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Extra pages contrib. question


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I have a question about the contribution called: Extra pages-info box w/ admin, which can be located at http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contri...+pages+info+box


Now this contribution allows you to add a side box containing links to pages that you have customly created, but still have the same osc template. It is meant for people to be able to create extra pages e.g. Shows, Company Profile...etc. Anyway, can I use this contribution to create many custom pages containing various articles, but at the same time, eliminate the sidebox so the only way to access these custom pages is by clicking on a link located somewhere else in my OSC store? In other words, can I get rid of that damn sidebox and still use the custom pages throughout? Sorry if that sounds confusing but if you need clarification, just ask. Thanks

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Yes. I did it by shutting "off" the links. Clicking on the red dot. The page is still there, but it does not show up in the box. Still reachable by a link. Make sure you use the tep_href links though or you will lose your oscid

Wendy James


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

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  • 2 months later...

Great tip! I have a question in the same vane. Excuse me if the answer is easy, my brain is swimming in a contribution fog (I've added PWA, options with images, attribute sets, article manager, link manager, latest news, WYSIWYG 1.7, review approval....whew..and now extra pages).


Anyhow....I've gone ahead and created extra boxes and pages but was wondering if I could use the extra pages contrib instead so my client can easily edit them. In other words, how easy would it be to create the extra pages link in a different infobox than the one called for in the contrib?


I KNOW it's probably possible with maybe just redoing part of the installation and renaming some stuff but I just can't figure it out.



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