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Unable to connect to database server!


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Unable to connect to database server!


is the message i guess after i have finished the web installation steps.


Its at the webpage that has CATALOG button and ADMINISTRATION button.


And when i click on Catalog, it goes to a page that says i need to install OSC and when i go to Administration, it opens page that says Unable to connect to database server!



Any clue?


MySQL is on a separate box then the webserver.

It connected to the SQL fine using the web installation. I can see the table and fields generated inside MYSQL.

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During the install it wrote to the catalog/includes/configure.php file, but not to the catalog/admin/includes/configure.php file - so check the settings in the first against those in the second. Then you'll need to delete your 'install' folder, because this is why you keep getting asked to install the catalog again.



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  • 4 weeks later...



Same thing is happening to me, however, I haven't been successful at solving it.


I too, got the unable to connect to database error on trying to go to admin/index.php.


I've opened up both configure.php files and inserted my database info into them. By default admin/includes/configure.php had 'osCommerce' as the database name, username was 'mysql', passward was empty.


I changed these to what I think the settings should be. My databse is set up on the host's server and the IP address is mysql.siteserver.net. I put that on the DB_SERVER line. The database I had my host set up is called 'dbstore' so I entered that. I entered my password and username on their respective lines.


I did this for both configure.php files but am still getting:


Unable to connect to database server!PHP Warning: mysql_connect(): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061) in D:\Domains\jet-set-art.com\www\store\catalog\admin\includes\functions\database.php on line 19


Also, when I went through the install process the root directory appeared automatically in the text entry box (e.g., D:\Domains\jet-set-art.com\www\store\catalog\) which I assume is correct.


Any info on what I need to do to correct this?





Told you so!



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