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The e-commerce.

Using osCommerce with existing software/html


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Hi all,


Having loaded up a test shop and starting the steep climb to learn PHP, I now want to ask if anyone has any experience of using the osCommerce (osC) software to enter and exit from some existing HTML capabilities of the type that I use now.


I am a professional photographer and for the last number of years, all of my work has been sold directly to the commissioning clients. Recently, I have been using my web site to display the images that I have taken for them. I place the images in a private folder and only the commissioning client can see them. They then call me and I take a card payment over the phone or they have already paid upfront.


I wanted to manage the ordering of images differently. I believe that a web based shop is the way to do this. My testing of osC has shown me that it is very good at reporting the enquiries and the sales and I want to have a simple interface that will utilise my own professional image and media management display software.


The steps I see necessary for, my commissioning clients, are these...

1. after the shoot they look on my website for their images

2. they complete an order form (either the form is passed to osC or the client is directly sent to osC when they press the order now button)

3. Order placed using osC and its reporting abilities

4. order despatched (me to notify osC)


The steps for random visitors to the site are probably these...

1. Visitor to the site is directed to my services and the public galleries of images

2. osC site linked to my own in some way to advise potential clients of my services

3. My site uses pdf forms to make firm bookings (drop client back into osC to pay for booking?)

4. If visitor wants gallery images, stay in osC and buy from web shop.


My dilemma is that the display software I use for my image display is capable of making some simple looking yet high quality displays of hundreds or thousands of images. I don't want to lose that capability and I am wondering at the complexity of pointing to other code from within osC and then dropping back to it. I guess I am asking about grafting the existing system onto osC. I want a very simple interface for my images and would not use quite a lot of what osc is providing by way of a front door.


Any comments or thoughts from people who understand these issues better than I do at this time, would be most welcome. I have provided an example of what I am referring to when I say a simple interface. It can be found here...






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