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Account Balance (gift certificate redemption)


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I have just founded this forum as I am having problems starting up the Account Balance V3 and I thought it would be nice for this contribution to have a place to work out its bugs!


I have been through both installation procedures (coping over the files & working through manually) and any account balance attached to a customer's account is not subtracted from the customers purchase nor is it shown anywhere (apart from in admin) that they have the account balance.


Can anyone help?


Thanks :thumbsup:



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When I try to delete an order I have an error :

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_add_customer_balance()


And I didn't find this function in my files. So... maybe I lost it or you forgot to add it in instruction?



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  • 4 weeks later...
I have been through both installation procedures (coping over the files & working through manually) and any account balance attached to a customer's account is not subtracted from the customers purchase nor is it shown anywhere (apart from in admin) that they have the account balance.


The directions leave out a step: you have to go into the Order Total Modules in the admin and enable the Account Balance module you just installed.


That said, there are also a lot of minor errors in the installation instructions. If you're just overwriting on a clean install it may work fine, but the instructions for editing existing files have problems in several places, mostly places where they tell you to add a line of code when what you should be doing is editing an existing line. Experienced PHP coders who are being careful will probably notice all of these, but less experienced developers might miss some of them - so be careful.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had problems, too and finally tracked down the culprit. There's a typo (and some strange definitions) in one file that I was able to fix, some missing definitions, and some potential glitches with the paypal module that I've found so far.


In includes/modules/order_total.php:




'value' => $account_balance, $tax);




'value' => tep_add_tax($account_balance, $tax));



and replace


if ($ot > $ab) {

$ot -= $ab; // + tep_calculate_tax($begin_account_balance, $tax);

$account_balance = 0;



if ($ot < $ab) {

// $account_balance = $begin_account_balance - $ot; // + tep_calculate_tax($begin_account_balance, $tax) - $order->info['total'];

$account_balance = $ot; // + tep_calculate_tax($begin_account_balance, $tax) - $order->info['total'];

$ot = 0;



if ($ot == $ab) {

$ot = 0;

$account_balance = 0;





if ($ot > $ab) {

$ot -= $ab; // + tep_calculate_tax($begin_account_balance, $tax);

$account_balance = $ab;



elseif ($ot < $ab) {

// $account_balance = $begin_account_balance - $ot; // + tep_calculate_tax($begin_account_balance, $tax) - $order->info['total'];

$account_balance = $ot; // + tep_calculate_tax($begin_account_balance, $tax) - $order->info['total'];

$ot = 0;



elseif ($ot == $ab) {

$ot = 0;

$account_balance = $ab;



The latter fix makes the account balance on the order preview page display the amount that was actually subtracted from the total, rather than what's left in the account, which doesn't make sense to me as a line item on an invoice and causes the total to be wrong anyway. Also the lack of elseifs was less than well thought out.




There were several missing definitions in admin/includes/languages/english/customers.php:


here are some suggestions:


define('CATEGORY_ACCOUNT_BALANCE','Account Balance');

define('TABLE_HEADING_ACCOUNT_BALANCE', 'Account Balance');

define('ENTRY_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_OLD','Current Balance');

define('ENTRY_ACCOUNT_BALANCE','Add (or subtract) Balance');





this module totally screws with paypal if the total ends up being less than the usual shipping cost, so this fix has to be made:


You'll see where this goes, in includes/modules/shipping/PayPal.php:


I commented out the existing code below and wrote my mods underneath


// fixed for my use with gift certificates - Ben

// tep_draw_hidden_field('amount', number_format(($order->info['total'] - $order->info['shipping_cost']) * $currencies->get_value($my_currency), $currencies->get_decimal_places($my_currency))) .

tep_draw_hidden_field('amount', number_format($order->info['total'] * $currencies->get_value($my_currency), $currencies->get_decimal_places($my_currency))) .

// and this, to fix shipping - Ben

// tep_draw_hidden_field('shipping', number_format($order->info['shipping_cost'] * $currencies->get_value($my_currency), $currencies->get_decimal_places($my_currency))) .

tep_draw_hidden_field('shipping', number_format(0 * $currencies->get_value($my_currency), $currencies->get_decimal_places($my_currency))) .



I'm still working on this stuff myself, so let me know if this helps.


You owe me $200! ;-)








I have just founded this forum as I am having problems starting up the Account Balance V3 and I thought it would be nice for this contribution to have a place to work out its bugs!


I have been through both installation procedures (coping over the files & working through manually) and any account balance attached to a customer's account is not subtracted from the customers purchase nor is it shown anywhere (apart from in admin) that they have the account balance.


Can anyone help?


Thanks  :thumbsup:



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Hi Ben,


glad for any kind of help, but what version do you use and is your fix for?


Just downloaded v3 and there isn't such thing mentioned as below:


In includes/modules/order_total.php:




    'value' => $account_balance, $tax);




    'value' => tep_add_tax($account_balance, $tax));


Neither is there a hint about such change in the install.txt, nore is there a line 'value' => $account_balance in the supplied order_total.php inside the .zip.


I'm still working on this stuff myself, so let me know if this helps.


Could help if you mention the version you're working on, so others can follow you and/or pick the corresponding version to get this working instead of being confused. ;-)





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Hi itf,


I've got the same problem as epsilongroup. Additionally the balance is set back to 0.00 after the customer has sent an order, but no place where it's shown during checkout and it's not substracted either.


The directions leave out a step: you have to go into the Order Total Modules in the admin and enable the Account Balance module you just installed.


That said, there are also a lot of minor errors in the installation instructions.  If you're just overwriting on a clean install it may work fine, but the instructions for editing existing files have problems in several places, mostly places where they tell you to add a line of code when what you should be doing is editing an existing line.  Experienced PHP coders who are being careful will probably notice all of these, but less experienced developers might miss some of them - so be careful.


Any chance to get you to post some more details or a solution? Your hints might be useful for experienced coders to know where to look for something, but won't help any inexperienced or newbies. ;-)





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Account balance V3 -- latest download available -- installed on heavily modded 2.2ms2. Sorry, I mentioned the wrong file name. Correct file is catalog/includes/modules/order_total/ot_account_balance.php for the changes I mentioned. I'm sorry about that.


Of course there's no hint in the install.text. The problem I fixed was a typo. if he knew about the typo, he would have fixed it himself rather than instructing you to do so. But the problem with the if( if( if( instead of elseifs was just bad programming. Not that I haven't done it before, but it is bad programming. The first if statement changes the variable that triggers it, potentially causing the second or third if statement to trigger, creating a mess.


Also, if you ever can't find some code snippet in the future, try a text search of all the php files in the site. Any decent HTML editor like Homesite has that function. even windows can do it in a pinch.


Also. This is not directed toward you, but toward some of the others on this message board: modding PHP is not for newbies. Any decent shopping cart will require multiple mods (more than 10, at least) and you can only really do the first one safely if you're not a programmer (because you can just replace the files -- once you've done it once, you can't do it again). Sorry to burst any bubbles, but it's true.


I'm a pro PHP programmer and I've been modding oscomerce for over a week straight now (40+ hours) and it's still barely functional for my needs. I won;t even launch in to the crappiness of the email functions provided and their utter lack of HTML friendliness. I've decided to try elsewhere for a shopping cart. I'd be happy to send anyone copies of any files I have modded so far for you to look at if it'll help.




Hi Ben,


glad for any kind of help, but what version do you use and is your fix for?


Just downloaded v3 and there isn't such thing mentioned as below:

Neither is there a hint about such change in the install.txt, nore is there a line 'value' => $account_balance in the supplied order_total.php inside the .zip.

Could help if you mention the version you're working on, so others can follow you and/or pick the corresponding version to get this working instead of being confused. ;-)





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Hi Ben,


Account balance V3  -- latest download available -- installed on heavily modded 2.2ms2.  Sorry, I mentioned the wrong file name.  Correct file is catalog/includes/modules/order_total/ot_account_balance.php  for the changes I mentioned.  I'm sorry about that. 


No problem. I've updated from a not working v2 to v3 and got it installed and working so far now except for the tax calculation. Problem I had was that I'm working on a heavily modded 2.2ms2 as well, which makes it more complex for every new contrib I install, and I'm far from beeing finished yet to have it for all my needs.


There seems to be an error in your elseif statements, cause the account balance is not included in the tax calculation. It's substracted as it should and the total is correct, but the given included tax isn't. Tax is calculated not including the account balance as you can see here:


Sub-Total: 48,00EUR

Account Balance: 10,00EUR

Discount for bank debit: -0,76EUR

GLS (Dispatch to DE: (1 x 0.89 kg)): 5,90EUR

included VAT 16%: 7,30EUR

Total: 43,14EUR


Everything's fine except for the VAT-calculation which ignores the balance completely. Any idea?


Also, if you ever can't find some code snippet in the future, try a text search of all the php files in the site.  Any decent HTML editor like Homesite has that function.  even windows can do it in a pinch.


Usually no problem, but if I would start searching for every snippet I get in a forum posted, often related to a wrong contrib or version or even filename, I'd have plenty to do. A lot of people just forget to supply basic infos related to their posts. No offence and not towards you either, but I guess you know what I mean. ;-)





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I'm not sure why your tax is not being added. My elseifs are only involved in removing the account balance from the total. The total should already include tax by that point in the script. I'm not sure what's wrong. Try to find the part of the code that adds the tax and make sure that function is being called correctly, being passed the right arguments, returning the correct value, updating the total, etc...


Incidentally, I've gone to a different product (zencart --> zencart.com) which is a pre-modded and very complete and functional modern version of oscommerce made by some of oscommerce's original designers and coders and very well maintained and updated. I don't know if it supports German by default, but check their website for German language add-ons. It has built in coupons, gift ceritficates, virtual products, templating, html editors for text boxes, actual working HTML email support, multiple images per product, etc. built in.


I worked on OScommerce for 2 weeks and got fed up because I was still barely halfway done with the features I needed. I've only been working on Zencart for 2 days and expect my store to go live in 2-3 more days.




Hi Ben,

No problem. I've updated from a not working v2 to v3 and got it installed and working so far now except for the tax calculation. Problem I had was that I'm working on a heavily modded 2.2ms2 as well, which makes it more complex for every new contrib I install, and I'm far from beeing finished yet to have it for all my needs.


There seems to be an error in your elseif statements, cause the account balance is not included in the tax calculation. It's substracted as it should and the total is correct, but the given included tax isn't. Tax is calculated not including the account balance as you can see here:


Sub-Total: 48,00EUR

Account Balance: 10,00EUR

Discount for bank debit: -0,76EUR

GLS (Dispatch to DE: (1 x 0.89 kg)): 5,90EUR

included VAT 16%: 7,30EUR

Total: 43,14EUR


Everything's fine except for the VAT-calculation which ignores the balance completely. Any idea?

Usually no problem, but if I would start searching for every snippet I get in a forum posted, often related to a wrong contrib or version or even filename, I'd have plenty to do. A lot of people just forget to supply basic infos related to their posts. No offence and not towards you either, but I guess you know what I mean. ;-)





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Hi Ben,


I'm not sure why your tax is not being added.  My elseifs are only involved in removing the account balance from the total.  The total should already include tax by that point in the script.  I'm not sure what's wrong.  Try to find the part of the code that adds the tax and make sure that function is being called correctly, being passed the right arguments, returning the correct value, updating the total, etc...


Well, the problem is, that the elseifs removes the account balance from the total, but the tax is not recalculated according to the new total after removal.

It still reflects the tax as if the balance hasn't been removed.


Twisting my brain to make out where to look for and get this fixed.

Anybody have an idea?





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According to the values you posted last time, the tax wasn't being added to the total at all. That seems to be more of a problem.


Anyway, unless the laws in europe are different than here, your customers need to be paying tax on the original total anyway. That is, unless they paid tax on the gift certificate.


This function seems to be calculating th enew total with tax:


'value' => tep_add_tax($account_balance, $tax));


Look around there to see if you can move it to a place after the balance has been removed.



Hi Ben,

Well, the problem is, that the elseifs removes the account balance from the total, but the tax is not recalculated according to the new total after removal.

It still reflects the tax as if the balance hasn't been removed.


Twisting my brain to make out where to look for and get this fixed.

Anybody have an idea?





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Hi Ben,


According to the values you posted last time, the tax wasn't being added to the total at all.  That seems to be more of a problem.


It wasn't added because it was already included, so the ot should always show the included tax and the total itself is gross.


Anyway, unless the laws in europe are different than here, your customers need to be paying tax on the original total anyway.  That is, unless they paid tax on the gift certificate.


German law requires to always show gross prices for endcustomers, so OSC is configured to "show prices with tax", calculate gross prices and just show the amount of included tax in checkout.

As the AB is used not for gift-certificates but for invoice-related credit memos out of returned goods, the amount has formerly already been billed including tax, so it's gross back as well.


Here's a sample:


Sub-Total: 8.25EUR (includes Tax)

Account Balance: 10.01EUR (includes Tax, but Module configured not to include)

Shipping: 5.90EUR (includes Tax)

included Tax (16%): 1.95EUR (see explanation below)

Total: 4.14EUR Total = [(SubTotal - AB - other discounts) + Shipping]


what is calculated is: Sub-Total-Tax + Shipping-Tax = 1.95

So the AB is substracted right for giving out the Total, but completely ignored for the tax calculation.

Included tax should be: [(Sub-Total-Tax - Account-Balance-Tax) + Shipping-Tax]

so the included tax would be 0.57 EUR in our case.


However, if I configure the AB-Module to calculate tax for the balance (final goal to cover costomers outside the EU where tax is not billed) it'll additionally add it to the included tax instead of substracting it, doing

(Sub-Total-Tax + Account-Balance-Tax + Shipping-Tax) = included Tax which is wrong, as the included tax in the AB should be substracted there too.


So how do I get this thing to work right? Any help and idea someone has would be gladly appreciated.





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However, if I configure the AB-Module to calculate tax for the balance (final goal to cover costomers outside the EU where tax is not billed) it'll additionally add it to the included tax instead of substracting it, doing

(Sub-Total-Tax + Account-Balance-Tax + Shipping-Tax) = included Tax which is wrong, as the included tax in the AB should be substracted there too.


In addition to above:

If I configure the AB to add tax and in customers details enter the net amount, it'll show the net amount on the order confirmation page, substract the net amount but add the ab-tax to the included tax, now causing even the total being off the right amount:


Here's a sample with AB configured to add tax:


Sub-Total: 8.25EUR (includes Tax)

Account Balance: 8.63EUR (net amount and Module configured to add)

Shipping: 5.90EUR (includes Tax)

included Tax (16%): 3.33EUR

Total: 5.52EUR Total


What it does is:

included tax = SubTotalTax + AB-Tax + ShippingTax

total = (SubTotal - net-AB) + Shipping


What it should is:

included tax = SubTotalTax - AB-Tax + ShippingTax

total = [(net-SubTotal - net-AB) + net-Shipping] + tax



I experience this to be a brain-twister, but hopefully someone can help to get this working right for all cases, as above sample is important for all stores within the EU who have to configure OSC to show prices with tax, but have to ship taxfree to all countries outside the EU. In both cases the calculation has to be right.





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Hi everybody,


spent a couple of days on this now and sorry, I don't get ist. I'm not a pro php programmer and just slightly working my way into everything, but I seem to miss something. :blink:


I'm using heavily modded 2.2MS2 with B2B Suite and Account Balance v3.


Here's my catalog/includes/modules/order_total/ot-account_balance.php

  class ot_account_balance {

    var $title, $output;


    function ot_account_balance() {

      $this->code = 'ot_account_balance';



      $this->enabled = ((MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_STATUS == 'true') ? true : false);


      $this->output = array();




function process () {

        global $order, $currencies, $customer_id;


$begin_account_balance_query = tep_db_query("select customers_account_balance from " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " where customers_id = '" . (int)$customer_id . "'");

$begin_account_balance_result = tep_db_fetch_array($begin_account_balance_query);

$begin_account_balance = tep_round($begin_account_balance_result['customers_account_balance'],2);


// #do not show this module if account balance is zero, NULL, or negative

// if (($account_balance == 0) || ($account_balance == NULL) || ($account_balance == "0.00") || ($account_balance < 0)) {

//  $this->enabled = false;

// }


// $this->enabled = false;

if ($begin_account_balance > 0) {

  // $this->enabled = true;


  $tax = tep_get_tax_rate(MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_TAX_CLASS, $order->delivery['country']['id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']);

  $tax_description = tep_get_tax_description(MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_TAX_CLASS, $order->delivery['country']['id'], $order->delivery['zone_id']);


      $order->info['tax'] += tep_calculate_tax($begin_account_balance, $tax);

          $order->info['tax_groups']["$tax_description"] += tep_calculate_tax($begin_account_balance, $tax);


      $ot = $order->info['total'];

      $ab = $begin_account_balance; // + tep_calculate_tax($begin_account_balance, $tax);

      if ($ot > $ab) {

                        $ot -= $ab; // + tep_calculate_tax($begin_account_balance, $tax);

                        $account_balance = $ab;



                      elseif ($ot < $ab) {

                              // $account_balance = $begin_account_balance - $ot; // + tep_calculate_tax($begin_account_balance, $tax) - $order->info['total'];

                              $account_balance = $ot; // + tep_calculate_tax($begin_account_balance, $tax) - $order->info['total'];

                              $ot = 0;



                      elseif ($ot == $ab) {

                              $ot = 0;

                              $account_balance = $ab;




      $order->info['total'] = $ot;


  // $ending_account_balance_query = tep_db_query("UPDATE " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " SET customers_account_balance = '" . $account_balance . "' WHERE customers_id = '" . (int)$customer_id . "'");


  $this->output[] =  array(        'title' =>  MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_TITLE . ':',

                                    'text' => $currencies->format( $account_balance, true, $order->info['currency'], $order->info['currency_value']),

                                    'value' => tep_add_tax($account_balance, $tax));




What I need AB to do is substract the AB from the subtotal and then recalculate tax and total going from the lower subtotal.


substract the AB from the total and then recalculate the taxrate according to the lower total.


In the above sample the AB is substracted from the total but keeps included tax untouched.


If I change above sample and make $ot = $order->info['subtotal'];

and put AB at position 1 in the ot module, it will substract the ab from the sub but doesn't change total and included tax.


How and where can I tell him to do so?


Anybody need a smoke? I'll spend some on the solution if that's the only way. ;)





Edited by srajek
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  • 2 months later...


I just adapted/ copied the files from the contrib on my testing machine. But I have some problem with the customers.sql import.

Could any body tell me what to do and or witch table(s) to insert (please with al the necessary specifications)


Thanks for your help!



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I just adapted/ copied the files from the contrib on my testing machine. But I have some problem with the customers.sql import.

Could any body tell me what to do and or witch table(s) to insert (please with al the necessary specifications)


Thanks for your help!




10 October 2005

I had to manualy edit and add the sql file. It seems to work!


Regards, Robert

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am using OSC 2.2ms2 and Account Balance version 3.

Tables orders_id and customers_id both are filt with 0. (in the database customers_balance_history).

I am looking around


some where around line 190 (sorry, my file is havely mod.)

tep_db_perform(TABLE_CUSTOMERS_BALANCE_HISTORY, $sql_data_array_customers_balance_history, 'insert ', "customers_id = '" . (int)$customers_id . "'");


I would like to use these tables for adapting further this contrib.


Could any body help me out!


regards Robert


PS. Is there already a solition for the tax problem (as mentioned above).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys,

If you don't mind, I need a little help.


I edited the ot_account_balance.php file, but to no avail:


Order Total Modules


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class ot_account_balance in /home2/jlevi/public_html/OSCOMMERCE/includes/modules/order_total/ot_account_balance.php on line 15





What does this mean? Could someone possibly help me?

Thank you



Uh oh - another problem as well:


When I delete an order, I get this:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_add_customer_balance() in /home2/jlevi/public_html/OSCOMMERCE/admin/orders.php on line 133


What's up guys?


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OK So I changed my ot_account_balance.php file to read this (I don't know where I got this, I'm very confused):




$Id: ot_account_balance.php by Teddy Caddy

made by copying:


ot_tax.php,v 1.1 2002/04/03 23:09:49 hpdl Exp $


osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions



Copyright ? 2002 osCommerce


Released under the GNU General Public License




define('MODULE_ORDER_TOTAL_ACCOUNT_BALANCE_DESCRIPTION', 'Account Balance (Useful for redeeming gift certificates)');



Now at least my Order Total Module page loads, but when I click "install" for the account balance module, I get a new error:




Fatal error: Cannot instantiate non-existent class: ot_account_balance in /home2/jlevi/public_html/OSCOMMERCE/admin/modules.php on line 61




What the heck did you guys do to get this thing working?!


Edited by jlevi
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OK NOW I'm worried.....


When I try to edit my USPS shipping module, I get this:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_cfg_select_multioption() in /home2/jlevi/public_html/OSCOMMERCE/admin/modules.php(212) : eval()'d code on line 1



I need some help guys :(


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

No? Seems kind of odd you release a contribution "usefull for redeeming gift certificates" and then dont bother to even answer if it works with the only real gift cert contrib available here....


I'll take the silence as a no and the above confusion as an indication of the quality of this contribution. Thank you for taking the time to support your code.

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