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[CONTRIBUTION] Ultimate SEO URLs v2.1 - by Chemo

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Hi Skittles


The strange thing is that everything works fine for me accept the SEO URL not appearing in my admin/configuration and also in my phpmyadmin configuration. I'm able to enter in the Product SEO URL information at the new product and also I can see that my site are showing all the correct url with c-path and p-path. Since this is my case, can I just upload only the seo.class.php from 2.1c version?.



I don't know the answer to your problem. And I have only worked with ver. 2.1d, so I don't know if swapping the class file for the two version will make any difference. It won't take long, so I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try. But I don't expect it to help, either.


Logically speaking, if your data is available for your store, the same settings should make the configuration tables available for this contribution.


However, Chemo is not using the functions provided by osCommerce, he provides his own. Perhaps the problem lies in a compatibility issue between what Chemo wrote and the version of MySQL you are using. And if that's the case, using an earlier version of the class file probably won't fix it. Sorry.



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Hi all:


I downloaded and installed Ultimate_SEO_URLsv21da_1_2 uploaded by yesudo Nov 29, 2006


I got it working - but when I went to change some languages in existing products files and then updated, the title (product name - $item_name) disappeared and the SEO URL field is all that is now left in admin - so I can't put an item name back in.


Is this something you have seen? I looked through 40 pages of the support thread and found nothing.


Also (so - as in I believe therefore) when putting an order in the cart I get this error


Warning: Missing argument 1 for show_total() in /home/centcom/public_html/onlinestore/includes/classes/shopping_cart.php on line 483


Even though the items go into the cart - no prices show - BUT a total does show.


Clicking "cart contents" gives then this error


Fatal error: Error calling function "CreateItem()": Missing Parameter: "$item_name" must be provided. in /home/centcom/public_html/onlinestore/includes/functions/GlobalAPIFunctions.php on line 419


Which appears to be because a item name is missing from Google Checkout's GlobalAPIFunctions.php


Of the two items I put int the cart - ignoring the error, the one without a name produces a google checkout API error call above while the one with the name does not. taking the standard checkout path the order can be completed with the "line 483 shopping_cart" errors showing.


Has anyone got any ideas of what is causing this - i believe the entire problems surrounds the dropped names - and that is all for right now.


Any help anyone can offer is appreciated.




Never mind about my post 1702 about SEO URL's 2.1d_1_2 missing the products name


I fixed it. It was my error. I had to manually edit the categories.php because of other contribs and mixed up the line that echoes the products name with the seo_url. As a result only the seo_url showed.


I whipped out winmerge and found the problem by comparing the files.



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I had the same problem. Download and use chemo's last contribution, not the ones above it. This happened to me and I had to back pedal on the contribs. Once I removed all the code add after chemo's work the system worked great.


There is something added in the 21d the messes it up, just install 2.1c.


Thank you so much for sharing this! I will try to install the 2.1c and see what happen.

Thank you

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I don't know the answer to your problem. And I have only worked with ver. 2.1d, so I don't know if swapping the class file for the two version will make any difference. It won't take long, so I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try. But I don't expect it to help, either.


Logically speaking, if your data is available for your store, the same settings should make the configuration tables available for this contribution.


However, Chemo is not using the functions provided by osCommerce, he provides his own. Perhaps the problem lies in a compatibility issue between what Chemo wrote and the version of MySQL you are using. And if that's the case, using an earlier version of the class file probably won't fix it. Sorry.





Skittles pls help!


I have uninstalled all my files that are modified with 2.1d. I go ahead and re-installed 2.1c and this is the error that I

received when I try to log in to my administrative. I have clear all my cache files.


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare tep_reset_cache_data_seo_urls() (previously declared in /home/etrendys/public_html/admin/includes/functions/general.php:1435) in /home/etrendys/public_html/admin/includes/functions/general.php on line 1479



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Skittles pls help!


I have uninstalled all my files that are modified with 2.1d. I go ahead and re-installed 2.1c and this is the error that I

received when I try to log in to my administrative. I have clear all my cache files.


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare tep_reset_cache_data_seo_urls() (previously declared in /home/etrendys/public_html/admin/includes/functions/general.php:1435) in /home/etrendys/public_html/admin/includes/functions/general.php on line 1479





Sorry I took so long to respond. I was away from my computer doing 'domestic' stuff. :rolleyes:


I love the error messages we get from osCommerce. They actually tell us what is wrong and, in many cases, where to look for the error.


It appears that when you were removing ver. 2.1d, you missed removing tep_reset_cache_data_seo_urls() from the [catalog/]admin/includes/functions/general.php file. Then, when installing ver. 2.1c, you added a new copy of the same function to file.


That's what I'd look for, on lines 1435 and 1479. And before you delete one or the other, make sure they are identical. If not, check with your documentation and make sure you delete the right one.



Edited by Skittles
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Sorry I took so long to respond. I was away from my computer doing 'domestic' stuff. :rolleyes:


I love the error messages we get from osCommerce. They actually tell us what is wrong and, in many cases, where to look for the error.


It appears that when you were removing ver. 2.1d, you missed removing tep_reset_cache_data_seo_urls() from the [catalog/]admin/includes/functions/general.php file. Then, when installing ver. 2.1c, you added a new copy of the same function to file.


That's what I'd look for, on lines 1435 and 1479. And before you delete one or the other, make sure they are identical. If not, check with your documentation and make sure you delete the right one.




Dear Skittles,


You are so right! I remove all version of 2.1d from all files and miss out [catalog/]admin/includes/functions/general.php file. :blush: Thank you so much! After the installation of 2.1c, I check my phpmyadmin and found 3 SEO files added to "Cache" and 16 SEO files added to configuration but still did not see any SEO URL in my administrative configuration. Why Me! :'( What else can I do? Pls! Pls! advise! Trixie

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Sorry I took so long to respond. I was away from my computer doing 'domestic' stuff. :rolleyes:


I love the error messages we get from osCommerce. They actually tell us what is wrong and, in many cases, where to look for the error.


It appears that when you were removing ver. 2.1d, you missed removing tep_reset_cache_data_seo_urls() from the [catalog/]admin/includes/functions/general.php file. Then, when installing ver. 2.1c, you added a new copy of the same function to file.


That's what I'd look for, on lines 1435 and 1479. And before you delete one or the other, make sure they are identical. If not, check with your documentation and make sure you delete the right one.




Dear Skittles,


You are so right! I remove all version of 2.1d from all files and miss out [catalog/]admin/includes/functions/general.php file. :blush: Thank you so much! After the installation of 2.1c, I check my phpmyadmin and found 3 SEO files added to "Cache" and 16 SEO files added to configuration but still did not see any SEO URL in my administrative configuration. Why Me! :'( What else can I do? Pls! Pls! advise! I don't have problem in other 30 over contribution that I have installed! Trixie

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I had the same problem. Download and use chemo's last contribution, not the ones above it. This happened to me and I had to back pedal on the contribs. Once I removed all the code add after chemo's work the system worked great.


There is something added in the 21d the messes it up, just install 2.1c.


Hi Corey,


I have installed in 2.1c and still have the same problem where the SEO URL is not appearing in my administrative configuration. Can you pls let me know what changes did you do after your installation.


Thank you


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Hi! My hosting company upgraded to MySQL 5 a few days ago and since then the SEO URLs doesnt work exactly as they are supposed to.


Manufacturers URLs works fine but not the categories. The categories URLs are missing the category name, now it's just for example www.domain.se/-c-75_78.html


Which file or files need to be modified to work with MySQL 5?

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Hi Corey,


I have installed in 2.1c and still have the same problem where the SEO URL is not appearing in my administrative configuration. Can you pls let me know what changes did you do after your installation.


Thank you



I tested the site! If you go to your homepage and try links are they search enging friendly? I think during this testing the configuration values are populated.


what you're need is something like this most likely to run. Which is part of the installer run the first time you visit your website.





	$this->attributes = array();

	$x = 0;
	$this->default_config = array();
	$this->default_config['SEO_ENABLED'] = array('DEFAULT' => 'true',
												 'QUERY' => "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION."` VALUES ('', 'Enable SEO URLs?', 'SEO_ENABLED', 'true', 'Enable the SEO URLs?  This is a global setting and will turn them off completely.', GROUP_INSERT_ID, ".$x.", NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),')"
	$this->default_config['SEO_ADD_CPATH_TO_PRODUCT_URLS'] = array('DEFAULT' => 'false',
	   															   'QUERY' => "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION."` VALUES ('', 'Add cPath to product URLs?', 'SEO_ADD_CPATH_TO_PRODUCT_URLS', 'false', 'This setting will append the cPath to the end of product URLs (i.e. - some-product-p-1.html?cPath=xx).', GROUP_INSERT_ID, ".$x.", NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),')"
	$this->default_config['SEO_ADD_CAT_PARENT'] = array('DEFAULT' => 'true',
	   													'QUERY' => "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION."` VALUES ('', 'Add category parent to begining of URLs?', 'SEO_ADD_CAT_PARENT', 'true', 'This setting will add the category parent name to the beginning of the category URLs (i.e. - parent-category-c-1.html).', GROUP_INSERT_ID, ".$x.", NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),')"
	$this->default_config['SEO_URLS_FILTER_SHORT_WORDS'] = array('DEFAULT' => '3',
	   															 'QUERY' => "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION."` VALUES ('', 'Filter Short Words', 'SEO_URLS_FILTER_SHORT_WORDS', '3', 'This setting will filter words less than or equal to the value from the URL.', GROUP_INSERT_ID, ".$x.", NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL)"
	$this->default_config['USE_SEO_CACHE_GLOBAL'] = array('DEFAULT' => 'true',
	   													  'QUERY' => "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION."` VALUES ('', 'Enable SEO cache to save queries?', 'USE_SEO_CACHE_GLOBAL', 'true', 'This is a global setting and will turn off caching completely.', GROUP_INSERT_ID, ".$x.", NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),')"
	$this->default_config['USE_SEO_CACHE_PRODUCTS'] = array('DEFAULT' => 'true',
															'QUERY' => "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION."` VALUES ('', 'Enable product cache?', 'USE_SEO_CACHE_PRODUCTS', 'true', 'This will turn off caching for the products.', GROUP_INSERT_ID, ".$x.", NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),')"
	$this->default_config['USE_SEO_CACHE_CATEGORIES'] = array('DEFAULT' => 'true',
	   														  'QUERY' => "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION."` VALUES ('', 'Enable categories cache?', 'USE_SEO_CACHE_CATEGORIES', 'true', 'This will turn off caching for the categories.', GROUP_INSERT_ID, ".$x.", NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),')"

	$this->default_config['USE_SEO_CACHE_MANUFACTURERS'] = array('DEFAULT' => 'true',
	   															 'QUERY' => "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION."` VALUES ('', 'Enable manufacturers cache?', 'USE_SEO_CACHE_MANUFACTURERS', 'true', 'This will turn off caching for the manufacturers.', GROUP_INSERT_ID, ".$x.", NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),')"

	$this->default_config['USE_SEO_CACHE_ARTICLES'] = array('DEFAULT' => 'true',
	   														'QUERY' => "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION."` VALUES ('', 'Enable articles cache?', 'USE_SEO_CACHE_ARTICLES', 'true', 'This will turn off caching for the articles.', GROUP_INSERT_ID, ".$x.", NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),')"
	$this->default_config['USE_SEO_CACHE_TOPICS'] = array('DEFAULT' => 'true',
	   													  'QUERY' => "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION."` VALUES ('', 'Enable topics cache?', 'USE_SEO_CACHE_TOPICS', 'true', 'This will turn off caching for the article topics.', GROUP_INSERT_ID, ".$x.", NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),')"
	$this->default_config['USE_SEO_CACHE_INFO_PAGES'] = array('DEFAULT' => 'true',
	   														  'QUERY' => "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION."` VALUES ('', 'Enable information cache?', 'USE_SEO_CACHE_INFO_PAGES', 'true', 'This will turn off caching for the information pages.', GROUP_INSERT_ID, ".$x.", NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),')"
	$this->default_config['USE_SEO_REDIRECT'] = array('DEFAULT' => 'true',
	   												  'QUERY' => "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION."` VALUES ('', 'Enable automatic redirects?', 'USE_SEO_REDIRECT', 'true', 'This will activate the automatic redirect code and send 301 headers for old to new URLs.', GROUP_INSERT_ID, ".$x.", NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),')"
	$this->default_config['SEO_REWRITE_TYPE'] = array('DEFAULT' => 'Rewrite',
	   												  'QUERY' => "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION."` VALUES ('', 'Choose URL Rewrite Type', 'SEO_REWRITE_TYPE', 'Rewrite', 'Choose which SEO URL format to use.', GROUP_INSERT_ID, ".$x.", NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''Rewrite''),')"
	$this->default_config['SEO_CHAR_CONVERT_SET'] = array('DEFAULT' => '',
	   													  'QUERY' => "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION."` VALUES ('', 'Enter special character conversions', 'SEO_CHAR_CONVERT_SET', '', 'This setting will convert characters.<br><br>The format <b>MUST</b> be in the form: <b>char=>conv,char2=>conv2</b>', GROUP_INSERT_ID, ".$x.", NOW(), NOW(), NULL, NULL)"
	$this->default_config['SEO_REMOVE_ALL_SPEC_CHARS'] = array('DEFAULT' => 'false',
	   														   'QUERY' => "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION."` VALUES ('', 'Remove all non-alphanumeric characters?', 'SEO_REMOVE_ALL_SPEC_CHARS', 'false', 'This will remove all non-letters and non-numbers.  This should be handy to remove all special characters with 1 setting.', GROUP_INSERT_ID, ".$x.", NOW(), NOW(), NULL, 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''true'', ''false''),')"
	$this->default_config['SEO_URLS_CACHE_RESET'] = array('DEFAULT' => 'false',
	   													  'QUERY' => "INSERT INTO `".TABLE_CONFIGURATION."` VALUES ('', 'Reset SEO URLs Cache', 'SEO_URLS_CACHE_RESET', 'false', 'This will reset the cache data for SEO', GROUP_INSERT_ID, ".$x.", NOW(), NOW(), 'tep_reset_cache_data_seo_urls', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(''reset'', ''false''),')"

} # end class constructor

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Hi! My hosting company upgraded to MySQL 5 a few days ago and since then the SEO URLs doesnt work exactly as they are supposed to.


Manufacturers URLs works fine but not the categories. The categories URLs are missing the category name, now it's just for example www.domain.se/-c-75_78.html


Which file or files need to be modified to work with MySQL 5?

You will also find that some of your other contributions added will be affected by the php5 upgrade - this will be a problem for everyone in the future

Upon receiving fixes and advice, too many people don't bother to post updates informing the forum of how it went. Until of course they need help again on other issues and they come running back!


Why receive the information you require in good faith for free, only to then have the attitude to ignore the people who gave it to you?


There's no harm in saying, 'Thanks, it worked'. On the contrary, it creates a better atmosphere.



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Hi everyone, I got the following warning message on the catalog, every time I create, remove, update or delete a category in the Admin.

Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Bad arguments. in /home/perfect/public_html/oscbase/includes/classes/seo.class.php on line 1579


I have this lab site installed at http://perfectillusion.net/oscbase/ the admin is at http://perfectillusion.net/oscbase/admin (if you are interested in, use admin@localhost and password admin to login).


There have many contributions installed, so it is a heavy modified OSC. But I installed all the contributions very carefully, so I think there should no major problem. After check the seo.class.php file on line 1579, it seems that it is the stater of the function parse_parameters($page, $params, &$separator).


I do enabled all the cache of the SEO links under the configuration section.


Do any of you have the same problem?

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Hi! My hosting company upgraded to MySQL 5 a few days ago and since then the SEO URLs doesnt work exactly as they are supposed to.


Manufacturers URLs works fine but not the categories. The categories URLs are missing the category name, now it's just for example www.domain.se/-c-75_78.html


Which file or files need to be modified to work with MySQL 5?





Fixed seo.class.php ----- jpweber ------ 25 Nov 2006


it's for "Ultimate SEO URLs - 2.1d"





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thanks for the hard work! i have one question i hope you can help with;


i have the "Add category parent to begining of URLs" set to true but, the category parent is not shown on the url (yes, the category parent is larger than the short word filter).


what can i do?





There is an option in the configuration to "Add category parent to begining of URLs". If you set this to true, the category the product is in will become part of the 'filename'. For example:

would become

instead of


Ultimate SEO URLs is not written to show the full path


I hope this answers your question.


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Hi. I've installed chemo seo url's. Everything is working just fine but a small problem. When you add a product you can add tha manufacturer url (for that product). Now the problem is, in front end, when i click the url my browser can't find that page because the rewrite function also rewrite that url. Any idea would be great. Thank's in advance, Cezar.

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hi there, i have installed the seo url, it works great most of time. just sometimes, button after adding stuff to shopping cart, i mouse over the "continue shopping" button, it shows the url is product_info.php?pid=1243, instead of the seo type url. when i clicked it, it changed the browser's address bar to http://www..../product_info.php?pid=1234, and displayed an error msg: the page is not properly redirect. it doesn't happen very often, and i can't find the reason what causes it.


does any one have any idea what this happened? help please.

Edited by mlcy44
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hi there, i have installed the seo url, it works great most of time. just sometimes, button after adding stuff to shopping cart, i mouse over the "continue shopping" button, it shows the url is product_info.php?pid=1243, instead of the seo type url. when i clicked it, it changed the browser's address bar to http://www..../product_info.php?pid=1234, and displayed an error msg: the page is not properly redirect. it doesn't happen very often, and i can't find the reason what causes it.


does any one have any idea what this happened? help please.



I'm not sure if this is the totally the same issue, but you could try making the changes found in this post.


These changes should give you SEO URLs for products in the shopping cart. (it strips the attributes values from the URL). I have no idea whether or not the change will solve your problem. I do think it's worth a try.



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I'm not sure if this is the totally the same issue, but you could try making the changes found in this post.


These changes should give you SEO URLs for products in the shopping cart. (it strips the attributes values from the URL). I have no idea whether or not the change will solve your problem. I do think it's worth a try.




thanks, i will give it a try.

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Hi all. Maybe i didn't was very specific. My problem it's located here: http://www.multiservice-canon.ro/multiserv...mxm2-p-247.html . You should see there the product's photo, description when it was added to my store and a link to the product's homepage (to read more about the product from the manufacturer but not a manufacturer link like www.canon.com but a link to product's description like www.canon.com/product/name/). My link from my store look's like that: http://www.multiservice-canon.ro/multiserv...eID%3D26346%231 . Now you can see that Chemo's contrib also rewrite that external link and the link is broken. I need a sugestion on this one. Thank's in advance, Cezar.

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I am having a problem in my admin panel. This was mentioned back in July 2006, but no fix was mentioned.


When I go to my SEO URL admin function, I get the following error displayed:


Warning: call_user_func(tep_reset_cache_data_seo_urls) [function.call-user-func]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback in /home2/xxxxx/public_html/xxxxxxxxxxxx/catalog/admin/includes/functions/general.php on line 1202


The code at this location is:


  function tep_call_function($function, $parameter, $object = '') {
if ($object == '') {
  return call_user_func($function, $parameter);
} elseif (PHP_VERSION < 4) {
  return call_user_method($function, $object, $parameter);
} else {
  return call_user_func(array($object, $function), $parameter);


I'm not sure where this function is being called from, so any help is appreciated.





Edited by timidphper
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Hi all. Maybe i didn't was very specific. My problem it's located here: http://www.multiservice-canon.ro/multiserv...mxm2-p-247.html . You should see there the product's photo, description when it was added to my store and a link to the product's homepage (to read more about the product from the manufacturer but not a manufacturer link like www.canon.com but a link to product's description like www.canon.com/product/name/). My link from my store look's like that: http://www.multiservice-canon.ro/multiserv...eID%3D26346%231 . Now you can see that Chemo's contrib also rewrite that external link and the link is broken. I need a sugestion on this one. Thank's in advance, Cezar.



I worked on this yesterday, looking for a way to resolve the problem within seo.class.php. I wasn't successful. The code specifies which pages to modify URLs on, ($seo_pages, line 548.) Because this link is on one of the specified pages, FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, seo.class.php wants to convert all the links into SEO URLs.


This morning, it occurred to me to take a different approach: Forget about changing seo.class.php. Rename the original tep_href_link function, (something like tep_href_link_original, or tep_href_link_redirect,) and put it back into the function file html_output.php. Then change the function call for the product URL on product_info.php to the 'new' function:


		<td class="main"><?php echo sprintf(TEXT_MORE_INFORMATION, tep_href_link_redirect(FILENAME_REDIRECT, 'action=url&goto=' . urlencode($product_info['products_url']), 'NONSSL', true, false)); ?></td>

I'm not saying it can't be done in seo.class.php, but if it can, it is beyond my current skills with php and osCommerce.



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I am having a problem in my admin panel. This was mentioned back in July 2006, but no fix was mentioned.


When I go to my SEO URL admin function, I get the following error displayed:

The code at this location is:


  function tep_call_function($function, $parameter, $object = '') {
if ($object == '') {
  return call_user_func($function, $parameter);
} elseif (PHP_VERSION < 4) {
  return call_user_method($function, $object, $parameter);
} else {
  return call_user_func(array($object, $function), $parameter);


I'm not sure where this function is being called from, so any help is appreciated.







A quick search of the forums using Google's site search, not the forum search, (site:www.oscommerce.com/forums "First argument is expected to be a valid callback") found these two posts on the subject:

Question asked.

Question answered.


Looks like you may have missed Step 4...

STEP #4 - Edit admin/includes/functions/general.php


Have fun :)


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I have just noticed a problem after adding tis add-on: edgecrush3r 9 May 2006


Before I can find a fix I need to know if anyone else has encountered the same problem...


After adding that above mentioned fix, has anyone noticed they cannot enter their own category and product URL's? No matter what they type, the URL's only show up as 'standard' dynamically created ones?


I came across this problem by chance earlier today and wanted to ask if if others had the same issue. If no one has then I guess I have done sonething wrong some where along the line but if others have the same issue then I guess it is specifically down to the 9th May 2006 fix.

Edited by chooch

Upon receiving fixes and advice, too many people don't bother to post updates informing the forum of how it went. Until of course they need help again on other issues and they come running back!


Why receive the information you require in good faith for free, only to then have the attitude to ignore the people who gave it to you?


There's no harm in saying, 'Thanks, it worked'. On the contrary, it creates a better atmosphere.



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I've been looking to add this contrib to my development site. I have a few questions though.


1. Will this work with the latest snapshot of OSC?


2. Which version should I use for this?


Thanks for any assistance.

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A quick search of the forums using Google's site search, not the forum search, (site:www.oscommerce.com/forums "First argument is expected to be a valid callback") found these two posts on the subject:

Question asked.

Question answered.


Looks like you may have missed Step 4...

Have fun :)



Hey Skittles:


Thanx for taking the time to help me out here. I checked my general.php file in admin and yes, I had installed the supplemental code, but forgot to put step 4 from the install file. I had rebuilt my site recently from scratch, and in my haste to get back up and going, skipped the step. Anyway, put in the code, everything looks like it should now.


On another point. Where is the switch for persistent connections. I think I may have selected this in this latest install, and read something about it causing a problem. Never looked to change it on an install before, so just wondering where it is.


Thanx again,


Ed :thumbsup:

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