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The e-commerce.

Category issue


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From my main page if I select a main product category it takes me to the page, however nothing appears? No product listings what so ever. If I go to a sub category listings appear...

Any ideas as to what I may have broke....

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anybody? suggestions....


quiet here



From my main page if I select a main product category it takes me to the page, however nothing appears? No product listings what so ever. If I go to a sub category listings appear...

Any ideas as to what I may have broke....

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You have an issue with the code in index.php...it should have the subcats listed.


Have you modified the index.php file with a contribution?



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When you try a copy of the original file, have you refreshed the page, closed it and reopened? How are you storing sessions? Maybe you are just not seeing it because the page is cached?


That may not be your problem, but I know that has happened to me before (not seeing changes) , expecially when using firefox.

Wendy James


Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.

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