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Local Bulk Upload to hosted mysql Issues


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Hi All


Not sure if this is more one for Mysql forums, or not - but I thought some of you might well have come across issues like this before.


PROBLEM: Basically, I have installed MS2.2 with no problems, and uploaded the sample data into the mysql db which is hosted on localhost. I can interrogate the sql tables, and deal with all general maintenance, either directly or via myPhpadmin.


So, having some four hundred products to upload to the site, I figured it would be easiest just to use an Access 2003 front end, and link the tables. Tables linked just fine, though when I attempt to add, or modify any product I get an sharing violation - in that it tells me another user has also changed the record I'm working with. I know that not to be the case, and I've also chacked that every table has a primary key, lack of which can cause problems, I know. Having overridden the warning this morning, I found that I was left with a totally broken store exhibiting php sql errors all over the place - would not let me into the /catalog/ directory or into /admin/ - I hunted high and low for any possible error, including scrubbing the mysql db. No good.


The only thing that cured all this was a brand new install, having deleted the entire store from the site.


Do any of you guys have any ideas which may help - I'm keen to use some form of front end locally, and just do one bulk upload at the end - preferably without weading through reams of html form work.


Thanks in advance.



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Access is notorious for these "sharing violation" errors. Sometimes it's the ODBC driver playing up, sometimes it's Access itself not terminating properly (do a ctrl-alt-delete) to check if any instances are floating around.

Once you get this, there's not a lot you can do apart from restarting your PC to clear the locks.

You can also try the "repair and optimize" tool in Access, but it's a long shot.


I'm also not quite sure what you are trying to achieve here - are you working totally offline with Access, and intend to do a "bulk upload", or are you expecting to be able to connect the OSC Admin to Access in some way?

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Go to contributions, download EasyPopulate and EasyPopulate Assistant. EasyPopulate will help in uploading the products and EasyPopulate is an Access profram that will help in creating the .csv file to upload.

Installed Contributions: CCGV, Close Popup, Dynamic Meta Tags, Easy Populate, Froogle Data Feeder, Google Position, Infobox Header Entire Row, Live Support for OSC, PayPal Seal with CC images, Report_m Sales, Shop by Price Revised, SQL Updater, Who's Online Enhancement, Footer, GNA EP Assistant and still going.

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