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[CONTRIBUTION] Ultimate SEO URLs v2.1 - by Chemo

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found one problem:

when I have a page with many products and I have to go to the next page ( next>>) it's not working,it just refresh's the page 1

Any ideas ?


Sames as above quote.

It's ok if I turn SEO off. But when it's on.. I can't not access any pages beyond page 1.


I just updated my shop to the newest "SEO" version of OSC and I'm having the same problem as above. Whenever I have more than one page of items and I try to go to page 2, 3 or whatever, it just refreshes the first page. I'm looking into the problem now but haven't had much success (after 2 or 3 hours). Anybody with any info would be appreciated. I had installed it on another shop with an older version of OSC and it worked fine.

I'm not in the middle of nowhere, but I can see it from here!

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i only turned off the parsing.


i only delete or outcommented in the seo.class.php

round about line 807 (see below), so the review link

won´t parse by the parse_parameter function. so the link ist the normal with querstring, but the review

function works.


/* case ($page == FILENAME_PRODUCT_REVIEWS ):
						$url = $this->make_url($page, $this->get_product_name($p2[1]), 'products_id_review', $p2[1], '.html', $separator);
						$this->ValidateName($url, "pr", $p2[1], $connection, $separator);
					case ($page == FILENAME_PRODUCT_REVIEWS_INFO ):
						$url = $this->make_url($page, $this->get_product_name($p2[1]), 'products_id_review_info', $p2[1], '.html', $separator);
						$this->ValidateName($url, "pri", $p2[1], $connection, $separator);
						break; */


hi all,


I just installed this contrib. working fine except the reviews.

I have oscommerce 2.2 with the seo urls 2.2 and STS.


My product_info, categories and manufacturer pages work like they need to do.

On the product_info page there is a link to a single review and another one to view all reviews.


example link:


nano-plus-pri-32.html?reviews_id=8 (old link = product_reviews_info.php?products_id=32&reviews_id=9)


But when I have my Ultimate seo turned on in the admin it redirects back to a product page.

In this case: nano-plus-p-32.html


When turned off (.htaccess still on) the page appears when pasting the NEW url in the broswer. ( so the .htaccess is ok )


Anybody knows how to fix this problem?


Thanks in advance,



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I have done a new installation of v2.1 and now my product decription text is not working correctly.

For instance when I insert a br html tag the bracket is being removed and the slash is replaced with an underscore

eg. _br__br_ _b_ (it is meant to be the html tags for break, break, bold)


Does any have a suggestion as to how to correct this?



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I think I may have an understanding of why Ultimate SEO won't display past the first page in a multiple page listing. I think it may have something to do with the "Rewrite rule" in the htaccess file. Whenever you go to a category with multiple pages, the url of the first page is http://www.mysite.com/category.html. However, when you go to the second page the .html is replace with &sort=2a&page=2 and page 3 would be &sort=2a&page=3 and so on. There is no "rewrite rule" for this string. All of the rules pertain to urls ending with .html. I don't know if I'm barking up the wrong tree or if I've just been looking at this for way to long but I think this may be part of the problem. Anyone else have any ideas on this? Am I stoned or just stupid? You be the judge.

I'm not in the middle of nowhere, but I can see it from here!

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I think I may have an understanding of why Ultimate SEO won't display past the first page in a multiple page listing. I think it may have something to do with the "Rewrite rule" in the htaccess file. Whenever you go to a category with multiple pages, the url of the first page is http://www.mysite.com/category.html. However, when you go to the second page the .html is replace with &sort=2a&page=2 and page 3 would be &sort=2a&page=3 and so on. There is no "rewrite rule" for this string. All of the rules pertain to urls ending with .html. I don't know if I'm barking up the wrong tree or if I've just been looking at this for way to long but I think this may be part of the problem. Anyone else have any ideas on this? Am I stoned or just stupid? You be the judge.


If it were the rewrite rules for apache then turning SEO URLS off shouldn't cure the problem and it does (see my initial post on this 2 pages back).


The moment seo.class.php gets its hands on the query string something goes wrong.

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Hi i installed this contirbution, it all works fine apart from when i add 2 items to the cart, then click on checkout cart contents are emptied and i am logged out.


Is there a fix for this, i tried to uninstall the cont but got errors so put the files back, all works fine but unless i have ultimate seo turned off in admin i get the same cart problem


i was looking at all the posts on the forum about this but no real answer posted about this, also been looking today.


Please help!

Edited by evilstoat
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I went back and reinstalled all of the original files from OSC, effectively uninstalling Ultimate URLs. Everything works as it should now except for the add to cart button in product info. The seo.class.php is no longer being call per the program but yet the add to cart button still doesn't work. Just food for thought for those of us who are trying to figure this out.

I'm not in the middle of nowhere, but I can see it from here!

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alright this posting seems to be useless, i've seen alot of people having the same problem but havent got an answer on their problem nor posting the solution if they fixed it, so i'm asking for you help on this one because i have the same issue.


i've installed ultimate SEO and everything seems to work fin except the paging!

when i click on a category, i have 5pages, when i click on page to it redirects me to the same page that i was at...


this is how it looks like:

iklick on a category and i come to the page:



then when i move the mouse over page 2 it looks like this:



but when i click on page to i'm being redirected to:



so can you please help me and all the other people that have this kind of problem,


thanks in advance!

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Hi i installed this contirbution, it all works fine apart from when i add 2 items to the cart, then click on checkout cart contents are emptied and i am logged out.


Is there a fix for this, i tried to uninstall the cont but got errors so put the files back, all works fine but unless i have ultimate seo turned off in admin i get the same cart problem


i was looking at all the posts on the forum about this but no real answer posted about this, also been looking today.


Please help!


@evilstoat: sounds like a cookie problem. Is the host changing when you go to checkout? e.g., you move from www.yoursite.com to yoursite.com? Check your cookie settings in includes/configure.php, make sure the cookie's for '.yoursite.com'. Also, if you're using Firefox, check cookies for your site; you should have one cookie called like _osCid for your site. If you have multiples, there's your problem.

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link problem solved (partially)


to make page browsing 1, 2 ,3 ..etc working you must edit


seo.classes.php and comment lines 1057-1058


and set in the admin area "enable automatic redirects" - off


By turning of automatic redirects, isn't that going to give people a lot of "page not found" pages. If you have a page listed with a search engine as www.mysite.com/gadgetcpath=121 and Ultimate URLs writes it as www.mysite.com/gadgetlittlegadget, with redirects turned off the customer or person will not be sent to the page and will get the "page not found" message. I may be wrong but I believe that's why the redirects where written in.

I'm not in the middle of nowhere, but I can see it from here!

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Ok, for those of you who are interested. I have found kind of a work around on the "add to cart" button not working. Just after



<td class="main" align="right"><?php echo tep_draw_hidden_field('products_id', $product_info['products_id']) . tep_image_submit('button_in_cart.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_IN_CART); ?></td>


In product info (around line 237 or so) I've added


<td class="main" align="right"><input type="text" align="right" name="quantity" value="1" maxlength="2" size="2">


This does 2 things. First it fixed the "add to cart button" by assigning a value of "1" to the input, second, it adds a box just to the right of the button which allows the customer to input the number of this item that he/she wants. I think what is happening, is that there is no value being assigned for the variable in the line above. Not knowing exactly where to find it and working through half closed eyes (it's been a long, long day), I decided the easiest way to fix it for the time being is to add this extra line. Once I've figured out where this variable is and why it's not being assigned a value then I can remove the above code. Anybody trying this and having problems elsewhere, let me know and I'll see if I'm having the same but I've went through a lot of my site and this doesn't seem to be causing additional problems.



I'm not in the middle of nowhere, but I can see it from here!

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I installed this contrib today and on the surface it looks great.


However, it would appear that the cost of Ultimate SEO URLs is the ability to sort search results or to get past the first page of results if there's more than 1 :o


I fix it, it's working.

But the url don't look like SEO :-(, maybe some other folks fix it.

Best Regards from Poland.


You must change this line in .htaccess :


RewriteRule ^(.*)-c-(.*).html$ index.php?cPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}


with :


RewriteRule ^(.*)-c-(.*).html$ index.php?cPath=$2&%?page=$1&%{QUERY_STRING}



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I fix it, it's working.

But the url don't look like SEO :-(, maybe some other folks fix it.


Sorry, it wasn't good solution. But now I know the answer :D.

To fix links to pages in category, product listing (TeaBag have this problem, so Do I) which is bug in Ultimate Seo Urls you must change something in file seo.class.php (includes/classes).


Find function function Validatename($url, $type, $realID, $connection, $separator) (1036 line) and change two lines (comments them), like that :

// header("HTTP/1.0 301 Moved Permanently");

// header("Location: $link");


And now it's GOOD.

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Hey guys can u help me please, i have just installed a seo program within my website. its mean to turn my pages with this address :




to this




I have this in my .htaccess file



Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /catalog/

RewriteRule ^(.*)-p-(.*).html$ product_info.php?products_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-c-(.*).html$ index.php?cPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-m-([0-9]+).html$ index.php?manufacturers_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-pi-([0-9]+).html$ popup_image.php?pID=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-t-([0-9]+).html$ articles.php?tPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-a-([0-9]+).html$ article_info.php?articles_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-pr-([0-9]+).html$ product_reviews.php?products_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-pri-([0-9]+).html$ product_reviews_info.php?products_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}
RewriteRule ^(.*)-i-([0-9]+).html$ information.php?info_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}




Please help if you can my website has been down for over a month now and i dont know what to do !!!



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RewriteBase /catalog/


IF you have your installation in the subfolder on the server, be sure to rename /catalog/ to /your_installation_folder/


IF you have your installation in the root of your server, you are using wrong htaccess file. Replace it with the right one (copy/paste appropriate text from manual)

Edited by Dr.akula
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IF you have your installation in the subfolder on the server, be sure to rename /catalog/ to /your_installation_folder/


IF you have your installation in the root of your server, you are using wrong htaccess file. Replace it with the right one (copy/paste appropriate text from manual)


But should the contribution work if the installation is only on my localhost ???

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How can I make this contribution works for Links Manager II 1.17? The old code for links manager is not working anymore; there will be a "parentid=x" hanging around at the end of the url. And also, when you at the very top of the links category, i.g., you are not in any of the category, entering a first level of the category, then click back button to go back to the links.php; but, the url is rewrite to as http://path/to/my/shop/-links-0.html.

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I've installed Ultimate SEO and it seems to run fine w/o any real 'bugs' although I do have a slight issue that is more of an annoyance than anything else.


Nearly every product in my store is in at least 10 different categories (auto parts store.) My issue is that the breadcrumb on the product's info page always seems to default to the category that the product was first added to and not the category the customer came from. For example:


Customer is in 2_7_23_60_417_666 and clicks on a product.


That specific product was first added to 2_4_19_238_652, and when the customer clicks on the product from 2_7_23_60_417_666 the breadcrumb shows up as 2_4_19_238_652. This isnt really an issue to me persay, but I've have had enough customers call with confusion to justify turning SEO off until I get this resolved. I think I'm going to end up just turning off the breadcrumb if I cannot get this straight.

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I just installed Ultimate SEO 2-2.2e on my website. It works fine but I'm having 2 big problems. here is my website www.spacelectronics.com


after I installed it started to show me some strange codes on my website like.








and all over my website it showing me there codes. insted of showing my actual variables. her is some more example.




2nd problem.

If there are more pages it'll show me last page. I cant see 1st page


I really have no idea what is going on. Please help if someone knows what is going on.



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link problem solved (partially)


to make page browsing 1, 2 ,3 ..etc working you must edit


seo.classes.php and comment lines 1057-1058


and set in the admin area "enable automatic redirects" - off


By turning of automatic redirects, isn't that going to give people a lot of "page not found" pages. If you have a page listed with a search engine as www.mysite.com/gadgetcpath=121 and Ultimate URLs writes it as www.mysite.com/gadgetlittlegadget, with redirects turned off the customer or person will not be sent to the page and will get the "page not found" message. I may be wrong but I believe that's why the redirects where written in.


That solved the problem allthough the question is if this is the best solution? as you said above, there will be alot of page not founds, and one other thing, is the url look like this now: product-c-59.html?page=2&sort=2a is there a way of doing the paging url search engine friendly?

i think thi sis a big bug that need to be sorted out and posted at the contribution page as a bug fix

Edited by Gimbo
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That solved the problem allthough the question is if this is the best solution? as you said above, there will be alot of page not founds, and one other thing, is the url look like this now: product-c-59.html?page=2&sort=2a is there a way of doing the paging url search engine friendly?

i think thi sis a big bug that need to be sorted out and posted at the contribution page as a bug fix


yes you are correct. I guess i'll remove it for now until I find a version without this bug. anyway thnx a lot for your help.

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yes you are correct. I guess i'll remove it for now until I find a version without this bug. anyway thnx a lot for your help.

For those of you are who are having the problem with multiple pages. I done as the fix (back about 10 posts ago) said and haven't had any problems with it yet. I even have "redirects" turn on with no problems. I used this contribution on one of my older shops and it worked excellently, the problem (I think) stems from the newest version of OSC which is supposed to be SEO. I have a feeling (as I'm finding out) that there are now, a lot of contributions that are going to have to be updated source code as well as documentation. There are several lines of code that have changed, as well as certain tasks that are now defined by globals to help program reoccurring tasks. I'd be curious to know who is using what versions of OSC.

I'm not in the middle of nowhere, but I can see it from here!

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