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The e-commerce.

What contribution would be best for.....?

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The fact of the matter is that there is no money if someone downloads one song at 99? because the card processor takes 38? and the artist/label gets the rest....


the money is selling more than one track at a time and applying the 38? transaction fee to that...


with this in mind...


I would like to set up download cards in demonitions of $10, $20, $50, and $100


since these will be paid for upfront and only 48? will be taken out the transaction.... i want to be able to offer extra downloads....


for example...


if you purchased $20 worth of downloads without a download card it would cost you $19.80


if you purchased a $20 download card i want to be able to offer you $22 worth of downloads.


What contribution would best fit what I'm trying to accomplish?


thanx in advance....

Edited by Mediajuggle

My Contribution

Music Download Store Template


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