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[CONTRIBUTION] Ultimate SEO URLs v2.1 - by Chemo

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Hello everybody


I have a small question and would be grateful if someone has an answer.


In "Ultimate SEO URLs v2.7 - FullPackage", how can you convert a whole alphabet to latin letters (LOWER and UPPER CASE) ?


In my case, I am trying to insert the cyrillic alphabet into the special characters field BUT it gets truncated on the half approximately. It seems that the field is limited to 255 characters.


Then I can use only Lower OR Uppercase in my titles, which is not the most elegant way to handle this.


Any idea about how to use the whole cyrillic alphabet in this great contrib ?


Thank you

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Hello everybody


I have a small question and would be grateful if someone has an answer.


In "Ultimate SEO URLs v2.7 - FullPackage", how can you convert a whole alphabet to latin letters (LOWER and UPPER CASE) ?


In my case, I am trying to insert the cyrillic alphabet into the special characters field BUT it gets truncated on the half approximately. It seems that the field is limited to 255 characters.


Then I can use only Lower OR Uppercase in my titles, which is not the most elegant way to handle this.


Any idea about how to use the whole cyrillic alphabet in this great contrib ?


Thank you


I have never even looked at 2.7 and always recommend 2.1d ORIGINAL updated .. having said that try the following .. no guarantees as it is untested but it may well help solve your issue.


Create a new file called cyrillic_conversion.php


 // List all cyrillic conversion characters
 // ### Ensure to save this file as the correct charset! ###
 $cyryllic = array('char' => 'convert',
				'char' => 'convert',
				'char' => 'convert');


Once you have completed the complete conversion array save the file in catalog/includes/modules/cyrillic_conversion.php



Open catalog/includes/classes/seo.class.php .. and find the following function:



		function expand($set){
	  $container = array();
	  if ( $this->not_null($set) ){
		if ( $data = @explode(',', $set) ){
		  foreach ( $data as $index => $valuepair){
			$p = @explode('=>', $valuepair);
			$container[trim($p[0])] = trim($p[1]);
		  return $container;
		} else {
		  return 'false';
	  } else {
		return 'false';
	} # end function


Replace with:


		function expand($set){
	  if ( is_readable(DIR_FS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_MODULES . 'cyrillic_conversion.php') ){
		include_once DIR_FS_CATALOG . DIR_WS_MODULES . 'cyrillic_conversion.php';
		if (isset($cyryllic) && is_array($cyryllic) ){
		  return $cyryllic;
	  $container = array();
	  if ( $this->not_null($set) ){
		if ( $data = @explode(',', $set) ){
		  foreach ( $data as $index => $valuepair){
			$p = @explode('=>', $valuepair);
			$container[trim($p[0])] = trim($p[1]);
		  return $container;
		} else {
		  return 'false';
	  } else {
		return 'false';
	} # end function


cyrillic_conversion.php should effectively bypass the standard function and use the array you created to replace the characters with no limit on size.


Good luck

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Hi all,


I installed this recently, then after doing some other contributions I have noticed this is the SEO URLs section:


Warning: call_user_func(tep_reset_cache_data_seo_urls) [function.call-user-func]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback in mywebsite/admin/includes/functions/general.php on line 1211


Any ideas how to get rid of it? It doesn't seem to be affecting anything though?

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Hi all,


I installed this recently, then after doing some other contributions I have noticed this is the SEO URLs section:


Warning: call_user_func(tep_reset_cache_data_seo_urls) [function.call-user-func]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback in mywebsite/admin/includes/functions/general.php on line 1211


Any ideas how to get rid of it? It doesn't seem to be affecting anything though?


Go back over the "tiny" admin mods and check what you did and the files you installed.


Yes it will affect something .. your ability to reset the seo urls.

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Hi all,


I installed this recently, then after doing some other contributions I have noticed this is the SEO URLs section:


Warning: call_user_func(tep_reset_cache_data_seo_urls) [function.call-user-func]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback in mywebsite/admin/includes/functions/general.php on line 1211


Any ideas how to get rid of it? It doesn't seem to be affecting anything though?



Go back over the "tiny" admin mods that you have to make to install the contribution and check what you did and the files you installed.


Yes it will affect something .. your ability to reset the seo urls.

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Go back over the "tiny" admin mods that you have to make to install the contribution and check what you did and the files you installed.


Yes it will affect something .. your ability to reset the seo urls.


What do you mean the "tiny" admin mods? I just used the autoinstaller that is now available. :blink:

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What do you mean the "tiny" admin mods? I just used the autoinstaller that is now available. :blink:


Ahh sorry you are using one of the the broken versions .. I only support 2.1d ORIGINAL updated. My mistake.


Look out for ULTIMATE Seo Urls 5!!! (If you run PHP 5.2+)


Coming soon.

Edited by FWR Media
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Ahh sorry you are using one of the the broken versions .. I only support 2.1d ORIGINAL updated. My mistake.


Look out for ULTIMATE Seo Urls 5!!! (If you run PHP 5.2+)


Coming soon.


What do you mean broken versions!? It was woking fine before I installed a different add on. :(

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What do you mean broken versions!? It was woking fine before I installed a different add on. :(


Just my opinion but all versions past 2.1d are badly implemented and in most cases pure rubbish .. I have "attempted" to keep the original contribution intact by updating 2.1d . . people can of course use whatever they wish however .. I have yet to see any support here for any other version.


When I release ULTIMATE Seo Urls 5 it will be CLOSED to all and sundry adding rubbish.

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Just my opinion but all versions past 2.1d are badly implemented and in most cases pure rubbish .. I have "attempted" to keep the original contribution intact by updating 2.1d . . people can of course use whatever they wish however .. I have yet to see any support here for any other version.


When I release ULTIMATE Seo Urls 5 it will be CLOSED to all and sundry adding rubbish.


Will you have an autoinstaller feature? That saves so much time!

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Will you have an autoinstaller feature? That saves so much time!


No .. it is a bad idea for modified shops which is one of the reasons why we see tons of errors for these "improved" versions and none for 2.1d ORIGINAL updated.

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Doh. Ok, I will keep an eye out for it then. When will this be and what will be better about it?


Well this is the support forum for 2.1 I think it's best kept as that. When I do release it rest assured I'll point out the benefits.

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I have never even looked at 2.7 and always recommend 2.1d ORIGINAL updated .. having said that try the following .. no guarantees as it is untested but it may well help solve your issue.


Create a new file called cyrillic_conversion.php


Once you have completed the complete conversion array save the file in catalog/includes/modules/cyrillic_conversion.php


Open catalog/includes/classes/seo.class.php .. and find the following function:


cyrillic_conversion.php should effectively bypass the standard function and use the array you created to replace the characters with no limit on size.


Good luck





Thank you so much Robert, your code works like a charm. :rolleyes:


It should be added as an official release to the 2.7 version for all the non-latin alphabet countries !!!

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Thank you so much Robert, your code works like a charm. :rolleyes:


It should be added as an official release to the 2.7 version for all the non-latin alphabet countries !!!


You are very welcome Megalucca


Could you do me a favour? I'm finalising ULTIMATE Seo Urls 5 and will use a similar system to this but I need the language character conversions .. would you mind emailing the cyrillic file to me?


admin at my forum name dot co dot uk

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You are very welcome Megalucca


Could you do me a favour? I'm finalising ULTIMATE Seo Urls 5 and will use a similar system to this but I need the language character conversions .. would you mind emailing the cyrillic file to me?


admin at my forum name dot co dot uk



Dear Robert,


As I am not sure about your email, I am posting the character conversion directly in the forum. And allow everybody to get the info.


I am using this cyrillic set for Bulgarian language (it turns any character to latin lower case - UTF-8 encoding) :


$cyryllic = array('а'=>'a','б'=>'b','в'=>'v','г'=>'g','д'=>'d','е'=>'e','ж'=>'j','з'=>'z','и'=>'i','й'=>'i','к'=>'k','л'=>'l','м'=>'m','н'=>'n','о'=>'o','п'=>'p','р'=>'r','с'=>'s','т'=>'t','у'=>'u','ф'=>'f','х'=>'h','ц'=>'tz','ч'=>'tch','ш'=>'sh','щ'=>'sht','ъ'=>'a','ю'=>'iu','я'=>'ia','А'=>'a','Б'=>'b','В'=>'v','Г'=>'g','Д'=>'d','Е'=>'e','Ж'=>'j','З'=>'z','И'=>'I','Й'=>'I','К'=>'k','Л'=>'l','М'=>'m','Н'=>'n','О'=>'o','П'=>'p','Р'=>'r','С'=>'s','Т'=>'t','У'=>'u','Ф'=>'f','Х'=>'h','Ц'=>'tz','Ч'=>'tch','Ш'=>'sh','Щ'=>'sht','Ъ'=>'a','Ю'=>'iu','Я'=>'ia');


Cyrillic for russian is slightly different.

So as to help you I got this set from another contrib (Ultimate SEO URLS 2.1d with all fix cyrillic - western European encoding) :






	// -----------------------
	  "Ú" => "",
	  "Ü" => "",
	  "ú" => "",
	  "ü" => ""


Hope this helps


If you really need the files, please write me your email in a private message ;o)

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Just 2 questions...


Is Header Tags SEO V 3.1.3 compatible with USU v2.1d ???


Is Anti Robot Registration Validation V3.1 compatible too?




Did no one tried these 2 with USU 2.1?



osCommerce Online Merchant v2.2 RC1 W3C Valid FR avec : colissimo_v1.9 // CGV // GoogleXML_sitemap - Update -> googlexml_sitemap_seo_v_1.5 // Ultimate SEO URLs 2.1d - Update -> v22d_12 // AntiRobotRegistrationValidation-3.1 // TinyMCE WYSIWYG HTML EDITOR // HEader Tag SEO 3.1.4 // PDF Invoice 1.5 // Specials_enhanced_v1_3_1 // quick_stock_update_v3.5_FRENCH // xmembers_v2.2 // contact_us_form_in_db_with_amin_v1.1 // photo_display_1 // previous_next_with_details // infoBox Admin v.2.25 // whosonlineturbov1.1fr // customer_discount_v1.3 // flash_bannersv2 // Horizontal_menu_V3 // Loginbox_Best_1 // CCGV // XSell_v2_7_2 // Printable Catalog XSS Flaw Fixed // all_specials_slideshow // Birthdays_v1.4 // Search_price_range_pulldown_menu_1.1 // contrib-categories // Reviews_in_Product_Display_v2.3 // Easy Graphical Borders // Simple Multiple Images (Unlimited) with Fancy Popups V1.3.5 // Guestbook V3.0 // Blacklist_IP_v.3 // Quicker Product Edit v2.1 // Chronopost_2010 // Easy Center // Size Shop with Layers // Safari-Chrome_fix // Protection to Configuration v1.3a // Page_Cache_v1.6... Thanks to everyone!

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Did no one tried these 2 with USU 2.1?




It is compatible with everything .. if using header tags use the version uploaded by jackmcs as USU has an unfortunate delete sql that assumes it is the only contribution EVER that will use the key term SEO.

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It is compatible with everything .. if using header tags use the version uploaded by jackmcs as USU has an unfortunate delete sql that assumes it is the only contribution EVER that will use the key term SEO.



Hi Robert,

Sorry but I am a little confused! Maybe cause of my English...;)

Are you telling me that Header Tags SEO V 3.1.3 made by JackMCS is the only Header Tag that I can use with USU v2.1d, cause of the deleting sql that do USU v2.1d does automatically?



osCommerce Online Merchant v2.2 RC1 W3C Valid FR avec : colissimo_v1.9 // CGV // GoogleXML_sitemap - Update -> googlexml_sitemap_seo_v_1.5 // Ultimate SEO URLs 2.1d - Update -> v22d_12 // AntiRobotRegistrationValidation-3.1 // TinyMCE WYSIWYG HTML EDITOR // HEader Tag SEO 3.1.4 // PDF Invoice 1.5 // Specials_enhanced_v1_3_1 // quick_stock_update_v3.5_FRENCH // xmembers_v2.2 // contact_us_form_in_db_with_amin_v1.1 // photo_display_1 // previous_next_with_details // infoBox Admin v.2.25 // whosonlineturbov1.1fr // customer_discount_v1.3 // flash_bannersv2 // Horizontal_menu_V3 // Loginbox_Best_1 // CCGV // XSell_v2_7_2 // Printable Catalog XSS Flaw Fixed // all_specials_slideshow // Birthdays_v1.4 // Search_price_range_pulldown_menu_1.1 // contrib-categories // Reviews_in_Product_Display_v2.3 // Easy Graphical Borders // Simple Multiple Images (Unlimited) with Fancy Popups V1.3.5 // Guestbook V3.0 // Blacklist_IP_v.3 // Quicker Product Edit v2.1 // Chronopost_2010 // Easy Center // Size Shop with Layers // Safari-Chrome_fix // Protection to Configuration v1.3a // Page_Cache_v1.6... Thanks to everyone!

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Hi Robert,

Sorry but I am a little confused! Maybe cause of my English...;)

Are you telling me that Header Tags SEO V 3.1.3 made by JackMCS is the only Header Tag that I can use with USU v2.1d, cause of the deleting sql that do USU v2.1d does automatically?




Jackmcs uploaded a version of 2.1d ORIGINAL updated that, from my understanding (I've never looked at it) removes a compatibility issue between the contributions.

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I have install ultimate SEO URL's 2.7 using oscommerce, when enable my site goes down with webpage not found. If disable all works fine. Can someone give me some direction, Thanks

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i tried to upgrade to the newest seo version and all of a sudden the links rewrite once you click but when you hover over the link, it does not show the rewritten url..


on the bottom left corner of the browser when you hover, it will show this,




but once you click the link, it will show this in the url address bar: http://www.shaveicesupplies.com/shave-ice-flavors-c-1.html


was wondering if someone might be able to assist in this matter.


i resetted the cache, etc.

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Just a quick note to say that I've been just about the only person offering support for this contribution for some time.


I have now released my own total rewrite (PHP5 only) so will support this no longer.


Anyone who is interested can download the brand new version and join me at ULTIMATE Seo Urls 5

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Hi all,


I've recently changed my site to OSC 2.2rc2a with Ultimate SEO URL's installed and working. However, I've now installed USEO URLs 2.1d (23rd Nov 08 - Jack MCS) and its doing odd things ...


If I click on a category within the categories box, e.g. http://www.mysite.com/category-c-1.html, I get redirected to index.php. My server error logs show nothing.


I'm able to open a product directly from its rewritten HTML link with no problems, but the product_info page displays "path Standard " at the very start of the page. Looking at the HTML page code shows it is written in front of the <title> tag.


I've disabled caching to no avail and now find that disabling USEO URL's through the admin panel prevents any link from working whatsoever !


Does anybody have any idea what might be happening or could anybody advise how I would go about debugging this ? I've also installed "Header Tags SEO v3.1.3" which I didn't have before, so I'm wondering if this could be causing the issue ... ?


As always, any help is very much appreciated !





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In regards to my post above, it turns out there was an echo in the Header Tags SEO install I used that shouldn't have been there. For reference, its in includes/functions/header_tags.php. Comment out or remove:



However, my categories still don't work !


I've since noticed that if I delete the "cache" table, it doesn't automatically get inserted back into the database. I'd assume this means that seo.class.php isn't being executed ... ? If this is the case, does anybody know why this might happen ?



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