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How to set order of product options?


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When I add my product options they seem to come up in random order, not by ID number, not by name. I'm baffled. How do I set the order of the product options? (I need the least expensive to come up first and so on.)


Any help would be appreciated!

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Hi Cindie,


I'm having the SAME trouble as you!!! I posted just a few threads above you (I'm Rockgremlin). I can't figure out how to set the order of product options either. You would think something this simple would merit a simple solution.


Unfortunately everyone is ignoring our posts! Are we posting in the correct section?


Tell you what, if you get any assistance with your problem, let me know, and I'll do the same for you! :thumbsup:

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Thanks Ed!


I wonder why the darned things weren't just designed to sort by ID number though, I mean they ARE numbered. Numbers, order... too simple for some people's liking I guess. :blink:

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