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Converting Table-boxes to DIVs (CSS)


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I would like to be able to change the tablebox format (left/right columns) from nested tables to CSS/DIV tags, ie....

<div id=sample><h3> [i]Heaader Goes Here[/i] </h3>
[i] box content [/i]


Any advice?

Has there already been a clear example of this done?






NOTE: I have searched the forum with no luck... maybe I am using the wrong search terms. I have found some answers, but there are not clear or suggest using a Template System.


I would like to alter the original code and not use a template system (BTS/STS) to do this.

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You can make new replacment boxes which is css driven, the modifications/contributions which i have seen is mostly based upon nested tables and the exsisting boxes.php class.


But if you can live with nested tables, this contribution is very good infoBox Customizer

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