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How do I translate the name of the MONTHS?


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Dear friends;


I've done a search but all I could find were topics about changing the way that dates are displayed - e.g. MM,DD,YYYY or DD,MM,YYY


What I'm looking for is how can I translate the name of the MONTHS and DAYS of the calendar to my language (portuguese). For instance: January to JANEIRO, February to FEVEREIRO, Monday to SEGUNDA etc.


I've tried this by modifying the admin/includes/javascript/spiffyCal/spiffyCal_v2_1.js file, but it didn't change anything.


Does anyone know how I can solve this?


Many thanks in advance!


Best regards from Brazil,


Teo Alcantara

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Estou com o mesmo problema, descobri que o provavel ? que o Servidor que vc est? usando ? Unix (ingl?s), se fosse o Linux em portugu?s, j? apareceria normalmente.

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