun files are for? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks

i tried to install 3.15 using the MS2-2.2OverWriteAndRun files, assuming you are installing on a fresh copy of os2.2, i presume u just upload these files and you can run the contribution without having to edit the code. i made sure the paypal directory was uploaded to the right spot  ie.: catalog/includes/modules/payment.  I am still getting the same error messages. Is this what the MS2-2.2OverWriteAndRun files are for? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks


Well first do a search in here for the IPN support contrib.. we are in there trying to help each other.. I think this is it: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=116656


Next, if you are working on a server where you are loading in both your HTTP and HTTPS docs make sure everything is loaded on both sides.


I started out just doing the mod's by hand because my store is very modified.. but I just went in and carefully examined and reloaded using the Overwrite, I am now doing a full backup of the Catalog from my HTTP side and going to load the whole thing on the HTTPS side.. but, my initial test after doing the above went Perfect.. I just need to get the exact files on the HTTPS side and I think it will be working fine (Fingers XX'd) LOL ..


Also make sure you have the 3.15 v that has all the files in the /Paypal directory.. one of them doesn't but I can't remember if it is the TAR file or the ZIP. Every directory has at least one file.. I downloaded both, then compared them which is how I discovered the problem.


The errors you are getting are from that Paypal directory files.


Anyway come join us in the IPN support and we will try to get you up and running.




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