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admin - no database selected error- Help please?


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I'm installing the database. The catalog has installed nicely, but when I click the "Administration" link, the following error is shown:


1046 - No Database Selected


select configuration_key as cfgKey, configuration_value as cfgValue from configuration



How should I fix this?



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Look in catalog/admin/includes/configure.php to see if the name of the database has been written to that file. Check with catalog/includes/configure.php for the correct db info.



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Hi. I'm experiencing the same problem and this didn't fix the error. They are both set to the same thing under define('DB_DATABASE') and everything else from what I can see. I'm not great at PHP but have slowly taught myself a little bit. Any other suggestions for how to fix this error? TIA



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Look in includes/local/ to see if there is another configure.php file in there. If there is then it overrides any other configure.php file. Rename it and it won't be found by osCommerce - whcih searches for it by default.



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