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The e-commerce.

Great idea! But who can put it into effect?


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Hey everyone. I recently downloaded the QTY product stock limit contribution (not sure of the actual name you know it by) and it is nice that it allows me to limit stock of certain sizes and/or colors. Let's say I list a pair of jeans. Then add the size 32x32 as a product attribute. Then I go to my stock and choose the only size available, 32x32, and add 1 product to that size. So now I have to add 15 different size attributes, since I have 15 different sizes, then go to the product stock (15 times) and uplaod the amount in each size that I currently have. What if I have 10 styles of jeans, that's 150 attributes!! This is very time consuming and aggravating going from page to page. I have an ideal layout that would be beneficial to most everyone listing many items. On the product stock page, where you fill in how many of each attribute (size, color, etc) that you have, you can only choose the attribute(s) that have been assigned to that item. It should allow you to select any of the attributes you have saved. For example:


1 List the jeans as normal.

2 Then edit the stock of these jeans.

3 On the stock page you have access to ANY of the save attributes(all sizes),

not just the ones that have been saved to that item (32x32).

4 Select 32x32; enter 4 as quantity.

5 Insert

6 Select 30x32; enter 2 as quantity

7 Insert


This is much more simple than having to add the attribute to the item before stocking it. I'm not sure if it is possible to configure the php to do this, but there are some master minds out there. If there is already a contribution that allows this, I appologize in advance.

- Josh

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