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[CONTRIBUTION] Ultimate SEO URLs v2.1 - by Chemo

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did that still same thing.


I didn't say that would fix your problem.

But that option should NEVER be disabled. A read of the last couple of pages of this thread would have stated that.


I dont know how to fix your other problem.



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Hi everyone,


I installed also the Ultimate SEO URL by Chemo, thanks Chemo :blush:


It works gr8 !


But we have one problem though, i searched here to find somebody with the same problem, but could nit find it.

So if it is posted somewhere, i am sorry, but a link to that page would be highly apprecieated :thumbsup:


If the seo is turned on , it works, only if you order on our shop, the order is being placed, but it gets the ordernumber : 0

And it is not visible in the admin section ?


In the mail you get :

'' Sweet Seduction


Bestelnummer: 0

Gedetailleerde pakbon: http://www.sweetseduction.be/catalog/accou....php?order_id=0

Besteldatum: Sunday, 21 January 2007 ''


When it is turned of you get:


Sweet Seduction


Bestelnummer: 77

Gedetailleerde pakbon: http://www.sweetseduction.be/catalog/accou...php?order_id=77

Besteldatum: Sunday, 21 January 2007




If somebody see's the problem, pleasse help us out.


Very BIG thanks in advance.

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But that option should NEVER be disabled. A read of the last couple of pages of this thread would have stated that.

o:) I believe you mean "never be enabled", or "always be disabled"...


To stress this very important point, let me say it again:

Use Search Engine Safe URL's (still in development)
" and "
Ultimate SEO URLs
! If you want to use "Ultimate SEO URLs", you need to turn off the included option in the Admin.
Make sure "Use Search Engine Safe URL's (still in development)" is DISABLED!

Okay. So the indent and pretty colors may be a bit over the top. But if it helps get the word out, or get it read, I don't care!


Good luck to all. ;)


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Can anyone help me with this problem:


I have the Ultimate SEO installed and it works fine. Just one little problem. Customers can't create accounts anymore. Well the account is created but there's no relation between the customers table and the address_book table. The link should be filled in the field customers_default_address_id, but ther's just a 0 in that field.


This only happens when i turn seo urls on??? Help :'(


Oh, Engine Safe URL's are turned off

Edited by lieven
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Hi everyone,


I installed also the Ultimate SEO URL by Chemo, thanks Chemo :blush:


It works gr8 !


But we have one problem though, i searched here to find somebody with the same problem, but could nit find it.

So if it is posted somewhere, i am sorry, but a link to that page would be highly apprecieated :thumbsup:


If the seo is turned on , it works, only if you order on our shop, the order is being placed, but it gets the ordernumber : 0

And it is not visible in the admin section ?


In the mail you get :

'' Sweet Seduction


Bestelnummer: 0

Gedetailleerde pakbon:

Besteldatum: Sunday, 21 January 2007 ''


When it is turned of you get:


Sweet Seduction


Bestelnummer: 77

Gedetailleerde pakbon:

Besteldatum: Sunday, 21 January 2007




If somebody see's the problem, pleasse help us out.


Very BIG thanks in advance.

I have the EXACT same problem as above. No order numbers are being generated, and order history does not work.



sweetseduction and classiccamerons,


I don't know the answer to your problem. However, a quick search (using Google, not the forum search) found an old post about this subject:

Bugs in osCommerce 2.2 Milestone 2 Update "060817"

fields customers_default_address_id in customers table cant change, only add with 0

fields customers_id in address_book table can't change. only add with 0


Order number always report 0

Order Number: 0


I suggest to use osCommerce 2.2 Milestone 2 Update 051112 to use Ultimate SEO URLs, not Update "060817"


Maybe this is the source of the problem?



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Can anyone help me with this problem:


I have the Ultimate SEO installed and it works fine. Just one little problem. Customers can't create accounts anymore. Well the account is created but there's no relation between the customers table and the address_book table. The link should be filled in the field customers_default_address_id, but ther's just a 0 in that field.


This only happens when i turn seo urls on??? Help :'(


Oh, Engine Safe URL's are turned off



See my previous post, above. It sounds like the same problem.



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You're a Genius!!


I just tried to create a customer account w/ Ultimate SEO Urls enabled and I received the same error as lieven. I assume sweetseduction also has this error. It must be an issue w/ Update 060817.


Now for the real question, is there anyway for me to use osCommerce 2.2 Milestone 2 Update 051112 without deleting my entire store and starting over? If this is the case, I will probably just wait for next update to come out… Now I’m confused….


Thanks again, for finding the source of the problem!!!



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hi guys i was installing the contribution in the shop every thing ok, but in admin when i go to configuration gives this:




if i go tools give this:




some one to help me


Maybe i dont make this point ok can you guys explain how i make this in database?


STEP #6 - SQL Update


Run the following sql on your store database:


ALTER TABLE `categories_description` ADD `categories_seo_url` VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL ;

ALTER TABLE `products_description` ADD `products_seo_url` VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL ;




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You're a Genius!!


I just tried to create a customer account w/ Ultimate SEO Urls enabled and I received the same error as lieven. I assume sweetseduction also has this error. It must be an issue w/ Update 060817.


Now for the real question, is there anyway for me to use osCommerce 2.2 Milestone 2 Update 051112 without deleting my entire store and starting over? If this is the case, I will probably just wait for next update to come out… Now I’m confused….


Thanks again, for finding the source of the problem!!!



Hi Dan.


Thanks, but I'm really not a genius. Just observant.


As for going back to Update 051112, it is possible.


Make sure you backup your entire site before attempting the change. Follow the directions below at your own risk. If something goes wrong, when updating the live store, immediately restore your backup.


I would recommend you put up a test server, rather than working with your live store. Many of us have XAMPP installed on our desktop computers, including me. I recommend it, as it is much faster to make changes when you don't have to upload the file with each tweak.


Install osCommerce 2.2 Milestone 2 Update 051112 to the test site (leaving your live store, and it's database, intact).


One by one, testing in between, add the contributions to your test site that you already have installed on your live store. You don't need your database at this stage.


Ultimate SEO URLs should be the last contribution you install. If you use XAMPP, you may find that you can't get mod_rewrite to work locally. However, it shouldn't be a problem once you move this to your live store.


Once you have the test site working, export the database from your live store, as plain text.


Open the database and verify the sql statement "drop table if exists" is included before each table. (If it's there for one, it will be there for all, so you don't need to search the whole database.) Use the osc Admin and simply make a backup, and it should be there.


Now import the database into your test site. All the default products should be gone. The images from your live store need to be copied into the images directory, if you want to see them at this point. I don't know that you need them to test the site, but you might feel more comfortable seeing them.


Having verified the test site is working correctly with Update 051112, your data, and the contributions, you are ready to update your live store.


First, create a file to tell the world your site is temporarily down for maintenance. It doesn't have to be fancy, but I would include a header with meta tags. Add the robots meta tag for nofollow and noindex, just to be safe. And a title tag with "Temporarily down for maintenance". If your site contains other features--articles, blog, resources, etc.--you should also include navigation to these non-osc pages.


Now copy your [catalog/]includes/configure.php and [catalog/]admin/includes/configure.php files from the live site to your computer. You will probably be able to use the configure files from the live site as is. The configure files from the test site will have path references that are wrong.


For both the live store and the test site, in [catalog/]includes/application_top.php, add the following definition before the rest of the code.

define('MAINTENANCE', true);


Also in application_top.php, look for:

  require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'html_output.php');

and add an if statement to redirect to the maintenance file, like this:

  require(DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS . 'html_output.php');



Upload the changed application_top.php file, and your osc pages will be inaccessible while you make the changes.


Because you make (to the test site) all the changes that you had installed in the live sstore, you should be able to copy all the code files from the test site to the live site.


You will need to copy ALL the osc files, except the configure.php files you downloaded above. Your database shouldn't be affected. Just don't do this until you have made a backup of your existing osc files!


It is easier to copy all the files, then copy your saved configure.php files back to the live server.


Once all the new files have been copied to the live server, open application_top.php and change the MAINTENANCE definition to false, (no quotes!). Save and upload, and your site is live again. Test it thoroughly. If it doesn't work, change the MAINTENANCE definition back to true and go back to your backup of Update 060817.


Remember, this is at your own risk. While I expect this to work, I cannot be responsible for work I'm not actually doing.


I recommend you print these instructions. Then use highlighter or whatever to mark off steps as you complete them. Missing a step could prove "problematic".


Also, If you do this, let us all know how it worked for you, good or bad. Others that come here after us may want to know...


Good Luck. I'm around, if you have any questions.



p.s. Backup, Backup, Backup!

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hi guys i was installing the contribution in the shop every thing ok, but in admin when i go to configuration gives this:




if i go tools give this:




some one to help me

Maybe i dont make this point ok can you guys explain how i make this in database?


STEP #6 - SQL Update


Run the following sql on your store database:


ALTER TABLE `categories_description` ADD `categories_seo_url` VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL ;

ALTER TABLE `products_description` ADD `products_seo_url` VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL ;




First, dir_ws_http_catalog is defined in [catalog/]includes/configure.php:

  define('DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG', '');

Because your catalog is in the root directory, this should be:

  define('DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG', '/');


When the definition is empty, osCommerce uses the name of the definition.


Second, to "run" SQL statements on your store database, you need access to a program like phpMyAdmin. I am not familiar with other SQL managing programs, but they are undoubtedly similar.


In phpMyAdmin, open your database from the drop-down menu in the left frame. You should then see several "tabs" across the top of the right frame. Look for the tab labeled "SQL" and click on it.


On the resulting page, you should see a text field with a label that is something like "Run SQL query/queries on database" followed by the name of your database. Copy and paste the two lines of SQL code into this text box and click on the "go" button.


Hope this helps.


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i am trying to install seo contribution i think i did good but i am getting this message


please someone help me my email [email protected]

Thanx alot



Has anyone contacted you to help?


I noticed that you aren't using Ultimate SEO URLs now. I also noticed the design of your site looks highly modified. Is it a template?


I took a look at your site while the error messages were still showing, but didn't have time then to help you. What I noticed was the first error message said one file being called from another file couldn't be found. I tried to locate the file in my install, but it wasn't there. Is it possible you installed a different SEO friendly URL contribution?


In any event, I suggest you turn the mod on, try to access the site, copy and paste the errors into a text file, then turn the mod back off. Armed with the actual error messages, you can then look for the problem.


It is possible that not having the first file caused some or all of the other errors, so fix the first error, then try accessing the site with the mod turned on again.


I hope this helps,


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First, dir_ws_http_catalog is defined in [catalog/]includes/configure.php:

  define('DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG', '');

Because your catalog is in the root directory, this should be:

  define('DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG', '/');


When the definition is empty, osCommerce uses the name of the definition.


Second, to "run" SQL statements on your store database, you need access to a program like phpMyAdmin. I am not familiar with other SQL managing programs, but they are undoubtedly similar.


In phpMyAdmin, open your database from the drop-down menu in the left frame. You should then see several "tabs" across the top of the right frame. Look for the tab labeled "SQL" and click on it.


On the resulting page, you should see a text field with a label that is something like "Run SQL query/queries on database" followed by the name of your database. Copy and paste the two lines of SQL code into this text box and click on the "go" button.


Hope this helps.




Hi Skittles,


thanks for your help, in the database everything ok, but in admin i cant open nothing i look in configure and everything ok but appear like this in all admin:







have you idea or someone what could be.



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Hi Skittles,


thanks for your help, in the database everything ok, but in admin i cant open nothing i look in configure and everything ok but appear like this in all admin:







have you idea or someone what could be.





I did some poking around in the code. The only place I see the constant DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG being used is in the catalog, not the Admin. It is used in function tep_href_link(), in html_output.php and also in application_top.php.


The instructions for installing this contribution have you replace the tep_href_link function in the catalog's copy of html_output.php.


My suspicion is you have replaced this function in the admin copy of html_output.php, either instead of, or in addition to replacing it in the catalog's html_output.php.


If no other modifications you've made affect the admin/includes/functions/html_output.php, just replace the entire file with the original unmodified file from the distribution.


Let us know if this solves the problem.


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Has anyone contacted you to help?
Yes Skittles, that is a template. Edited by chooch

Upon receiving fixes and advice, too many people don't bother to post updates informing the forum of how it went. Until of course they need help again on other issues and they come running back!


Why receive the information you require in good faith for free, only to then have the attitude to ignore the people who gave it to you?


There's no harm in saying, 'Thanks, it worked'. On the contrary, it creates a better atmosphere.



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Tried the contrib and think I did the sql update right using myphpadmin. However, here is the error I keep getting on my homepage:



Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home2/pearlcom/public_html/catalog/includes/functions/general.php:1325) in /home2/pearlcom/public_html/catalog/includes/functions/sessions.php on line 97


Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home2/pearlcom/public_html/catalog/includes/functions/general.php:1325) in /home2/pearlcom/public_html/catalog/includes/functions/sessions.php on line 97


anyone have any idea to why this is?


Thanks, TJ

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Tried the contrib and think I did the sql update right using myphpadmin. However, here is the error I keep getting on my homepage:

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home2/pearlcom/public_html/catalog/includes/functions/general.php:1325) in /home2/pearlcom/public_html/catalog/includes/functions/sessions.php on line 97


Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home2/pearlcom/public_html/catalog/includes/functions/general.php:1325) in /home2/pearlcom/public_html/catalog/includes/functions/sessions.php on line 97


anyone have any idea to why this is?


Thanks, TJ

Hi TJ.


This annoying little bug haunts us all at one time or another. It's caused by having white-space, usually a carriage return, following the "?>" at the end of an included file.


As you didn't get this error prior to doing the mod, it is most likely you added the white space at the end of one of the files you modified. Just go back and check each file, and delete any white-space following the end of the php. (Your cursor shouldn't be able to go beyond the ">" when moving it with your arrow keys.)


By the way, if you were working in any other files during that time, you should check them as well.


Let us know how it goes. :)


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I have the SEO URL's contrib installed... and now I am getting ready to install your PAGE CACHE contrib as well.


I notice they both touch the html_output.php file.


Does anybody know the proper way to merge these 2 contributions together for that file?




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I have the SEO URL's contrib installed... and now I am getting ready to install your PAGE CACHE contrib as well.


I notice they both touch the html_output.php file.


Does anybody know the proper way to merge these 2 contributions together for that file?






Well in my search for answer I have found more & more people who want the same answer. I'm sure Chemo knows off of the top of his head, but I'm not sure how often he checks this thread. If anybody else can help, we all would be very grateful! :thumbsup:

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I am having trouble with the "&" symbols being changed to the "amp;" thing


This problem happens when I change currency on my site or when I change the manufacturer filter id, instead of getting "&" I get amp; With the amp; thing if the manufacturers are filtered and then you change currency, then manufacturers get reset.


Anyway is there a fix for this? I turned off valid wc3 urls and it fixes the problem, but then does this mean my url's are not valid?


I want a fix so that I can turn the wc3 urls on, and still have "&" and NOT amp; thing.


Can anyone help?

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