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[CONTRIBUTION] Ultimate SEO URLs v2.1 - by Chemo

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This is a great contribution chemo, but i have found one problem with it while testing it out on my store.


After you add an item to the shopping basket directly from a list of products (eg list of all the products from a manufacturer) and then click continue shopping to return to that list of products. If you then try to add another product from the list to the shopping cart directly from the list, it adds the same product as before.


Is there any way to fix this?

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The only problem I have found with this is that when Google spiders your site, it doesn't pick up on the new url's it still spiders the old ones?? therefore I don't see an advantage for google with this or am I missing something?? MSN spiders them OK


Anybody else notice this??




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I've installed this package today and had great success, even though the OSc is badly hacked. On my old OSc, I was using the categories and sub cat from the URL to create some features on my site. Chemo's modrewrite looks as if its adding in some funny information on the index page and now allowing me to capture sub cat information.


RewriteRule ^(.*)-c-(.*).html$ index.php?cPath=$2&%{QUERY_STRING}


Does the cPath=$2&% really add a 20 in front of the query string? Therefore, when I look at my categories, it looks like this:




Could someone let me know what the cPath=$2&% is doing?


And, if I have sub categories, such as cPath=1_7 or cPath=1_11 (where 7 and 11 are sub cats), do I need to make another mod rewrite rule?

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I have installed this contr. and looks ok, except that even with the two files fixed, if unable from admin, the site is killed.
Try turning rewrite off in .htaccess - this would be a step beyond disabling in admin, but if it works... Edited by Randelia
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Please help.


I have just installed this Contribution, mostly.

I was not able to do:

STEP #6 - Edit .htaccess file (in your catalog directory)


For some reason I cannot have a file that has a "." in it.

Geocities hosts my site.


The problem is, if you look at My Store you will see that if you click a link, for example, in "categories" you get a "Page Cannot Be Found" error.


However, the links at the bottom like in the "information" box still work. But they are still in .php format.




What have I done wrong and how can I fix this?

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hi there


I have just taken a look at your site and have noticed your configure.php file is available for any one to write to in the programe the you use to edit and upload your site go to Yourdomain/catalog/include/configure.php and look for the permission settings and set to (owner read write) (group read) and other read do not let group or other write or execute


maybe this is your problem but in any case this need to be changed as anyone can access your server through this configure.php as all your server details are on there. this may also be the problem with the contribution you are trying to install hmmmm reply to this feed when you have sorted the pemission out on the configure.php file




if you prefer you can contact me through our website http://www.pcgiant.co.uk and click on enter our store

then click on the link contact us


Please help.


I have just installed this Contribution, mostly.

I was not able to do:

STEP #6 - Edit .htaccess file (in your catalog directory)


For some reason I cannot have a file that has a "." in it.

Geocities hosts my site.


The problem is, if you look at My Store you will see that if you click a link, for example, in "categories" you get a "Page Cannot Be Found" error.


However, the links at the bottom like in the "information" box still work. But they are still in .php format.

What have I done wrong and how can I fix this?

:) :)

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Thank you for replying.


Okay, I have set the permissions.


ALso, by the time you looked at my page I turned off "enable SEO url's" in Admin->Configuration->SEO URLs.


When Doing that and trying to click a page it just takes forever and nothing happens.


Anyway I turned it back on now. Still the same error.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I have noticed that html pages or html components (like in the WYSIWYG Editor components "admin/htmlarea/popups" dir, or any file that points to a ".html" file instead of ".php") return a "Page cannot be displayed" error, is there something that needs to be updated in the htdocs rewrite rules? or is anyone having/had this problem too? It seems to also affect the RMA Returns contrib in the Customer account page (click on ""Return This item"" gives a broken link... )


A quick & Messy fix ive found for the html pages error was to copy the component files to a local folder, ex: In "/admin/htmlarea/popups" copy "insert_link.html, insert_table.html, select_color.html, etc... to your local folder, then rename the file extensions from ".html" to ".php" and that seems to get them to load., but its a bitch when you have alot of custom static html pages, or mods that use html pages.



Any help would be great

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Thank you for replying.


Okay, I have set the permissions.


ALso, by the time you looked at my page I turned off "enable SEO url's" in Admin->Configuration->SEO URLs.


When Doing that and trying to click a page it just takes forever and nothing happens.


Anyway I turned it back on now. Still the same error.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


joe - your need to turn on SEO in admin. If you want to turn on/off, you need to install a fix to the last version. Basically you will modify 2 files (I guess includes/application_top and seo_class.


You site as I see now is with SEO off.


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You can replace this line in seo_class.php:


return htmlspecialchars(utf8_encode($link));


return $link;


in fact, that's how I have my store running since I didn't like other things it was doing.



Great except doesnt this make the url less friendly?

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Well, it worked for me. And no, it has no effect on URLs unless they contain multinational charaacters.


Someone asked earlier about spiders and sessions. This contribution has no effect on that. You want to turn on "Prevent Spider Sessions" and use a current spiders.txt for that.


BTW, for those who are thanking Chemo for this contribution, and well they should, he can't read your thanks as he isn't here anymore, at the admins' insistence.

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Well, it worked for me. And no, it has no effect on URLs unless they contain multinational charaacters.


Someone asked earlier about spiders and sessions. This contribution has no effect on that. You want to turn on "Prevent Spider Sessions" and use a current spiders.txt for that.


BTW, for those who are thanking Chemo for this contribution, and well they should, he can't read your thanks as he isn't here anymore, at the admins' insistence.


I dont mean to be a pain but how could I trouble shoot this?

This is some more info on the problem including a screen shot I really am not trying to be lazy I promise.


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I read the other post. Unfortunately, the links you posted look the same - the forum software evidently turned the & amp; into an &.


I am away from my sources for the rest of this week, but it should be simple to see how this message URL is constructed and what is adding the & amp;.

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I dont mean to be a pain but how could I trouble shoot this?

This is some more info on the problem including a screen shot I really am not trying to be lazy I promise.



For the issue with the AMP in the URL, turn off 'WCC valid URLS' in the SEO config settings in admin.

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For the issue with the AMP in the URL, turn off 'WCC valid URLS' in the SEO config settings in admin.


I dont have a wcc I just have the following in my config


Enable SEO URLs? true

Add cPath to product URLs? false

Add category parent to begining of URLs? true

Filter Short Words 3 Info

Enable SEO cache to save queries? false

Enable product cache? true Info

Enable categories cache? true

Enable manufacturers cache? true

Enable articles cache? true

Enable topics cache? true

Enable information cache? true

Enable automatic redirects? true

Choose URL Rewrite Type Rewrite

Enter special character conversions

Remove all non-alphanumeric characters? false

Reset SEO URLs Cache false

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Set all of the session "Check" items to false. The last two should be set to true. The "Check" items set to true will prevent some legitimate buyers from completing a purchase - particularly AOL users.

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Hello everyone! Great hack none-the-less. I have got it installed in 2 mins flat! Great Hack!


I do have a a few concerns as follows:


1. I set the filter short words to 2. But when I click on lets say my Ford Racing Hat, it will cut off the word HAT at the end. Here is an example: http://muscle-mustangs.com/apparel-ford-mu...ts-c-30_44.html Click on the 3rd hat down and when it comes up, you can see the title says "Flamed-Ford-Racing" I need it to say "Flamed-Ford-Racing-Hat" This wouldn't be such a huge concern if I just had a few products like this, but most of my products have 2-3 key words that are really key.



2. Lets say one of my products are named 1994-98 Cobra Headlight Kit. When you click on that product, in the address bar it will say 199498-cobra-headlight. Almost everyone of my products start with a number dash number. Is their anyway I can get it to keep a dash between the 1994-98? An example: http://muscle-mustangs.com/lighting-headli...s-c-84_166.html Click on any of those products and watch the URL after you click on it!


Thanks for all your help ;)

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Well, it worked for me. And no, it has no effect on URLs unless they contain multinational charaacters.


Someone asked earlier about spiders and sessions. This contribution has no effect on that. You want to turn on "Prevent Spider Sessions" and use a current spiders.txt for that.


BTW, for those who are thanking Chemo for this contribution, and well they should, he can't read your thanks as he isn't here anymore, at the admins' insistence.


Do you happen to know someone I could pay to figure this out? As I havent found any help on this and I wouldnt know where to begin.?

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Does anyone know which is the better tool to use?


Header Tags Generator v2.0 or Ultimate SEO URLs?





Oh... and is there any benefit in using them both together?



Edited by roquetsynce
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Hi Bobby!


thank you for your excellent work.


i was wondering if you are planning to give language support to the seo

ultimate urls...


i have this urls at the moment:


when will it be possible to change them to:



Do you have any idea on how to realize this?


Thank you



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