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tep_db_query not working


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I'm relatively new to OSC development so excuse my ignorance. I've written a module based on standard MYSQL and PHP commands and am now going back and trying to OSComerceize it by using the tep functions so I can submit the module to the community.


I've added the table definitions to database_tables.php. For some reason, when I call the following code, I come up with an empty recordset using the tep function. When I use the conventional code (commented out), I get a single record which is what I expect. What am I doing wrong? Do I need to do more than just adding the table definitions?









$query = tep_db_query("SELECT * FROM ". TABLE_LAND_PAGES . " WHERE file_name='test.php'");

$result = tep_db_fetch_array($query);


//$sql = "SELECT * FROM land_pages WHERE file_name='test.php'";

//$query = mysql_query($sql);




Of course with the standard calls I have a mysql_connect and mysql_db_select command above the call...

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$query = tep_db_query('SELECT * FROM ' . TABLE_LAND_PAGES . ' WHERE file_name=/'test.php/'');


I've never been a fan of using double quotes for SQL, I think it's better to use single quotes all round and escape them in the SQL string. Less chance of errors IMO.


Also, you shouldn't be using SELECT * - explicitly give the field names - it's more efficient.

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