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Switching hosts


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I am about to switch hosting companies. Is there an easy way to transfer my active site to the new host? Has anyone done this before and have tips?



I have the same question. Would be nice to not have to completely redo everything. When I go into the admin panel and look at Backups, it looks like it saves it on my current host.


Thanks in advance.



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does your site have a cpanel? if so, piece of cake.

transferring a site, to do it properly, requires your original site to be down for a few minutes.

the first thing i start with, if no cpanel, is to do the source code, images, etc.

ftp those to your system, then ftp them to the new server.

create a database on your new server, setup the configure.php files to properly connect to the new server. also add another user to mysql which allows an external user to connect to the same database.

go back to the original site, take it off line while you backup the database.

xfer the database to the new server, run the sql to 'insert' the code into the database you created.

go back to the old server, change the configure.php files to point to the new server ip address, with the appropriate username and password setup on the new server.

reopen the store if all works. do not add any more products to the site for the next 3 days.

go to your domain registrar and change the dns servers to point to the new server. now while dns propogates you get the orders no matter what, with only being down for less than 5 minutes.

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And can we get this added to the Knowledge Base? I know it's not strictly osCommerce but it gets asked a lot.



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does your site have a cpanel?  if so, piece of cake. 

transferring a site, to do it properly, requires your original site to be down for a few minutes.

the first thing i start with, if no cpanel, is to do the source code, images, etc.

ftp those to your system, then ftp them to the new server.

create a database on your new server, setup the configure.php files to properly connect to the new server.  also add another user to mysql which allows an external user to connect to the same database.

go back to the original site, take it off line while you backup the database.

xfer the database to the new server, run the sql to 'insert' the code into the database you created.

go back to the old server, change the configure.php files to point to the new server ip address, with the appropriate username and password setup on the new server.

reopen the store if all works.  do not add any more products to the site for the next 3 days.

go to your domain registrar and change the dns servers to point to the new server.  now while dns propogates you get the orders no matter what, with only being down for less than 5 minutes.



How do you transfer using cpanel?


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If you are moving hosts and you take a 'whole site backup' using cPanel and your new hosting company doesn't use cPanel then you are stuffed - so keep it simple.


Download a backup of your database using phpMyAdmin, and then download a copy of all files on your site via FTP.


Load the files to your new hosting site, create a blank database and import the contents of the backup you took into your new blank database. Edit the two configure.php files as necessary.


After your new site on the new server has had time to propagate on that server (24 hrs max), then, as Mibble says, repoint the dns addresses for your domain to the new server and away you go.



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