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Whats_new.php shows Old Stuff


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Preface: I know there is a contribution that is said to allow better control of the What's New page. I have looked at it and really am not sure what to do with it. Secondly, I have my configuration the way I want it and would like to make changes without adding more contributions if possible.


I have changed the dates of all the products that I do not want to appear to 1989-01-01 00:00:00 in the products table. Conceivably, this should designate the items that are not wanted in the whats_new.php page to be considered old and therefore not be displayed. But they are still displayed and that is not good.


Can anybody direct me to a post that discusses how to alleviate this problem? I have done many searches for "whats_new.php" and "products_new.php" and have not found much readily available. I may have just overlooked something, so your help is appreciated.

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