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[CONTRIBUTION] Ultimate SEO URLs v2.1 - by Chemo

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Hi could someone please help,


I have installed the latest version of seo url's on fasthosts server (Ihave had many problems with this host) the admin section functions fine and the new URL's are showing up but I get an error page saying the page does not exist. I am pretty sure by reading others posts that it is my htaccess file that is messing this up but have no idea how to correct it!


installed at www.britishdog.eu


htaccess looks like this,


# $Id: .htaccess,v 1.3 2003/06/12 10:53:20 hpdl Exp $


# This is used with Apache WebServers


# For this to work, you must include the parameter 'Options' to

# the AllowOverride configuration


# Example:


# <Directory "/usr/local/apache/htdocs">

# AllowOverride Options

# </Directory>


# 'All' with also work. (This configuration is in the

# apache/conf/httpd.conf file)


# The following makes adjustments to the SSL protocol for Internet

# Explorer browsers


<IfModule mod_setenvif.c>

<IfDefine SSL>

SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" \

nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown \

downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0




# If Search Engine Friendly URLs do not work, try enabling the

# following Apache configuration parameter


# AcceptPathInfo On


# Fix certain PHP values

# (commented out by default to prevent errors occuring on certain

# servers)


#<IfModule mod_php4.c>

# php_value session.use_trans_sid 0

# php_value register_globals 1



# Ultimate SEO URLs BEGIN

Options +FollowSymLinks

RewriteEngine On

RewriteBase /catalog/


RewriteRule ^(.*)-p-(.*).html$ product_info.php?products_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-c-(.*).html$ index.php?cPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-m-([0-9]+).html$ index.php?manufacturers_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-pi-([0-9]+).html$ popup_image.php?pID=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-t-([0-9]+).html$ articles.php?tPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-a-([0-9]+).html$ article_info.php?articles_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-pr-([0-9]+).html$ product_reviews.php?products_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-pri-([0-9]+).html$ product_reviews_info.php?products_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

RewriteRule ^(.*)-i-([0-9]+).html$ information.php?info_id=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}

# Ultimate SEO URLs END


Thanks in advance



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Hi i really hope you can help,


I have installed the Ultimate SEO contribution and i have been using it for 2-3 months.


The problem i have is when i remove products and change categories, the url that was

written is still being displayed, especially in google



This is giving me bad results in google as there are almost 100's of blank url's with no information to show. (and google

keeps going back again and again to pages that i dont want them to)



My question is Is there a way to remove any url's the the re-write produces you no longer need?



I hope someone can answer me and i would like to thankyou any responding in advance.


Many thanks and keep up the good work.



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Hi i really hope you can help,


I have installed the Ultimate SEO contribution and i have been using it for 2-3 months.


The problem i have is when i remove products and change categories, the url that was

written is still being displayed, especially in google

This is giving me bad results in google as there are almost 100's of blank url's with no information to show. (and google

keeps going back again and again to pages that i dont want them to)

My question is Is there a way to remove any url's the the re-write produces you no longer need?

I hope someone can answer me and i would like to thankyou any responding in advance.


Many thanks and keep up the good work.




Would flushing the SEO URL cache do it? You can do that via the SEO URLS link in the admin panel under configuration. just a thought.



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oh dear i spoke too soon.


In the admin i cannot access catalog/catagories. I get the error below:


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in .../public_html/shop/catalog/admin/categories.php on line 716


must have done something wrong.

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oh dear i spoke too soon.


In the admin i cannot access catalog/catagories. I get the error below:


Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '}' in .../public_html/shop/catalog/admin/categories.php on line 716


must have done something wrong.



I love the way php error messages actually tell us valuable information, (unlike windoze error messages...)


During the course of making changes, you left in a curly bracket that should have been replaced. (something we have all done, a time or two!) The message sees one bracket too many on line 716. Unfortunately with curly brackets, line 716 may not be where the extra bracket is. Start there and work back.


You'll find it. I have every confidence in you.




P.S. A quick peek at your site shows product pages are working correctly. Category pages are missing the name of the category. i.e. http://eastcoastlacrosse.co.uk/shop/catalog/-c-1.html should have been http://eastcoastlacrosse.co.uk/shop/catalo...ipment-c-1.html.

Edited by Skittles
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I'm having a major problem with this contribution :'(


Ok lets say you goto my site :




all my urls for my categories show up as :




if you click the link and goto the page the SEO urls kick in and show up as :




problem is google is only indexing the links from the /-c-12_33.html urls


any ideas ?


I'm running the "Fixed seo.class.php"


please help :(

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Whats the best site map contribution to work with this Ultimate SEO contribution?



Are you trying to create a site map for visitors? Or an xml sitemap for the search engines?


Regardless, because this contribution changes the tep_href_link() function, as long as SEO URLs are enabled, you should only need the script to use this function to create the correct URLs.


So if the script you want to use does something like this:

$product_url = "http://mydomain.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=$row->categories_id&products_id=$row->products_id";

You can change it to use the tep_href_link() function instead. Something like this:

$params = "cPath=$row->categories_id&products_id=$row->products_id";
$product_url = tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, $params);

Of course, use the variables that are created in your script for the categories_id and products_id.


You will need to include some of the functionality of application_top.php in the script. I found these work for me:

 require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'general.php');
 require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'database.php');
 require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'database_tables.php');
 include(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'seo.class.php');
 tep_db_connect() or die('Unable to connect to database server!');


With a few basic changes like these, any sitemap generating script (in the catalog directory) should be able to create the converted URLs.



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Hi could someone please help,


I have installed the latest version of seo url's on fasthosts server (Ihave had many problems with this host) the admin section functions fine and the new URL's are showing up but I get an error page saying the page does not exist. I am pretty sure by reading others posts that it is my htaccess file that is messing this up but have no idea how to correct it!


# Ultimate SEO URLs BEGIN

Options +FollowSymLinks

RewriteEngine On

RewriteBase /catalog/



I didn't see anything in your .htaccess file that would cause a problem.


It looks like your server is not set up to allow mod_rewrite. You need to contact your host, and ask them to set apache to allow the rewrites. Without is set up that way, this will never work.


If you host won't/can't do this for you, change hosts!


Good luck,


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I'm having a major problem with this contribution :'(

Ok, first of all let's clear up the oscids part of it:

Really there should be only one time an oscid extension will show up in the URL as part of the osC store - and that is only when the store is called for the first time and when the cursor is rolled over any of the links in that first page that opens, just for that first time only. That is the way it should be.


Secondly, the possible fixes you may have missed:

You need to re-check you have added the osCommerce 2.2 Milestone 2 Update 051112 and osCommerce 2.2 Milestone 2 Update 060817 updates. Both are available from the oscommerce downloads section HERE


You then need to see if the problem persists. In the event you have already updated your store with the patches and are confident that the solution lay elsewhere, try adding this (it was posted by someone last year as it fixed their oscid related issues): SPIDERS CONTRIBUTION and failing that, search the contributions for similar coontributions.


I really do not think your store will show oscids for ALL pages unless you did not add the patches so you need to do those first.


Update us and let us know how you get along. HTH

Edited by chooch

Upon receiving fixes and advice, too many people don't bother to post updates informing the forum of how it went. Until of course they need help again on other issues and they come running back!


Why receive the information you require in good faith for free, only to then have the attitude to ignore the people who gave it to you?


There's no harm in saying, 'Thanks, it worked'. On the contrary, it creates a better atmosphere.



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I am having a problem with the seo url contribution on my oscommerce store, I initially set it up in a subdirectory /art2/ and installed the contribution then last night when I decieded to go live I replace my old store with the new one in directory /art/ I tried resetting the seo url cache but the urls are still trying to go to old directory /art2/


I have duplicated my site to both folders now so the site is running but do you have any idea what I can do to correct this so the site only runs from one directory.




I have tried running DELETE FROM cache WHERE cache_name LIKE '%seo_urls%' on the database but this had no affect.




Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.




Kind regards







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Hi i was hoping someone from the forums could answer to my problem.


I have installed the Ultimate SEO contribution and i have been using it for 2-3 months.


The problem i have is when i remove products and change categories, the url that was

written is still being displayed, especially in google



This is giving me bad results in google as there are almost 100's of blank url's with no information to show.



My question is Is there a way to remove any url's the the re-write produces you no longer need?



I hope someone can answer me and i would like to thankyou any responding in advance.


Many thanks and keep up the good work.



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I had to restore my site. Since doing so I now have this error in admin/catalog/Categories / Products:


1054 - Unknown column 'cd.categories_seo_url' in 'field list'


select c.categories_id, cd.categories_name, cd.categories_seo_url, c.categories_image, c.parent_id, c.sort_order, c.date_added, c.last_modified, cd.categories_htc_title_tag, cd.categories_htc_desc_tag, cd.categories_htc_keywords_tag, cd.categories_htc_description from categories c, categories_description cd where c.parent_id = '0' and c.categories_id = cd.categories_id and cd.language_id = '1' order by c.sort_order, cd.categories_name





I think I need to upload the sql changes again. Do I? If so, where do I find the database changes?


All I found was this:


ALTER TABLE `categories_description` ADD `categories_seo_url` VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL ;

ALTER TABLE `products_description` ADD `products_seo_url` VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL ;


But I think that is for updating only. I tried running it & it came up with an error. I did not install this mod I had someone install it for me as it was just a bit to complicated for me. Ive only gotten this error since having my site restored. In my store when you click on a product I get the 404 error message.


Simple instructions on how to fix would be appreciated.



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Hello. I'm having this problem and i can't fix it. When i set in my admin section "Force Cookie Use" i get an error in my frontpage. When i click the "buy now" button, i get the error: "Your browser does not accept cookies". My browser accept cookies, it's set well. If i set "Force Cookie Use" to false then everithing is working fine but with session id path in my links like that: http://www.multiservice-canon.ro/multiserv...cac2c9fcb77eae0 . Thank you in advance.

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I love the way php error messages actually tell us valuable information, (unlike windoze error messages...)


During the course of making changes, you left in a curly bracket that should have been replaced. (something we have all done, a time or two!) The message sees one bracket too many on line 716. Unfortunately with curly brackets, line 716 may not be where the extra bracket is. Start there and work back.


You'll find it. I have every confidence in you.




P.S. A quick peek at your site shows product pages are working correctly. Category pages are missing the name of the category. i.e. http://eastcoastlacrosse.co.uk/shop/catalog/-c-1.html should have been http://eastcoastlacrosse.co.uk/shop/catalo...ipment-c-1.html.



Found it. I went through the document removing and re-adding brackets untill I finally found it. Only took about 10mins.


Hopefully I won't have to bother again, but how do i add category names to the URL?



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Hello. I'm having this problem and i can't fix it. When i set in my admin section "Force Cookie Use" i get an error in my frontpage. When i click the "buy now" button, i get the error: "Your browser does not accept cookies". My browser accept cookies, it's set well. If i set "Force Cookie Use" to false then everithing is working fine but with session id path in my links like that: http://www.multiservice-canon.ro/multiserv...cac2c9fcb77eae0 . Thank you in advance.




Mar 5 2006, 12:56 AM

When the session id does not disappear it is usually for one of two reasons:


1. The http_cookie_domain is not set correctly e.g. use www.yourdomain.com or just yourdomain.com but in either case there's no http:// in front


2. The only thing which should be set to true in Configuration --> Sessions is Prevent Spider Sessions. If you set Force Cookie Use to true you can only do this where there is no ssl or a full ssl - doesn't work with shared ssl.




THX to vger!


you can find HTTP_COOKIE_DOMAIN in "catalog/includes/configure.php"




P.S. This has nothing to do with Ultimate SEO URLs.

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THX to vger!


you can find HTTP_COOKIE_DOMAIN in "catalog/includes/configure.php"




P.S. This has nothing to do with Ultimate SEO URLs.


;) Thanks man. Now it works just fine. In my configure.php my HTTP_COOKIE_DOMAIN line was 'http://www.multiservice-canon.ro' . Now it's set to 'www.multiservice-canon.ro' and it works just fine.


But i've descoverd another problem with my web site. When you want to view the information about a product like: http://www.multiservice-canon.ro/multiserv...mxl2-p-248.html there you can go to the manufacturer's page to view more info. Now the link looks like that" http://www.multiservice-canon.ro/multiserv...eID%3D26346%231 . You can see that redirect.php is also modified and instead of output the link like ...redirect.php?action=goto.... it output it like redirect.php/action/url/goto . This has to be a problem because of Ultimate Seo URL's.


Thank once again.

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I had to restore my site. Since doing so I now have this error in admin/catalog/Categories / Products:

1054 - Unknown column 'cd.categories_seo_url' in 'field list'

select c.categories_id, cd.categories_name, cd.categories_seo_url, c.categories_image, c.parent_id, c.sort_order, c.date_added, c.last_modified, cd.categories_htc_title_tag, cd.categories_htc_desc_tag, cd.categories_htc_keywords_tag, cd.categories_htc_description from categories c, categories_description cd where c.parent_id = '0' and c.categories_id = cd.categories_id and cd.language_id = '1' order by c.sort_order, cd.categories_name


I think I need to upload the sql changes again. Do I? If so, where do I find the database changes? 

All I found was this: 

ALTER TABLE `categories_description` ADD `categories_seo_url` VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `products_description` ADD `products_seo_url` VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL;

But I think that is for updating only. I tried running it & it came up with an error. I did not install this mod I had someone install it for me as it was just a bit to complicated for me. Ive only gotten this error since having my site restored. In my store when you click on a product I get the 404 error message.

Simple instructions on how to fix would be appreciated.



Errors fixed now, thanks

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Secondly, the possible fixes you may have missed:

You need to re-check you have added the osCommerce 2.2 Milestone 2 Update 051112 and osCommerce 2.2 Milestone 2 Update 060817 updates. Both are available from the oscommerce downloads section HERE


Hey Chooch thanks for the speedy reply I think this must be the case as another site I have with this mod is working, in terms of update is it just a case of going through every file with winmerge to update? the site it's self is pretty modified :(


I assume the files that will need to be updated to fix my problem will be in the includes folder ?


Thanks again :thumbsup:

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:angry: Another problem with my web site :( . I've made a test and i bought a product from my web store. It does'n show up in my order in my admin. Does anybody has this problem, or i'm the only one who managed to mess with the code? :blush: . The odd thing is that i-am receiving a proccesing e-mail as a customer. So that command is in my data base, but in my admin doesn't show up. I really need some help. My web store is http://www.multiservice-canon.ro . Thanks.

Edited by xperyens
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:angry: Another problem with my web site :( . I've made a test and i bought a product from my web store. It does'n show up in my order in my admin. Does anybody has this problem, or i'm the only one who managed to mess with the code? :blush: . The odd thing is that i-am receiving a proccesing e-mail as a customer. So that command is in my data base, but in my admin doesn't show up. I really need some help. My web store is http://www.multiservice-canon.ro . Thanks.


Also my account history doesn't work :) What should i do?

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:angry: Another problem with my web site :( . I've made a test and i bought a product from my web store. It does'n show up in my order in my admin. Does anybody has this problem, or i'm the only one who managed to mess with the code? :blush: . The odd thing is that i-am receiving a proccesing e-mail as a customer. So that command is in my data base, but in my admin doesn't show up. I really need some help. My web store is http://www.multiservice-canon.ro . Thanks.



Take a look at the customer email. I'm betting it shows the order number as '0'.


If I'm right, you're using Update 060817, which has a problem with this mod. You'll need to use Update 051112 or Update 051113 instead.


Sorry for the bad news.



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Hi Becki, Thanks but even though i reset the cache google is able to repeat its visit to almost 5000URLS???


This is giving me very bacd results for my keywords and im usually good at seo:(


Hopefully someone can answer my query





Here's an idea. When first loading, the product_info.php code queries the database to see if the product exists. Later in the page, the result ($product_check['total']) is used to determine whether to show the "product not found" message, or the product. That same result could be used to write the robots meta tag:


 if ($product_check['total'] < 1) {
echo '<meta name="robots" content="noindex,nofollow">';

Just place the if statement somewhere between the <head></head> tags.


I know it's not the same as a 404, but it's something. Maybe it'll work.



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