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The e-commerce.

Preview and publish


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First of all, i am new to oscommerce so please excuse my ignorance. I want to know how to preview my store and publish it on the web



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you can install a server on your windows machine - one i have used and is easy to use is xaamp - it is a an application that turns your local windows machine into a server capable of running php and mysql scripts - also there are built in tools for managing your database (PHPMyAdmin) plus a few other bits...


use that to develop your store locally if that is what you want to do - and use an ftp program like dreamwever (very expensive though) to upload the files - you will need to make sure that your host supports osc -


pm me if you want some help



Mark A Reynolds

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you can install a server on your windows machine - one i have used and is easy to use is xaamp - it is a an application that turns your local windows machine into a server capable of running php and mysql scripts - also there are built in tools for managing your database (PHPMyAdmin) plus a few other bits...


use that to develop your store locally if that is what you want to do - and use an ftp program like dreamwever (very expensive though) to upload the files - you will need to make sure that your host supports osc -


pm me if you want some help



Well, i have installed it onto my server, which is capable of running php and mysql, but how do i preview it then

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