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The e-commerce.

how is this possible?


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Otherwise an excellent day.


I managed to complete the installation and got the


New Installation


osCommerce Configuration

The configuration was successful!



[Catalog ] [Administration Tool]


............ screen. I went to Catalog and proceeded to set permisions on all the necessary files and folders per the post installation. the store looks and operates with no problems.......


the problem is that when I go to Administration tool..... I get this.



Fatal error: Cannot re-assign $this in /disk3/home2/web/standard/ilustrat/oscommerce/oscommerce-2.2ms2/catalog/admin/includes/classes/upload.php on line 31



What happened?

Everything else. (after much work, and configuration) went fine. How is this Possible?

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please, no double posts, i just answered this. if you use the search you would have found the answer. remember, search is your best answer.

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please, no double posts, i just answered this.  if you use the search you would have found the answer.  remember, search is your best answer.

o.k. sorry. I guess you answered just as I decided to re-post. I posted an hour ago or so and thought that people were plain scared of reading or answering my post.


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no, the way things work, is if someone hasnt been to the forum in awhile, they can go view all the new posts since the last visit, hence how i found the first one. a post needs be placed only once and people will find it.

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