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[CONTRIBUTION] Ultimate SEO URLs v2.1 - by Chemo

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Thanks you Jack!!


I flapped through some pages..and dnt find anything useful..Its very hard to go through 245 pages..


Can u please give brief answer of my question.


I will be very thankful to you!

I did. Turn off all of the settings.

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Hi. I installed Ultimate_SEO_URLSv22d_7 addon and I have a problem with "Next page" or 2, 3 page folow on pages on which I have more than 20 products. When I click on "2" or "Next page" page I arrive at the index.php page. I noticed that when I mouse over theese links("2") the link is index.php?page=2. Please help! Thanks!

A previous version had that problem but it hasn't existed for years, that I am aware of. If you updated from a previous version, maybe you didn't replace the main file? Also, be sure to completely turn off the contribution and verify the problem is not still there.

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I have installed Ultimate Seo Urls v22d_7 in locale in a clean OsC-2.2rc2a/catalog and I get a splendid 404 error i.e. with this url or

What am I doing wrong ? Tks and regards, Andres

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I have installed Ultimate Seo Urls v22d_7 in locale in a clean OsC-2.2rc2a/catalog and I get a splendid 404 error i.e. with this url or

What am I doing wrong ? Tks and regards, Andres

Not reading the latest posts before posting. This was addressed in the last page or so.

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I went through almost all the thread before posting, this addon would not work with a ?

Regards, Andres

Last page - post 4893, and another the page or two before. In short, it won't work with temp url's.

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A previous version had that problem but it hasn't existed for years, that I am aware of. If you updated from a previous version, maybe you didn't replace the main file? Also, be sure to completely turn off the contribution and verify the problem is not still there.


I rechecked everything. The problem still exists. To remove the add is quite something... the link is write here: http://www.margelesiaccesorii.eu/coliere-c-39_42.html

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I rechecked everything. The problem still exists. To remove the add is quite something... the link is write here: http://www.margelesiaccesorii.eu/coliere-c-39_42.html

This isn't something that can be answered in a support thread, unless someone has seen it or can reproduce it, which I can't, but this thread may help.

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Problem with Ultimate-SEO-URL and Header-tags-SEO working together.



I have the following scenario:


Windows Server as OS


Ultimate SEO URL version 2.0b

Header Tags SEO v.3.1.8


The question is that when all is activated, all looks working fine (not true because in product_info.php header tags doesn't work)

if I deactivate Ultimate SEO URL, product_info.php doesn't work too.


I am almost getting crazy trying to solve this issue and I am asking in both forums to see if somebody has the same problem


Do you have some ideas?


Thank you.

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Problem with Ultimate-SEO-URL and Header-tags-SEO working together.



I have the following scenario:


Windows Server as OS


Ultimate SEO URL version 2.0b

Header Tags SEO v.3.1.8

The two contributions don't have anything to do with one another unless you are using my version of Ultimate SEO and if the Header Tags option is enabled. But since you aren't using that version, even that can't be the problem.

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Hi at all, i´ve got a little problem with the shop and I think there is problem at Ultimate SEO URls, if I try to open one new categorie i get an 403 Errormessage:



You don't have permission to access /shop/bohrer-kegelsenker-bitsenker-90-din-335-c-original-koch-c-original-koch-c-original-koch-c-original-koch-c-original-koch-c-original-koch-c-original-koch-c-original-koch-c-original-koch-c-original-koch-c-original-koch-c-original-koch-c-original-koch-c-149_948_1709.html on this server.


this one.


All other categories are working without any problems, just this one -.-*

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You don't have permission to access /shop/bohrer-kegelsenker-bitsenker-90-din-335-c-original-koch-c-original-koch-c-original-koch-c-original-koch-c-original-koch-c-original-koch-c-original-koch-c-original-koch-c-original-koch-c-original-koch-c-original-koch-c-original-koch-c-original-koch-c-149_948_1709.html on this server.


All other categories are working without any problems, just this one -.-*

You'll have to look at that category to find the problem. Maybe it is named with -c- in it, which, I suppose, might confuse the code.

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In v2.1d STABLE FINAL r172 (yes I have to use the v2.1d line of code), I was using Eclipse PHP debugger to track down something else and got the following Console notice:


Notice: /catalog/includes/classes/seo.class.php line 583 - Undefined variable: aID



If you ask me, this looks like a copy/paste bug from using the previous function (get_article_name) as a template.


The current function is:


  function get_topic_name( $tID ) {

   switch( true ) {
     case ( $this->attributes['USE_SEO_CACHE_GLOBAL'] == 'true' && defined( 'TOPIC_NAME_' . $tID ) ):
       $return = constant( 'TOPIC_NAME_' . $tID );
       $this->cache['TOPICS'][$tID] = $return;
     case ( $this->attributes['USE_SEO_CACHE_GLOBAL'] == 'true' && isset( $this->cache['TOPICS'][$tID] ) ):
       $return = $this->cache['TOPICS'][$tID];
       $sql = "SELECT topics_name as tName FROM " . TABLE_TOPICS_DESCRIPTION . " WHERE topics_id='" . (int)$tID . "' AND language_id='" . (int)$this->languages_id . "' LIMIT 1";
       $result = $this->usu_db_query( $sql );
       $row = tep_db_fetch_array( $result );
       tep_db_free_result( $result );
       $tName = $this->strip( $row['tName'] );
583->   $this->cache['ARTICLES'][$aID] = $tName;
       $return = $tName;
   } # end switch                
     return $return;
 } # end function


Shouldn't line 583 be:


$this->cache['TOPICS'][$tID] = $tName;


Otherwise, some random article is going to get a topic name.



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I had this great contribution up and running fine.


Today I used the free version of the Acunetix Web Scanner to scan for XSS vulnarabilities (I had none - so the contributions to prevent those work).


However, when I try to access a product on my site now I get the error message "Not Found The requested URL /xxx was not found on this server."


The only way I can now get my site working is to disable SEO URLs from admin.


What could have happened and how can I fix it ?



Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.

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When I turn off the SEO URLs I also get the following error "Fatal error: Call to a member function db_disconnect() on a non-object in /home/username/public_html/includes/application_bottom.php on line 32"


so I have to comment out the following line of application bottom to remove the error:



I have searched but cannot find a solution.



Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.

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OK - Thanks _ I managed to fix it - I dont know how but I did.



Now running on a fully modded, Mobile Friendly 2.3.4 Store with the Excellent MTS installed - See my profile for the mods installed ..... So much thanks for all the help given along the way by forum members.

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Hi There. I have a previous version of this great contribution, and would like to upgrade it. Can anyone tell me how I can tell what version I have? This way, I'll know what directions to use to update. Can anyone also tell me if my site uses the cname method of url generation?


Thanks so much!!



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I've installed Ultimate SEO V 2.2d-7 and also Header Tags SEO V 3.12.


When I press the "Buy" button, it goes to shopping_cart page, but I got something strange at the top, we see


dir="LTR" lang="fr"


and the title bar with <?php echo TITLE; ?>


I don't know if this comes from these contributs, do you have any idea?


Thanks for your help



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I've installed Ultimate SEO V 2.2d-7 and also Header Tags SEO V 3.12.


When I press the "Buy" button, it goes to shopping_cart page, but I got something strange at the top, we see


dir="LTR" lang="fr"


and the title bar with <?php echo TITLE; ?>


I don't know if this comes from these contributs, do you have any idea?

It looks like a mistake in the install of Header Tags. You shouldn't see php code on the site.

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Do I need to create a topic in Header Tags forum for this?

Yes, this thread is just for Ultimate SEO issues.

Edited by Jack_mcs

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Getting this error when I uploaded Ultimate SEO 2.1


Fatal error: Call to undefined function usu_db_query() in includes/classes/seo.class.php


Was I supposed to install something first before I installed this add on?

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Hi all,


I have installed the V2.1 contrib in one shop... :thumbsup:

Now, I have to create another shop and I have a lot of contribution installed. I am using the first one to began to create the second.

I copied the database, the directories, I deleted all the products and categories, but to navegate by the site I have to turn off the ultimate SEO URLs contrib and put to false all the cache. It's doesn't work in the second site, but perfectly in the first one.


Can you help me?


Thanks friends¡


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Hi I'm using Ultimate SEO URL's 2-2.2d-7


I have managed to install it and its working great. I'm just looking for a bit of info on how it works really.


My URL's read like this now:



Is it a problem having all the jibberish (to me anyways) at the end of the URL (?osCsid=b955168c8a802d5ebdfb7659795d61fb).


I have read around a bit and apparently you can change the URL's using the .htaccess file but I dont know how you would go about doing this?





Edited by Greeny
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