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Tax miscalculating in bizarre ways


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I'm in NY. I have NY County Tax stuff all set up. Fine.

Customer from NY places order. Fine.

osC MIScalculates the tax. I have no idea what it's basing its calculations on. Air, I think.

Then, when I go in and edit the sale, "Feel free to give discounts by adding negative amounts to the list," thank you very much, I hit update, and voil?! The tax amount has mysteriously changed, making the amount I just gave as a discount wrong. I readjust the tax adjustment, hit update, and the total is finally correct. But on the invoice, I have to write that the 8.25% tax (or whatever) that osC states is 8.25% is NOT 8.25%. AAAAAuuuuuggggghhhhh!!!!




I have officially lost it.


Try it, you'll see!


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