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LinkPoint Error Message Display Fix


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Well, after I got my store back up and running after the LinkPoint Migration, I started looking into why LinkPoint transaction errors are not being shown.


As far as I can tell, ANYONE that is using the latest LinkPoint API contribution from Clifton Murphy is having this problem. To fix it, do the following:


Look for LINKPOINTMS1.PHP in your /catalog/includes/modules/payments folder. Open the file for editing and look for the following code, near line 284.


#	Returns:  statusCode 1 if successful, 0 or -1 if not
#    statusMessage An error message if an error occurred
#    AVSCode The AVS code returned by the transaction
#    trackingID An ID for tracking the order with the gateway


replace the next four lines (the IF statement) with the following:


         if ($myresult["statusCode"] != '1') {
       tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT_PAYMENT, 'payment_error=' . $this->code . '&error=' . urlencode(MODULE_PAYMENT_LINKPOINTMS1_TEXT_ERROR_MESSAGE) . ': ' . $myresult["statusMessage"], 'SSL', true, false));


Now, when your users encounter a "declined" message from LinkPoint, it will automatically be displayed at the top of the "checkout_payment" page that they get returned to.



John Skurka

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As far as I can tell, ANYONE that is using the latest LinkPoint API contribution from Clifton Murphy is having this problem.


UPDATE: That is only if you are using the CC_VALIDATION contrib in conjunction with the LinkPoint API.

John Skurka

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