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The e-commerce.

Problem with breadcrumb trail...


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I hope someone can help me with this beacause I think I've read every forum message that contains the word "breadcrumb" and I cannot find an answer anywhere!


I've set up my categories so they are under one parent category of "shop" (to aid the addition of another section which will be added later, after the shop goes live). When you select "shop" then one of the subcategories, the breadcrumb trail works fine. But if you select a subcategory first, the breadcrumb trail only shows Home>>subcategory. Is there a way of forcing the parent category to always appear when browsing subcategories?


I think I know enough (I'm a complete php noobie btw) that I need to change application_top.php, have no clue really what I need to add/change - please can some kind soul take pity & help a confused blond out! :blush:




PS - As I really don't know what is causing this I am unsure what other info I need to give - if you need more please ask!

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