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[CONTRIBUTION] Google XML Sitemap Feed - by Chemo


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Hi Chemo.


Ive installed your amazing contrib following all instructions to the letter. but when i goto http://speedydvds.co.uk/googlesitemap/index.php i get the following message on screen



ERROR: Google Product Sitemap Generation FAILED!


ERROR: Google Category Sitemap Generation FAILED!


Generated Google Sitemap Index Successfully




[QUERY] => Array


[PRODUCTS] => Array


[sTATUS] => success

[NUM_ROWS] => 0



[CATEOGRY] => Array


[sTATUS] => success

[NUM_ROWS] => 1





[sAVE_FILE_XML] => Array


[0] => Array


[file] => /home/speedydv/public_html/sitemapindex.xml

[status] => success

[file_exists] => true








Any ideas on how to fix it please. try to make it simple as im a bit simple my self with this stuff. If you want you can get me on msn at [email protected].


Cheers alan

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Hi Chemo.


Ive installed your amazing contrib following all instructions to the letter. but when i goto http://speedydvds.co.uk/googlesitemap/index.php i get the following message on screen



ERROR: Google Product Sitemap Generation FAILED!


ERROR: Google Category Sitemap Generation FAILED!


Generated Google Sitemap Index Successfully




[QUERY] => Array


[PRODUCTS] => Array


[sTATUS] => success

[NUM_ROWS] => 0



[CATEOGRY] => Array


[sTATUS] => success

[NUM_ROWS] => 1





[sAVE_FILE_XML] => Array


[0] => Array


[file] => /home/speedydv/public_html/sitemapindex.xml

[status] => success

[file_exists] => true








Any ideas on how to fix it please. try to make it simple as im a bit simple my self with this stuff. If you want you can get me on msn at [email protected].


Cheers alan

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Hi Chemo.


Ive installed your amazing contrib following all instructions to the letter. but when i goto /googlesitemap/index.php i get the following message on screen



ERROR: Google Product Sitemap Generation FAILED!


ERROR: Google Category Sitemap Generation FAILED!


Generated Google Sitemap Index Successfully




[QUERY] => Array


[PRODUCTS] => Array


[sTATUS] => success

[NUM_ROWS] => 0



[CATEOGRY] => Array


[sTATUS] => success

[NUM_ROWS] => 1





[sAVE_FILE_XML] => Array


[0] => Array


[file] => /home/public_html/sitemapindex.xml

[status] => success

[file_exists] => true








Any ideas on how to fix it please. try to make it simple as im a bit simple my self with this stuff. If you want you can get me on msn at [email protected].


Cheers alan

Edited by speedydvds
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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Dear Chemo and all,


Firstly thanks for your cool contrib.


I have little bit problem and hope I can find the solution here. Thank you in advance for that.


I have installed your contrib http://www.oscommerce.com/commuGoogle XML Sitemap Feed v1.3 on 5 Jun 2005 together with ultimate seo url 2.1d with

Ultimate SEO URLs - 2.1d with optional Admin settable Product and Category URLs by yesudo.


googlesitemap/index.php is working properly. I can generate 3 files of sitemap.


Unfortunately all url was not rewritten by ultimate seo url yet.


Could you please help me to fix this.


Again, thank you so much.

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Excellent contrib,

Cant get it to work on my new shop though , this error is thrown up each time I try to generate


Warning: fopen() [function.fopen]: open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/sitemapproducts.xml) is not within the allowed path(s): (/home/httpd/vhosts/motorbikesandparts.co.uk/httpsdocs:/tmp)


Can you tell me why it is putting a ":" colon before the "/tmp" as this seems to be the problem


Thanks in advance

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How can I limit the number of product in the xml file? (google alow 50000)





Just change the query that selectc products and limit it to the number of products that you want to sent to google.


For example, if you want to limit the products xml file to 10,000 records, your query should look like this:


function GenerateProductSitemap(){
	$sql = "SELECT products_id as pID, products_date_added as date_added, products_last_modified as last_mod, products_ordered 
			FROM " . TABLE_PRODUCTS . " 			
			WHERE products_status='1' 
			ORDER BY products_ordered DESC"
							LIMIT 10000;

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Great contribution by the way.

I have problems with fopen on some servers though. It would be better if the module used SIMPLE XML or DOM XML to do any of the xml building or opening.


I'm partial to DOM XML.


Maybe someday if I ever get free time, I'll have a look at this possibility.

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Hi and thanks for a great contribution!


Probably a stupid question but shouldn't the index.php be included in the xml files?


I have installed the contribution and google has now indexed some of my pages however my index page (which holds many of my keywords). What do I do to fix this, is it possible to include my main page (index.php) manually in the sitemapindex.xml file or do I need to do something else?


Any thoughts appreciated



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Hi and thanks for a great contribution!


Probably a stupid question but shouldn't the index.php be included in the xml files?


I have installed the contribution and google has now indexed some of my pages however my index page (which holds many of my keywords). What do I do to fix this, is it possible to include my main page (index.php) manually in the sitemapindex.xml file or do I need to do something else?


Any thoughts appreciated




missed out one word; I have installed the contribution and google has now indexed some of my pages however not my index page (which holds many of my keywords)

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The Google XML Sitemap Feed looks pretty darn good. I can generate the product sitemap by loading http://www.cleverembroidery.com/oscommerce...temap/index.php from my browser. The GoDaddy cron job is failing though.



The cron job sent me back these results:


Cron Daemon <[email protected]>

to n8wp


show details

7:30 pm (12 minutes ago)

- Hide quoted text -

/var/chroot/home/content/w/p/e/wpeloqui/html/oscommerce/catalog/googlesitemap/index.php: line 1: ?php

: No such file or directory

/var/chroot/home/content/w/p/e/wpeloqui/html/oscommerce/catalog/googlesitemap/index.php: line 2: /**

: No such file or directory

/var/chroot/home/content/w/p/e/wpeloqui/html/oscommerce/catalog/googlesitemap/index.php: line 3: crontab: command not found

/var/chroot/home/content/w/p/e/wpeloqui/html/oscommerce/catalog/googlesitemap/index.php: line 4: *

: command not found

/var/chroot/home/content/w/p/e/wpeloqui/html/oscommerce/catalog/googlesitemap/index.php: line 5: crontab: command not found

/var/chroot/home/content/w/p/e/wpeloqui/html/oscommerce/catalog/googlesitemap/index.php: line 6: crontab: command not found

/var/chroot/home/content/w/p/e/wpeloqui/html/oscommerce/catalog/googlesitemap/index.php: line 7: crontab: command not found

/var/chroot/home/content/w/p/e/wpeloqui/html/oscommerce/catalog/googlesitemap/index.php: line 8: crontab: command not found

/var/chroot/home/content/w/p/e/wpeloqui/html/oscommerce/catalog/googlesitemap/index.php: line 9: crontab: command not found

/var/chroot/home/content/w/p/e/wpeloqui/html/oscommerce/catalog/googlesitemap/index.php: line 10: crontab: command not found

/var/chroot/home/content/w/p/e/wpeloqui/html/oscommerce/catalog/googlesitemap/index.php: line 11: crontab: command not found

/var/chroot/home/content/w/p/e/wpeloqui/html/oscommerce/catalog/googlesitemap/index.php: line 12: crontab: command not found

/var/chroot/home/content/w/p/e/wpeloqui/html/oscommerce/catalog/googlesitemap/index.php: line 13: crontab: command not found

/var/chroot/home/content/w/p/e/wpeloqui/html/oscommerce/catalog/googlesitemap/index.php: line 14: crontab: command not found

/var/chroot/home/content/w/p/e/wpeloqui/html/oscommerce/catalog/googlesitemap/index.php: line 15: crontab: command not found

/var/chroot/home/content/w/p/e/wpeloqui/html/oscommerce/catalog/googlesitemap/index.php: line 16: crontab: command not found

/var/chroot/home/content/w/p/e/wpeloqui/html/oscommerce/catalog/googlesitemap/index.php: line 17: crontab: command not found

/var/chroot/home/content/w/p/e/wpeloqui/html/oscommerce/catalog/googlesitemap/index.php: line 18: */

: No such file or directory

/var/chroot/home/content/w/p/e/wpeloqui/html/oscommerce/catalog/googlesitemap/index.php: line 19:

: command not found

/var/chroot/home/content/w/p/e/wpeloqui/html/oscommerce/catalog/googlesitemap/index.php: line 20: syntax error near unexpected token `'../''

/var/chroot/home/content/w/p/e/wpeloqui/html/oscommerce/catalog/googlesitemap/index.php: line 20: ` chdir('../');




Thank you for any help.




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Hmmm, I just thought of something. Could the GoDaddy cron job be expecting a script and not a php file? I will have to try that out...




You're absolute path is incorrect. The cron tab can't find the file.


Now if my brief memory of godaddy serves me right, they have some screwy ways you are supposed to use their full paths. The absolute paths displayed php scripts aren't always the ones you should be using. I would contact them to ensure the absolute paths in your configure.php are correct.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I just installed the Google Sitemap XML on the Fly contribution for Categories, Products and Manufacturers. When I go and access the page:


https://www.buynintendowiiconsoleonline.com...mapProducts.php I get the following error:


The XML page cannot be displayed

Cannot view XML input using style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.





Required white space was missing. Error processing resource 'https://www.buynintendowiiconsoleonline.com/googleSitemapProdu...


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">



What does this mean? How do I check that the sitemap is working correctly?




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  • 4 weeks later...


You REALLY should just scrap that contrib and install the on-the-fly one that Chemo did. It works HEAPS better, and already has the code for articles.


Get the contrib from here: http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri.../search,sitemap

and from there install the latest one that I put there on the 13th July 2006.





Thanks Chris, that works fine.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi All!

I've got exactly the same problem as below quoted Lionel with one of my shops.

The RC1 shop... Is this a RC 1 problem?



I just installed the Google Sitemap XML on the Fly contribution for Categories, Products and Manufacturers. When I go and access the page:


https://www.buynintendowiiconsoleonline.com...mapProducts.php I get the following error:


The XML page cannot be displayed

Cannot view XML input using style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.



Required white space was missing. Error processing resource 'https://www.buynintendowiiconsoleonline.com/googleSitemapProdu...


<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

What does this mean? How do I check that the sitemap is working correctly?




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  • 3 months later...

Google keeps tellin g me i was using the woring data-format:


i checket id over and over an icluded some mods to make it even more propperly , but google keems on complaining.


Mods: intented to stop google sucking:

1. added line RewriteRule ^(.*).xml$ $1.php to .htacess that makes the files (e.g. googleSitemapCategories.php) also acessible per .xml (e.g. googleSitemapCategories.xml)

2. Since google Error-help shows me the sitemat format has changed the last some months i alteres the format from <urlset xmlns="http://www.google.com/schemas/sitemap/0.84"> to <urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9"> , exactly as seen in googles help ...

3. somewhere i've read that the "weekly" doesnt work but "daily does, so i also changed that one ..

4. Added output of the HTTP-SERVER first, since all googleexamples shor, that the first element needs to be the domainname itself (with no file ( e.g. google.com/ al first element ).


but goole keeps on teasin me !


what is whong ?

anyona of u has experienced the same probs the last time and maybe can offer a solution to this ?



GreeZ to all and thanx to chemo



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Hi guys!


I downloaded this contribution and thought it was working well... but I think I made an error. I already had a store up and running, and in the contribution pack I replaced the filenames.php file with my old one (and didn't replace it), and now my main site does not link to my products anymore. Is there a define... code that I can add to get my product pages back?


the website is www.bella-blanca.com if you want to see what I mean about clicking on the product pages


Thanks in advance!

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Hi guys!


I downloaded this contribution and thought it was working well... but I think I made an error. I already had a store up and running, and in the contribution pack I replaced the filenames.php file with my old one (and didn't replace it), and now my main site does not link to my products anymore. Is there a define... code that I can add to get my product pages back?


the website is www.bella-blanca.com if you want to see what I mean about clicking on the product pages


Thanks in advance!


All of my products are still in my admin section though... they are just not working from the main page

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Hi guys!


I downloaded this contribution and thought it was working well... but I think I made an error. I already had a store up and running, and in the contribution pack I replaced the filenames.php file with my old one (and didn't replace it), and now my main site does not link to my products anymore. Is there a define... code that I can add to get my product pages back?


the website is www.bella-blanca.com if you want to see what I mean about clicking on the product pages


Thanks in advance!


Well firstly turn of those experimental SEO URLs they don't work!

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Which are the experimental SEO URL's? How would I turn them off? (sorry)


Hey sorry I found what you were talking about in the admin. I had turned that on becasue the google webmaster was giving me errors with it turned off.. I guess I'll have to search for another way around that! Thanks!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Site map for reviews (14th December 2006)



How do I get 'googleSitemapreview.php' to show my Ultimate SEO URL instead of standard one?






instead of...




I have the same problem, did you manage to find a fix to this? Any help would be much appreciated.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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