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Complete n00b please help


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hi, i'm a complete n00b to this, i've uploaded all the catalog files manual but i still get errors in certain places, if i pm an admin or someone do you think you could help?

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please help us help you. do not put in the title or description please help, if you didnt need help you would probably not be posting. instead, put a brief of what you are having problems with in both spots.

now what you need to do is put in here is what the errors are, what you have done, did you install any contributions, etc.

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in the oscommerce admin page under the three modules part i've got all the right files uploaded but i get these errors


for payment i get:


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class authorizenet in /home/www/coolstore.webpal.info/catalog/includes/modules/payment/authorizenet.php on line 13


for shipping i get:


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class flat in /home/www/coolstore.webpal.info/catalog/includes/modules/shipping/flat.php on line 13



for order_total i get:


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class ot_loworderfee in /home/www/coolstore.webpal.info/catalog/includes/modules/order_total/ot_loworderfee.php on line 13

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i would be inclined to reload the code for the admin, (make a backup copy of your admin/includes/configure.php) sounds like something didnt get copied to the web server

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